100% silk scarves are the truth


New Member
I just wanted to introduce my self, i started my journey just a month ago. I was tired of the cycling between some progress, damaged hair, BC cycle. My hair alternated between APL and SL, but was always healthy but lately I wanted longer hair.
Things I did not do before joining the board
1. Did not wash often, would sometimes wait 3-4 weeks
2. Used a lot of heat
3. Did not sleep with a scarf all the time, I actually used a cotton scarf sometimes, lol
4. I never DCed
5. I am scissor happy, and would self trim all the time
6. Did not moisturize often

So since LHCF, i have been having problems with the satin scarves, they were uncomfortable and i just could not keep em on all night, well last week I ordered a 100% silk scarf on amazon, and wow, its so soft, its like i have nothing on, slept through the night with no discomfort, so to any others who have problems with the satin scarves, please upgrade to 100% silk, its the best $20 I ever spent!!
Where are you getting your silk scarves from? Thought about going to the fabric store and letting them cut me a couple squares..What's the going price on silk in a fabric store?

I'm not droppin' $40 on a silk scarf in a department store with prints and such just to go to sleep in.

ETA. Goin off to amazon.com!
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I agree. I just bought two silk scarves at Marshall's. They're wonderful. I even use them as headbands in my twist outs--it's much more comfortable and I don't get pressure headaches.
Where are you getting your silk scarves from? Thought about going to the fabric store and letting them cut me a couple squares..What's the going price on silk in a fabric store?

I'm not droppin' $40 on a silk scarf in a department store with prints and such just to go to sleep in.

I have two of them. One I got from Marshall's for 13 bucks (it's on the small side though). Another I got from Daffy's (it's like Marshall's) for 13 bucks and it's huge! I love it and use the big one primarily (I like to wrap the ends of the scarf around the top of my head). Just check the clearance racks at those types of places and I'll sure you'll find one.
Mizz brown,
I went to amazon and got, Silk Luxus Scarf (Free Worldwide Shipping) by The Hong Kong Silk Co.
the scarf is i think 34 inches by 34 inches
It was 19.99, and the shipping was free, It came in two days, and I love it so much, I want to order another color, now I dont think I can ever use the satin ones again
I use a pure silk scarf too, I really think they help preserve the hair. The scarves you get from beauty stores are of very poor quality.
i purchased 3 Oscar de la Renta silk scarves from Marshalls of all different sizes for less than $20 each.

so light that i walked out the house and forgot to take it off til i looked in my rearview mirror!
Mizz brown,
I went to amazon and got, Silk Luxus Scarf (Free Worldwide Shipping) by The Hong Kong Silk Co.
the scarf is i think 34 inches by 34 inches
It was 19.99, and the shipping was free, It came in two days, and I love it so much, I want to order another color, now I dont think I can ever use the satin ones again
Hey envivany, can you put the direct link? You could cut and paste it from your browser. Welcome to LHCF! Reading your background/introduction really remindered me of my own hair. I wonder if your hair type is 4a?
Yes, they are! I got two a while back from Old Navy when a thread was posted here. I love them and am wearing one right now!:drunk:
Where are you getting your silk scarves from? Thought about going to the fabric store and letting them cut me a couple squares..What's the going price on silk in a fabric store?

I'm not droppin' $40 on a silk scarf in a department store with prints and such just to go to sleep in.

ETA. Goin off to amazon.com!

Depending on what kind of silk you get you may can get some for 10.00 a yard which would make 2 scarves it you want them bigger.
You can also find them on www.tenderheaded.com.

I dont know anything about sewing or I would try to do my own also.

Wheezy...thanks for the link.

ETA...They are $12.90.
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I am also weary of just buying a silk scarf anywhere even if it is cheaper, I really want 100% silk, don't want a blend, after all my bad experiences, lol. I am into fabric, and I know its really unrealistic to expect a scarf to be 100% silk at the cost of $12 but I may be wrong, I need it to say 100% silk not just silk before I buy, because if not, its probably a silk blend, from what I know from buying fabric (my mother makes uniforms, sheets, curtains, you name it for many companies), it is unrealistic to expect a 12 dollar scarf at 34 by 34 inches to be 100% silk, or else you are buying in bulk, just my 2 cents
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Y'all know what? I am sooo THROUGH with my scarves and head wraps that I've been buying from the BSS. They either HURT my head and I end up waking in the morning with a headache... or they come off in the middle of the night because I either didn't tie it tight enough for fear of getting a headache, or just plain sleeping like a wild crackhead...:nono:
Or I get those lines around the top of my hairline that don't go away until about two hours into the workday.:perplexed

I ain't got money to throw away, but I know this is DEFINITELY a buy that is worth it... I had a silk scarf, I dont know HOW or WHERE I got it from, but somebody else paid for it... I rocked that thing til the wheels fell off!!:lachen:

The ends I tied together were all frayed, and then when I tried to fold and tie from the other direction, the scarf was all stretched out... THEN a tear started happening in the middle of it, which looked like a stocking w/a run in it... LAWD! I need a new one! BADLY!!!

I do take donations!!!:grin:
I am also weary of just buying a silk scarf anywhere even if it is cheaper, I really want 100% silk, don't want a blend, after all my bad experiences, lol. I am into fabric, and I know its really unrealistic to expect a scarf to be 100% silk at the cost of $12 but I may be wrong, I need it to say 100% silk not just silk before I buy, because if not, its probably a silk blend, from what I know from buying fabric (my mother makes uniforms, sheets, curtains, you name it for many companies), it is unrealistic to expect a 12 dollar scarf at 34 by 34 inches to be 100% silk, or else you are buying in bulk, just my 2 cents

one of my 100% silk scarves was $12.99 at Marshalls, another 14.99 and another 16.99. they were all recognizable designer names and all were indeed 100% silk, not blends.
one of my 100% silk scarves was $12.99 at Marshalls, another 14.99 and another 16.99. they were all recognizable designer names and all were indeed 100% silk, not blends.
Oh, the ones at tenderheaded are 100% silk also. :yep:
well thanks guys for clearing that up, I wash my scarves often, will definitely be looking at marshalls and tenderheaded for back up scarves, as I only have one silk scarf at the moment
well thanks guys for clearing that up, I wash my scarves often, will definitely be looking at Marshall's and tenderheaded for back up scarves, as I only have one silk scarf at the moment

yw. I wish my Marshalls had the pure silk scarves. I never see them there. Only the polyester or polyester blend. I am going to try TJ max also.

Oh, envivany, the lady at tenderheaded.com said their scarves are 100% habotai silk. HTH