10 Things Professional Hairstylists Want Us To Stop Doing To Our Hair


Well-Known Member

I laughed out loud at some of these....especially the home cutting, styling and color since those are the main things naturals do on their own with GREAT results.

“(Stop) leaving installs in forever and wanting to come in for tightenings! Your hair breaks that way.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Nikita Gibson, Joire’s Spa & Studio
IG: @Nikita__G

“At home haircuts and trims!!”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Brittny, Muse Textures Salon
IG: @BrittmakesYuBeautiful

“Stop self diagnosing hair damage. Seek a professional natural hairstylist and respect their opinion.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Fawne Smith, Salon Noa
IG: @Salonnoa

“Stop with the coconut oil and Shea butter. A quality hair product costs more than $10 and an excellent stylist will charge accordingly.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Aeleise J.
IG: @HairLoveArt
**Sort of like the $200 sneakers that only cost $2 to make, right?

“Lay off the grease please! You’re clogging your hair follicles; they need to breathe!”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
MaKeba Lindsay
IG: @Ynotkeeb, YouTube:Ynotkeeb

“Stop thinking that finger detangling = detangling. Please use a wide tooth comb. Contrary to popular belief, it will not rip your hair out. Don’t ask me why your hair is breaking off or splitting if you haven’t trimmed your hair in 1.5 years. I got’s no sympathy and nothing but real tough love.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Daria, Chicago Curl Collective
IG: @DariaTheCurlArtist

“Stop advising stylists from tips you got from YouTube…Great tutorials but experience and education trump “kitchen beautician.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Shear Essence Hair Salon
IG: @Brwnsuga76

“Please stop loading products in your hair before coming to get it done.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Nikki J.
IG: @MsNikkiJDotCom
**Dickey actually advises clients to show up with conditioner in their hair.

“At home hair color.”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
Keysha, The Chair Studio
IG: @KeysOfBeauty

“Stop trimming, coloring and getting advice from YouTube!”
Dec 3, 2015
By Aishia Stickland
IG: Shockey843
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#'s 1, 5 & 8 make sense to my non-professional hairstylist self. But from the beginning of my journey I have been a heavy proponent of DIY. There is nothing more empowering than learning, nurturing and caring for your own hair imho. Chicks be going to professional stylists for years and their hair may sometimes look good but it never truly thrives and if it does it doesn't do so consistently. So you end up bouncing from stylist to stylist when you could have simply spent the time mastering your own hair.

The things I have learned here, on you tube and all the other boards I frequent are invaluable to me. I have, and am passing this new way of haircare down to my sons and daughters. Even my DH has benefited whether he cares to admit it or not :)

I'll continue to DIY. Haven't been to a stylist in forever. If I take a hair loss it's on me & I don't have to slap a b!+c#. The things I put in my hair (at times it's been just shea butter & coconut oil :) a stylist would never put in; the treatments, the DC's the whatever we ladies do within our varied reggies...
They sound silly. Stop getting advice from youtube? The hair vloggers seem to be doing just fine with beautiful heads of hair. And stop finger detangling? There are some people I see - cough cough on youtube - that haven't used a comb in years and they have beautiful hair. Not everyone will work for everything but their catch all instructions are disappointing. They're just dying to keep their purses empty huh?
Listen, listen listen Linda, since I became natural and then mildly texlaxed my own hair, then stopped going to the salon, my hair looking a lot better and thriving like crazy. Literally in almost 1.5 years, I went from big chop to almost APL since I stopped having a stylist do my hair.

I had both stylists in my salon wash and treat my hair and they both have one thing in common - they do NOT know how to handle highly textured hair. I cringed when they combed my beautiful lovelies using fine toothed combs.

I explained to them that I do not use fine tooth combs to detangle my hair - I only use a detangling comb. They said it won't do a good job of detangling like a fine toothed comb. Needless to say, neither of them have touched my hair since.

Coconut oil, evoo, and butters are my new hair besties right now so I don't care what they have to say about them. I love them unconditionally:2inlove:

Like @IDareT'sHair said, I see some empty pockets up on the hair stylists horizon. Truthfully though, if they handled my hair like I do, I might have my hair done by a professional stylist a few times a year:hide:.....Maybe!
Many of these I absolutely don't agree with, some of them are pretty much telling people not to master caring for their hair. All the same books and material they learn from are available online. I especially hated the comment about quality products costing more than 10 dollars. There are alot of expensive trash out there and many of my favorite products are under $10 AND have saved my hair.

The only thing I want to learn is how to flat iron my hair like Reniece.


Off to do my own long natural hair...
“(Stop) leaving installs in forever and wanting to come in for tightenings! Your hair breaks that way.”

I don't know anything about this...

“At home haircuts and trims!!”

I agree only if you do it often, extremely bad and keep going to the hair dressers wanting them to fix it.

“Stop self diagnosing hair damage. Seek a professional natural hairstylist and respect their opinion.”

My eyeballs and nerve endings in my hands work just fine. I can detect damage pretty accurately by myself.

“Stop with the coconut oil and Shea butter. A quality hair product costs more than $10 and an excellent stylist will charge accordingly.”

A quality hair product costs more than $10? TJ Maxx, Walgreens, Walmart, Ross, Marshalls, Sally's, Ulta, CVS and the bss says differently.

“Lay off the grease please! You’re clogging your hair follicles; they need to breathe!”

Explain how something that can't enter your hair follicles can clog it. I'll wait. Science says grease (petrol products) are non-comedogenic (meaning they don't clog pores) and based on other points made in this article, I'd say that most of you don't rely on science for your advice.

“Stop thinking that finger detangling = detangling. Please use a wide tooth comb. Contrary to popular belief, it will not rip your hair out. Don’t ask me why your hair is breaking off or splitting if you haven’t trimmed your hair in 1.5 years. I got’s no sympathy and nothing but real tough love.”

People who find that finger detangling works for them don't need your sympathy or real tough love. I'm quite sure they get enough love from their shiny, bouncy, healthy head of hair that they and others enjoy.

“Stop advising stylists from tips you got from YouTube…Great tutorials but experience and education trump “kitchen beautician.”

The reason why their using tips from youtube (the good and the bad) is because obviously whatever you're doing isn't cutting it so they figure maybe a change will do this situation good.

“Please stop loading products in your hair before coming to get it done.”

It's loaded in there to protect from your abuse.

“At home hair color.”

Yes, because a stylist always does better. Let me go look up the whole string of celeb women who have to wear fake hair because professional stylists have bleached/colored and burnt their hair to oblivion.

“Stop trimming, coloring and getting advice from YouTube!”

Yeah... we already addressed that.

I'm not against salons, I'm really not, but dang... these people make salons sound like they're filled with a bunch of money-hungry, close minded idiots. Like how do you state absolutes when clearly a lot of the items you disagree with work for so many?
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How about a list of ten things black women want stylists to stop doing to our hair. I'll start:
1. When I tell you to trim my hair, don't cut off three inches.
2. When you put relaxer on my hair, don't walk away from my chair to order your lunch and talk to your man on the phone.
3. I know my hair/scalp better than YOU do! If I tell you its too much heat - then I mean STOP! cause its too much heat!!
How about a list of ten things black women want stylists to stop doing to our hair. I'll start:
1. When I tell you to trim my hair, don't cut off three inches.
2. When you put relaxer on my hair, don't walk away from my chair to order your lunch and talk to your man on the phone.

Don't schedule five different clients for the same time slot. You are not that gifted that you can transform space and time. Learn to use the calendar function in your phone. Or maybe even go the extra mile and hire a scheduler/ receptionist to help your productivity. It also helps with your salons image and allows you to focus on what is important...my hair.
I agree with most of the points she made to a degree. The only thing I don't agree with is no at home trims. Sometimes i want to trim a small amount for hair health, not style. You're a stylist. When you trim you are going to trim my hair into a style to polish my look. Nothing wrong with that but that's not what I want when I'm growing my hair.

I don't think natural stylists say this because they are motivated by empty pockets. My natural hair stylist STAYS booked. I have to book her a month in advance sometimes.
How about a list of ten things black women want stylists to stop doing to our hair. I'll start:
1. When I tell you to trim my hair, don't cut off three inches.
2. When you put relaxer on my hair, don't walk away from my chair to order your lunch and talk to your man on the phone.
This is a good idea.
3. If it takes 2 hours to do my hair I don't need to be in your shop 4, 5,6 hours
4. A 4 pm appointment doesn't mean you wash me at 4:50 and then make me sit at the wash bowl for another 45+ minutes waiting to be set.
If she don't sit down somewhere. Yeah I must be doing a horrible job if my hair is healthy and almost waist length yet I cut and color my own hair plus I finger detangle and use coconut oil like my life depends on it. When I went to a stylist my hair never got past BSL. I'm doing just fine with my $6 coconut oil and my $3 leave in boo.
This is a good idea.
3. If it takes 2 hours to do my hair I don't need to be in your shop 4, 5,6 hours
4. A 4 pm appointment doesn't mean you wash me at 4:50 and then make me sit at the wash bowl for another 45+ minutes waiting to be set.
How about this:
When I sit in your chair for my service, that's not the time for you to leave to go to the beauty supply to buy the products you need to use.
You should not be asking me to run and grab you a bite to eat before, during or after my appointment. My appt should not be delayed for you to eat and do whatever else. Instead, incorporate a lunch break in your day and end your day at a decent hour to eat dinner.

Stop trying to comb my hair with a fine tooth comb before combing it with a wide tooth comb.

Stop snatching on my head like you have an attitdue. Yes, I have tangle prone hair. Sorry, it happens.

Stop combing my hair from root to tip!!!