12 inches in 12 months - 2014

Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I made an inch in a month! I know this thread isn't even a month old but I had to share. In April I got a relaxer and I had know if I made any progress in a month....I did! :grin:

I'm too lazy to make a length check shirt so i use this shirt. In April my hair stopped right under "HBCU" now my hair is touching "FAMU" on the 3rd row. I measured with a ruler and it a little over an inch.

details please :)
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Hey ladies. Hope you are well.

I just wanted to update my action plan, because if i'm being completely honest with you ( and myself), whist i've made lots of good healthy improvements, I haven't been doing the best I can, and theres a few more things i could be doing.

What i've added
Cowashing more often with a natural conditioner (Naturigin Moisture/Everday/Volume Conditioner) this is a keeper. every other day. I add honey and olive oil

Protein Spray on the very ends of my hair ( aphogee green tea keratin mist) My ends seem to split so easy. This helps ALOT.

Lazy Henna Treatment (Henna Amla Yoghurt and oil ) not worth the hassle to be honest. Hair was strengthened but also drying, and more brittle. Not to mention the mess

Castor oil Scalp massages (yes yes yes) feels great and seals moisture into the hair near the scalp. which i didn't realise was important until now. (its always about the ends isn't it) need to do this more often though.

Baggying. for a half hour every day. :yep: great

Vitamins (asda hair skin and nails similar to perfectil) :yep:

The occasional smoothie :yep: yummy

Shampoo and Aphogee 2 min 1 x week.

LOC with Hawaiian Silky miracle worker, A shea butter oil mousse that i make and Cantu

Things i'm going to add

Excercise 3x a week for an hour (I'm so lazy when it comes to excercise ladies. Not just for my hair, but for my body also. I have a cute butt but it'll look cuter when my hair touches it :) :yep: )

Inversion method. I've heard good things and it couldn't hurt.

Any suggestion ladies? What do you think? I really value your opinions
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Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

details please :)

This is everything I'm doing.....
1. I cornroll my hair.... during the week. I wear a satin bonnet on top then cover the bonnet with a scarf.
2. Everyday I spray my hair with my spritz (aloe vera juice, almond oil and water). Then I use Paul Mitchell leave-in conditioner "The Conditioner" with oils (grapeseed, evoo, castor, almond, jojoba). I just rub both in my hands together til it's creamy white and apply on each braid. On my ends I use castor oil or coconut oil. I alternate each day.
3. Every other night I do the greenhouse effect. (It worked very well when I was natural, now that I'm relaxed, I think it may over moisturize my hair)
4. Wash day (1x a week).... Pre-poo with warm coconut oil with plastic cap (1hr), shampoo with Joico K-Pak, condition with K-Pak, deep condition w/ Joico moisture recovery (1hr) with towel wrap. Rinse then spray with black tea (leave-in)....convinced this has stopped shedding hands down.
5. Diet
- drink 5-6 bottles of water a day
-eat one salad a day
-juice at least 4x a week
-eat seaweed chips
6. Vitamins
- Perfectil hair, skin, nails
- Chlorella
- Evening Primrose oil (only during my cycle)
7. Topical- JBCO and MSM liquid with oil (alternate them each day) motivated by NJoy. I got the recipe here: http://www.a1msm.co.uk/msm_lotion_recipe.htm

I'm not.....
-doing inversion
-deep conditioning with heat
-buying any new products (in the Middle East, there are little to no products here for us. I have to make the most with what I have)....just Joico. :grin:
-massaging my scalp

That's it.........:grin:
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Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I've been extremely busy so far this month and I think it's going to continue until June so this week I'm going to invest in a specific HSN, not sure which one yet but it has to be potent and that will help with growth as well. I haven't tried inversion as yet either and it couldn't hurt to try since it isn't that hard.

candie19 are you going to add any of the things you are not doing like exercising, massaging your scalp etc.?
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

candie19 are you going to add any of the things you are not doing like exercising, massaging your scalp etc.?

I'm so lazy I don't think I can add anything else. I joined a 30 day squat challenge on facebook. I do the squats then lay back down and watch tv.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm not a part of this challenge but I do lurk because I want to see what the challengers are doing to get 12 inches.
One technique I think my hair loves and may be promoting growth, is GHE. But I wrap my head in clear plastic (e.g. Saran Wrap). Most times I have my hair wrapped during the day under my wig and wig cap.

Vitamins: I plan to increase my biotin and HSN intake significantly. For as long as I have been taking biotin and HSN, I should look like Rapunzel.:grin: So I'm thinking the dosage isn't sufficient to yield results. (Don't worry I will monitor any effects.) Looking at the positive results I get from increasing my chlorella and spirulina lead me to think the same about these supplements. A s with most drugs/supplements, dosage matters for results. So I am applying that same principle to biotin and HSN.

Inversion: Inversion is older than old itself. :lachen: Hippocrates used it to treat patients. :grin: Also, growing up my Mom used to make us brush our hair with our heads hanging down between our legs. When a member posted a thread here on LHCF about inversion and people didn't believe it, I was surprised. Many cultures practice inversion as part of their medicinal, healing and various other systems (e.g. yoga, martial arts). Inversion increases blood flow to various regions of the body. It is best known for it's affect on back and neck pain. It's funny I vistited a friend last week, whom I had not seen in quite a while. He had purchased and was using an inversion table. He was using it for his back and general health.

I am glad the poster started the topic at the inversion link, because I have forgotten about this technique. I prescribe to the philosophy that increased blood flow to the head promotes growth. Same principle behind massaging the head, increased blood flow.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm so lazy I don't think I can add anything else. I joined a 30 day squat challenge on facebook. I do the squats then lay back down and watch tv.

:lachen::lachen: ok then...

yes, no point starting something if you already know that you won't be consistent with it.

Inversion: Inversion is older than old itself. :lachen: Hippocrates used it to treat patients. :grin: Also, growing up my Mom used to make us brush our hair with our heads hanging down between our legs. When a member posted a thread here on LHCF about inversion and people didn't believe it, I was surprised. Many cultures practice inversion as part of their medicinal, healing and various other systems (e.g. yoga, martial arts). Inversion increases blood flow to various regions of the body. It is best known for it's affect on back and neck pain. It's funny I vistited a friend last week, whom I had not seen in quite a while. He had purchased and was using an inversion table. He was using it for his back and general health.

I am glad the poster started the topic at the inversion link, because I have forgotten about this technique. I prescribe to the philosophy that increased blood flow to the head promotes growth. Same principle behind massaging the head, increased blood flow.

When I mentioned hanging off the bed, to my father yesterday, he said that (inversion) is nothing new. Of course, it would promote hair growth. Then he said, do some headstands. I was like oh really, why didn't you mention this before? :lol:

About two weeks ago, he said why don't you use hibiscus for your hair? I said, wait how do you know about that? Some of the ladies on the forum use it in their mixes. Then he said, people have been using hibiscus for years.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm up to 10,000 mg of MSM!!!!

Between MSM and my beloved Nioxin vits these are the only supplements that give me noticeable growth. I guess, It's all about our pre-disposition and what my body needs. Can't wait for our next check-in!
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

My diet has really sucked for the past couple of weeks. I can't blame exam season anymore :sad:
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I just undid one of them, there was no breakage as i unravelled it and my hair is lovely and moisturised, with no tangles even though i washed them twice so i think i'll try and suck it up :ohwell:
I was kidding myself with the added hair, my hair is really rather fine and doesn't do well with tension/weight
If summer wasnt on its way i'd consider a wig but ...
If i get distracted or disheartened i'll just imagine my plaits touching my back. They tickle my shoulders now but i really want them on my back :)

My hair is fine too and therefore can't withstand alot of pressure/weight. That's why I love putting it up in a high bun because the weight of the braids is not hanging down. I think I look cute with the high bun. I actually did something different this time with braiding my hair. I waited 3 weeks after giving myself a touchup and then I decided I wanted plaits/braids as a protective style. I really like it because the braids stayed smooth, not so much of the frizzing and my hairline looked very nice with the plaits. I will be taking them down this week, but won't be reapplying the braids until May 25th. I can't wait to take them down.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Hey ladies I hope you all are well. As I shared before my scalp can be troublesome so in addition to attempting 12 inches in 12 months I am trying to heal my scalp. I must admit that my scalp has improved which motivates me to stay consistent. So, I decided to purchase some neem oil. I must say that stuff smells really awful!

Is Neem oil suppose to be good for scalp conditions? As I'm getting older I find that I'm shedding more. I like the Ayurdedic powders/oils and started using Tricup oil mixed in with my MTG. I like the ingredients in the Tricup oil and it makes my hair shiny. I won't be able to tell how much hair shed until I come out of braids.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I made an inch in a month! I know this thread isn't even a month old but I had to share. In April I got a relaxer and I had know if I made any progress in a month....I did! :grin:

I'm too lazy to make a length check shirt so i use this shirt. In April my hair stopped right under "HBCU" now my hair is touching "FAMU" on the 3rd row. I measured with a ruler and it a little over an inch.

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the end of June pic. This is really encouraging because it shows it's not far fetch to get 1 inch a month. I applaud Inspired for her good idea when she posted last year 12 inches in 12 months because it can be done. Keep up the good work because obviously what you're doing is working for you.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Current Length: BSB
Goal for 2014: WSL

Internal specifically for this:
Biotin 1000, BioSil daily
Note: I also take Chlorella, Spirulina, msm, and vitamin c but not for hair growth, just to be healthy

Weekly or bi-weekly
- pre-poo with oil (HOT), EVCO base with other goodies
- wash, DC, clarify as needed
- air dry and bun or roller set with indirect heat
- oil scalp 2x a week with wild hair growth oil
- wear bun and m&s daily or if roller set wear down for no more than 2 days then bun
- GHE when bunning at night
- exercise no less than 3 days a week for an hour
- dust no less than every 8 weeks
- no less than 64 oz of water daily
- silk scarf at night

Note: none of this is new for me except the roller setting

Starting pic

View attachment 208683

Your regime sounds good. Don't forget if you have any tips/suggestions you want to share, please feel free to do so. We want to stay motivated and consistent by keeping our eyes on the goal.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the end of June pic. This is really encouraging because it shows it's not far fetch to get 1 inch a month. I applaud Inspired for her good idea when she posted last year 12 inches in 12 months because it can be done. Keep up the good work because obviously what you're doing is working for you.

With all the documented proof, I beginning to wonder why I didn't just go for an inch a month from the beginning of my HHJ... I think we tend to forget that an average of 1/2 inch a month is just that - an average. Growth can be higher or lower than that in any given month, depending on a variety of factors.

I've decided to set myself an end of year goal of anywhere between 14.5 to 16.5 inches. That way I don't obsess over length from week to week and once I reach that length by the end of December, then I know I'm on track for 12 inches in one year.
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Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Hey ladies. Hope you are well.

I just wanted to update my action plan, because if i'm being completely honest with you ( and myself), whist i've made lots of good healthy improvements, I haven't been doing the best I can, and theres a few more things i could be doing.

What i've added
Cowashing more often with a natural conditioner (Naturigin Moisture/Everday/Volume Conditioner) this is a keeper. every other day. I add honey and olive oil

Protein Spray on the very ends of my hair ( aphogee green tea keratin mist) My ends seem to split so easy. This helps ALOT.

Lazy Henna Treatment (Henna Amla Yoghurt and oil ) not worth the hassle to be honest. Hair was strengthened but also drying, and more brittle. Not to mention the mess

Castor oil Scalp massages (yes yes yes) feels great and seals moisture into the hair near the scalp. which i didn't realise was important until now. (its always about the ends isn't it) need to do this more often though.

Baggying. for a half hour every day. :yep: great

Vitamins (asda hair skin and nails similar to perfectil) :yep:

The occasional smoothie :yep: yummy

Shampoo and Aphogee 2 min 1 x week.

LOC with Hawaiian Silky miracle worker, A shea butter oil mousse that i make and Cantu

Things i'm going to add

Excercise 3x a week for an hour (I'm so lazy when it comes to excercise ladies. Not just for my hair, but for my body also. I have a cute butt but it'll look cuter when my hair touches it :) :yep: )

Inversion method. I've heard good things and it couldn't hurt.

Any suggestion ladies? What do you think? I really value your opinions

Thanks for all the good suggestions and sharing what things you do. I do henna treatments too using conditioner but I only do it once a month since I'm in plaits/braids. I started using Mane n Tail products because I remember years ago when I used it, I had very little shedding and breakage. All of what you're going to do sounds good!
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

This is everything I'm doing.....
1. I cornroll my hair.... during the week. I wear a satin bonnet on top then cover the bonnet with a scarf.
2. Everyday I spray my hair with my spritz (aloe vera juice, almond oil and water). Then I use Paul Mitchell leave-in conditioner "The Conditioner" with oils (grapeseed, evoo, castor, almond, jojoba). I just rub both in my hands together til it's creamy white and apply on each braid. On my ends I use castor oil or coconut oil. I alternate each day.
3. Every other night I do the greenhouse effect. (It worked very well when I was natural, now that I'm relaxed, I think it may over moisturize my hair)
4. Wash day (1x a week).... Pre-poo with warm coconut oil with plastic cap (1hr), shampoo with Joico K-Pak, condition with K-Pak, deep condition w/ Joico moisture recovery (1hr) with towel wrap. Rinse then spray with black tea (leave-in)....convinced this has stopped shedding hands down.
5. Diet
- drink 5-6 bottles of water a day
-eat one salad a day
-juice at least 4x a week
-eat seaweed chips
6. Vitamins
- Perfectil hair, skin, nails
- Chlorella
- Evening Primrose oil (only during my cycle)
7. Topical- JBCO and MSM liquid with oil (alternate them each day) motivated by NJoy. I got the recipe here: http://www.a1msm.co.uk/msm_lotion_recipe.htm

I'm not.....
-doing inversion
-deep conditioning with heat
-buying any new products (in the Middle East, there are little to no products here for us. I have to make the most with what I have)....just Joico. :grin:
-massaging my scalp

That's it.........:grin:

Your regime sounds good. We do all or some of the suggestions. Please tell more about seaweed chips? I know that kelp is good for you and your hair. Isn't this a form of kelp? What brand do you recommend.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I've been extremely busy so far this month and I think it's going to continue until June so this week I'm going to invest in a specific HSN, not sure which one yet but it has to be potent and that will help with growth as well. I haven't tried inversion as yet either and it couldn't hurt to try since it isn't that hard.

candie19 are you going to add any of the things you are not doing like exercising, massaging your scalp etc.?

Yes inversion is excellent. This is the one thing I try to incorporate into my day because the blood gets to the scalp rather quickly. I'm going to try a new hair vitamin called Hair Accel that's specifically geared to African American hair. I just ordered one month and I will see. I stopped taking the prenatal but I will use the hair vitamin with a multivitamin.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm not a part of this challenge but I do lurk because I want to see what the challengers are doing to get 12 inches.
One technique I think my hair loves and may be promoting growth, is GHE. But I wrap my head in clear plastic (e.g. Saran Wrap). Most times I have my hair wrapped during the day under my wig and wig cap.

Vitamins: I plan to increase my biotin and HSN intake significantly. For as long as I have been taking biotin and HSN, I should look like Rapunzel.:grin: So I'm thinking the dosage isn't sufficient to yield results. (Don't worry I will monitor any effects.) Looking at the positive results I get from increasing my chlorella and spirulina lead me to think the same about these supplements. A s with most drugs/supplements, dosage matters for results. So I am applying that same principle to biotin and HSN.

Inversion: Inversion is older than old itself. :lachen: Hippocrates used it to treat patients. :grin: Also, growing up my Mom used to make us brush our hair with our heads hanging down between our legs. When a member posted a thread here on LHCF about inversion and people didn't believe it, I was surprised. Many cultures practice inversion as part of their medicinal, healing and various other systems (e.g. yoga, martial arts). Inversion increases blood flow to various regions of the body. It is best known for it's affect on back and neck pain. It's funny I vistited a friend last week, whom I had not seen in quite a while. He had purchased and was using an inversion table. He was using it for his back and general health.

I am glad the poster started the topic at the inversion link, because I have forgotten about this technique. I prescribe to the philosophy that increased blood flow to the head promotes growth. Same principle behind massaging the head, increased blood flow.

Inversion is the best. It also helps defy gravity at least for a period of time and if done daily, the results are cumulative.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

:lachen::lachen: ok then...

yes, no point starting something if you already know that you won't be consistent with it.

When I mentioned hanging off the bed, to my father yesterday, he said that (inversion) is nothing new. Of course, it would promote hair growth. Then he said, do some headstands. I was like oh really, why didn't you mention this before? :lol:

About two weeks ago, he said why don't you use hibiscus for your hair? I said, wait how do you know about that? Some of the ladies on the forum use it in their mixes. Then he said, people have been using hibiscus for years.

Yes, I told you that headstands were good! I knew about it too some years ago, but just stopped doing them. Since we're on this challenge to get 12 inches in 12 months, this will definitely help. Yes hibiscus is really good. I use it in my ayuredic scalp cleanses and you just reminded me, I need to order more because I just ran out. You can use either infused in oil or powder mixed with other powders for conditioning.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Whew! It has been so busy today and I'm just getting around to posting.

Another week has come and gone. I hope everyone is still on track. I oil my scalp every day and moisturise my braids everyday. I do this step consistently. I also do my headstands consistently and try to exercise at least 4-5 times a week. I'm still working on more water intake. I ordered a new brand of hair vitamins and I will see how it does. Can't wait until end of June to see how all of us are doing. So many have shared so many fine points. Keep them coming. It seems like inversion/headstands are the rave in this thread. I've decided not to eat wheat germ muffins, but I will be eating wheat germ as a cereal with cream and raisins. My brewer's yeast arrived and I will be taking this along with MSM starting tomorrow. In order to achieve goal, must put forth effort to get there. You only get out, what you put in. Let's stay motivated and encouraged.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm up to 10,000 mg of MSM!!!!

Between MSM and my beloved Nioxin vits these are the only supplements that give me noticeable growth. I guess, It's all about our pre-disposition and what my body needs. Can't wait for our next check-in!

The MSM is something I just started incorporating into my healthy regime. I forgot about this supplement. I have a hair growth visual of MSM that I keep. It shows where hair can grow it looks like an additional 1/2 inch just using MSM. I'm not in the office, but I will post the pic when I get to work tomorrow. Are the Nioxin vitamins good? I can't wait until next check in either. Thanks for sharing about the MSM.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Another tip I want to share is Vitamin E oil. Does anyone apply to hair? I added to my hair growth mix that I apply to my scalp, but I took down one of my plaits and after adding some CFC (curl free curl activator) I sealed it with some vitamin e oil and my hair was soooo smooth and soft. I just put in another order from Puritan Pride because I use it on my face and now I will be using it on my hair. I was impressed with the results.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

The MSM is something I just started incorporating into my healthy regime. I forgot about this supplement. I have a hair growth visual of MSM that I keep. It shows where hair can grow it looks like an additional 1/2 inch just using MSM. I'm not in the office, but I will post the pic when I get to work tomorrow. Are the Nioxin vitamins good? I can't wait until next check in either. Thanks for sharing about the MSM.

Unfortunately, Nioxin discontinue their pills that everyone RAVED about (incl me!). There are some folks out there still selling them but the price has gone from $24 to $120+ a bottle :nono::nono:
Another tip I want to share is Vitamin E oil. Does anyone apply to hair? I added to my hair growth mix that I apply to my scalp, but I took down one of my plaits and after adding some CFC (curl free curl activator) I sealed it with some vitamin e oil and my hair was soooo smooth and soft. I just put in another order from Puritan Pride because I use it on my face and now I will be using it on my hair. I was impressed with the results.

I have some vitamin e oil in my cabinet. Im going to give it a try.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

Is Neem oil suppose to be good for scalp conditions? As I'm getting older I find that I'm shedding more. I like the Ayurdedic powders/oils and started using Tricup oil mixed in with my MTG. I like the ingredients in the Tricup oil and it makes my hair shiny. I won't be able to tell how much hair shed until I come out of braids.

Neem is supposed to be good to treat a variety of scalp issues including scalp psoriasis which I have, but that stuff STINKS BAD!!!! My hair is growing but I need to pay just as much attention to me ends as I do my scalp or I am going to e forced to cut into my progress:perplexed. So I will increase my m&s to daily. I will be using moisture plus and coconut oil.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

How is everybody doing with keeping consistent. I know sometimes we forget. I forgot this morning to take my brewers yeast and msm drink. I will get back on track though. I will be taking down my plaits/braids tonight. I won't be washing and putting back into braids until next weekend. What I'm going to do after washing, protein treatment, henna gloss, and moisturising conditioner, I will spray my hair with leave in moisturising spray, add little of neutrogena silk leave in and seal with vitamin e oil. I keep going back and forth about conditioner washes. I've never did them before and I'm so afraid of getting buildup with my braids. I have the list of cone free conditioners and I've always loved White Rain, so perhaps I start using it at least 2-3 times a week. Like everything, I guess I'm going to have to test it out to see how my hair responds.
Re: 12 inches in 12 months - 2013

I'm still here. The weekend was hectic so not sure what I did and didn't do.
I know I used NJoy's growth oil Saturday as I DCd under heat. um, I think I did inversion :look: I can't remember.

Monday was hectic so didn't get in anything. I got back to it yesterday.
Got my water, inversion, oiling, baggying, vitamins and supplements in.

On track so far to get it in today. I tried to do inversion this morning but I was so sleeping I was pretty much just standing up with my head resting on top of the bed. :lol: