12 inches in 12 months challenge ***Wrap up***


Hair Coach
Ladies this is the last month of the challenge. I hope everyone did well!

How much did your hair grow?

How much length did you retain?

How many trims have you had and how much did you trim?

Do you feel like you made any progress while on this challenge?

Are you satisfied with your results?

My hair grew at least 6 inches. :clap:

I got 2 one inch trims. :ohwell:

I retained at least 4 inches of my growth. :)

I have made wonderful progress. I can do much more with my hair now than I could 1 year ago. :grin:

I am satisfied with my results. Some retention is better than none at all!! :cool:
I wasn't a member of this challenge either. I didn't become a member to this forum 'til April of this year.;)

I agree with Ms_Kenesha! DSD, your hair is beautiful and has made some great progress!:)

BTW, now that I have learned several hair tips over the months, I would love to join this challenge at the start of next year! On January 1, 2005, we should start the 12-inches in 12-months challenge again! :D
Thank you Ms. Kenesha and Poohbear!!
That means a lot!!
I guess if we had enough ladies that are willing to join we can start another challenge. We would have to rename it though. 12 inches in 12 months was kind of discouraging for some of the ladies.

I think we should call it the Super Grow Out challenge. We can try to gain as much length as possible within a year's time!!
Congrats on all your growth, DSD! Your hair is beautiful. I'd be interested in joining the Super Grow Out Challenge if you were to start one. :)
Are we gonna start another 12 inches in 12 months challenge. I want to join if we do since I was already going for the 6 inches in 6 months...might as well go all the way :rofl::rofl:
I would like to do a 12 inches in 12 months challenge! That way I can shoot for the stars but if I don't make it I won't be complaining because I would still retain more than usual just because I stepped it up!
I'm new, so I didn't participate in the challenge, but YOUR HAIR LOOKS GREAT!! Do you attribute this to the baggie method you describe so well?
I just ordered two phony dome-style buns so that I can start it myself.
Could you also tell me if you noticed a difference in length between the front/sides and the back?

well I didnt get an inch per month but I am heappy with the growth I did receive :) I think Im going to stick to my triimming schedule becaseu it seemed to pay off. Congrats to everyone esp ypu DSD your hair is beautiful :)
Thanks everyone!! :grin:

Your kind words mean a lot. You guys always give me the kind of encouragement I need.

I will start a separate thread to kick off the challenge. It will begin January 1, and end December 31, 2005.
Ladies this is the last month of the challenge. I hope everyone did well!

I feel like I did okay, I did gain this year. I have trouble gauging my growth, I really need to start wearing the same bra each time.

How much did your hair grow? I would say approximately 6-7 inches

How much length did you retain? 4 inches in the middle section of the back (not sure about the two sides, I can never get a good handle on them to stretch them out), 3 inches on the front sides, the top, hmmm not really sure an inch maybe (that's my worst area, I've been having some scalp problems right there).

How many trims have you had and how much did you trim? I had one that I did myself, which was about an inch and a half.

Do you feel like you made any progress while on this challenge?

I did make progress not as much as I wanted to make of course.

Are you satisfied with your results? I am happy for what I have achieved, because the year before that I lost hair :O. I am trying to figure out what I did in 2001 and early 2002 I got a lot of growth during that time. Maybe my hair is in a resting stage. Hopefully 2005 will be a better year.
Whew! I was trying to post to this thread for a couple days and couldn't post a thing anywhere. Thanks dimopoulis for fixing the problem! Well I didn't reach my goal of 9 inches in 2004 but I'm happy with my progress. I think I retained 4 inches and had 3 trims; Feb, June & December with about an inch each trim. I like the idea of the Super Grow Out Challenge instead of growing X amount of inches for the next year's challenge! I'm gonna join and hopefully it will inspire me to be more careful handling my ends. Wonderful progress you've made in both health & length DSD!
Chipmunk said:
Ladies this is the last month of the challenge. I hope everyone did well!

I feel like I did okay, I did gain this year. I have trouble gauging my growth, I really need to start wearing the same bra each time.

How much did your hair grow? I would say approximately 6-7 inches

How much length did you retain? 4 inches in the middle section of the back (not sure about the two sides, I can never get a good handle on them to stretch them out), 3 inches on the front sides, the top, hmmm not really sure an inch maybe (that's my worst area, I've been having some scalp problems right there).

How many trims have you had and how much did you trim? I had one that I did myself, which was about an inch and a half.

Do you feel like you made any progress while on this challenge?

I did make progress not as much as I wanted to make of course.

Are you satisfied with your results? I am happy for what I have achieved, because the year before that I lost hair :O. I am trying to figure out what I did in 2001 and early 2002 I got a lot of growth during that time. Maybe my hair is in a resting stage. Hopefully 2005 will be a better year.
Wonderful!! :clap:
jetcitygirl said:
Whew! I was trying to post to this thread for a couple days and couldn't post a thing anywhere. Thanks dimopoulis for fixing the problem! Well I didn't reach my goal of 9 inches in 2004 but I'm happy with my progress. I think I retained 4 inches and had 3 trims; Feb, June & December with about an inch each trim. I like the idea of the Super Grow Out Challenge instead of growing X amount of inches for the next year's challenge! I'm gonna join and hopefully it will inspire me to be more careful handling my ends. Wonderful progress you've made in both health & length DSD!
Thanks and congrats on your progress!!