10 Things Professional Hairstylists Want Us To Stop Doing To Our Hair

Before the internet blew up with hair information from women who looked like me and had hair like me, I thought going to the salon was the end all be all of black haircare.

I too think empty-pocket syndrome is hitting a lot of stylists. Look at me - I haven't been to a salon since 2011 (?) and I even learned how to self-relax. As I sit here playing with my past BSL hair, I can't take them seriously. I was stuck at a damaged SL and shorter for too many years. I should've been WL several times with my bi-weekly appointments, right?

There are plenty of things I think a hair professional needs to do, but as of right now, me and my hair are doing just fine.
^^^A professional stylist needs to now how to cut hair. But so many get those scissors in their hands and their high functioning sociopath disorder reveals itself immediately. A lot of us here suffer from PTSD from a lot of things beauticians and braiders have put us through.
Most of what she said was true. It doesn't mean all stylist are perfect but a lot of what she said has been repeated here many times. No need to ignore the truth just because of the messenger. The only thing I disagree with her on is the self trimming and the at home coloring.
Like Anthony Dickey said, "That's just disrespectful."
Dickey has been my stylist for years and I've only had one bad experience there with his assistant. She was ripping my hair out with a fine tooth comb. I told her to get a wide tooth comb or I was going to comb it out myself. Another assistant came over and detangled my hair. Then she started blowing my hair with heat so hot my scalp started to fry. I told her she's got one more time to burn me. Dickey came over and took over her job. The next time I went to the salon, she was no where to be found. Gone.
Dickey has been my stylist for years and I've only had one bad experience there with his assistant. She was ripping my hair out with a fine tooth comb. I told her to get a wide tooth comb or I was going to comb it out myself. Another assistant came over and detangled my hair. Then she started blowing my hair with heat so hot my scalp started to fry. I told her she's got one more time to burn me. Dickey came over and took over her job. The next time I went to the salon, she was no where to be found. Gone.
Amen! Where is he located? NY? I would love to get an appointment with him like once a year.
This is for people who jack their hair up, then come asking for a miracle lol
Most of what she said was true. It doesn't mean all stylist are perfect but a lot of what she said has been repeated here many times. No need to ignore the truth just because of the messenger. The only thing I disagree with her on is the self trimming and the at home coloring.

I think (or hope anyway) that everyone in this thread knows people who have jacked up their own head by doing things at home. That's part of the reason we're all here :lol: But the way these stylists (not just in this thread, but stuff like this has come from other stylists) are talking is that this stuff should never be done. Everything that they stated has worked for numerous people on this board, youtube and the rest of the world - there's proof it works. What they should say is that people should pay attention when they do things themselves and see how their hair responds. That's not what they said. They are stating absolutes and deserved to be debunked with them also. Even you said that you disagree with her statements on self trimming and home coloring, which show that she is trying to tell you not to do something that works for you and to go spend your money on a professional when you know good and well your hair responds well to it.

Edit: I'm going to start carrying a picture of Naomi Campbell around with me just in case I run into one of these "don't do it at home" stylists to show them what decades of going to a professional can do :lol:
I wish they would go back to publishing their prices. Why is it that the price changed from to week for the same service?

The last time I went to a black owned salon, the stylist JACKED up my color and blamed it on me. She asked no questions and my hair was orange. Never again.

Why is my hair longer and thicker than it's been in years?. My salon styled hair was flat, lifeless and finer than ever.

Skip your "suggestions". My hair is doing better without them.
My setback in June was from a beautician overlapping a relaxer almost to the ends my hair... Now I have to correct the **** she done.. I'm through with hair stylists other than for a special flat iron I'm done
I heard about the joke but I had never watched the video. I kept thinking he must be doing what he sees his father do when his parents talk. Haha. With his hands on his hips talking about listen Linda.

I showed this to my husband and he said that little boy learned from the master (his daddy). :giggle:
I wish a child of mine would call me by my first name.

New stylist rules:

#10 - Stop looking perplexed when I ask you if you have heat protectant. You may want to fry your hair like a piece of cheap polyester but I treat my hair like the finest cashmere.

#11 - One or two pumps of heat protectant won't work on BSL hair! Don't be stingy with the product!

#12 - When I tell you to wash my hair in sections because my hair is already detangled, I'm trying to save you and me the grief of me snatching the comb out of your hand.
I wish stylists would work with us instead of against us. I'd love to go to a healthy hair salon for a treat every once in awhile.

The few stylists that do this stay booked. But for me, I'm not about to wait 6 months for a hair appointment! I'll just keep doing my hair myself at home.
I stopped going to the salon a while ago.. when I do go in it's for a simple wash and blowdry nothing else. However every time I go i'm told I'm in need of a major trim even though i'm braided up in wigs 95% of the time.
OMG your stylist sounds like this girl I went to last year when I was natural. Every time I went to her she would always say I needed a trim and the last time I went to her she said I had some crazy amount of inches of split ends. Went to a different stylist and they said no such thing.

But yeah I'm a proud DIYer, outside of retouches I do everything else myself.
The funniest thing I've seen recently was a video of a product aimed at Professionals (stylists). The advice given was how to steam and style natural hair. But what was comical was the emphasis on "letting professionals do the work" while emphasizing techniques taught FIRST by a largely DIY audience.
This thread is hilarious!!! But no, I finally found an awesome, non-scissor happy stylist, right? She straightened my hair and its since gone back to curly with no damage. But when the conversation turned to henna, she was like NOOOOO
It's gonna turn your hair green, your hair is gonna turn a crazy red, it doesn't do anything special for your hair!!!!
I was like....okay? I've been on LHCF and SEEN how amazing henna is, don't tell me these things..... So I went ahead and did it that same weekend and it turned out amazing. It literally defined my 4C curls like I've never seen and allows my hair to retain moisture so well.
Ugh...even the conscious ones can be like this sometimes.
This thread is hilarious!!! But no, I finally found an awesome, non-scissor happy stylist, right? She straightened my hair and its since gone back to curly with no damage. But when the conversation turned to henna, she was like NOOOOO
It's gonna turn your hair green, your hair is gonna turn a crazy red, it doesn't do anything special for your hair!!!!
I was like....okay? I've been on LHCF and SEEN how amazing henna is, don't tell me these things..... So I went ahead and did it that same weekend and it turned out amazing. It literally defined my 4C curls like I've never seen and allows my hair to retain moisture so well.
Ugh...even the conscious ones can be like this sometimes.

Here is my caution. Henna is AWESOME. But, if you EVER think about getting your hair "professionally" color at any point after using henna, please tell your colorist.

The only way your stylist's advice becomes correct is IF you forget to mention it. Don't ask me how I know this.:afropick:
This thread is hilarious!!! But no, I finally found an awesome, non-scissor happy stylist, right? She straightened my hair and its since gone back to curly with no damage. But when the conversation turned to henna, she was like NOOOOO
It's gonna turn your hair green, your hair is gonna turn a crazy red, it doesn't do anything special for your hair!!!!
I was like....okay? I've been on LHCF and SEEN how amazing henna is, don't tell me these things..... So I went ahead and did it that same weekend and it turned out amazing. It literally defined my 4C curls like I've never seen and allows my hair to retain moisture so well.
Ugh...even the conscious ones can be like this sometimes.

In her defense, I read that fake henna products do cause light hair to turn green, give poor results, and doesnt play well with chemicals. I think you'll be okay if you use BAQ henna from well known suppliers and don't chemically color your hair.