10 Signs Hes Not The One


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Dating Tips: 10 Signs He's Not the One By YourTango.com Photo: Getty Images Updated: Jan 28, 2010

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Some people say they "just knew" that they were dating their future spouse. But what about the rest of us? What happens when you're not sure if he's The One? If you're considering long-term commitment or marriage, it's time to ask yourself some tough questions. Below, 10 signs that may indicate he's not for you.
1. You have a list of things he needs to stop doing/saying/wearing if he wants your relationship to work. If you're fixating on his flaws, he's either not the one you want or you're not ready for a serious relationship. Cutting him loose allows you time to grow and gives you the opportunity to meet a guy whose flaws you can embrace -- or at least accept.
2. You don't trust him. A small dose of jealousy can be healthy, but if you're hacking into his email account, and going berserk when he goes out without you, something's wrong. If there's something about him that truly warrants your distrust, then perhaps he's not the right one for you.
3. You avoid conflict at any cost. Fighting is healthy. And, when done right (in the non-accusatory, rational sort of way), it can be a great way to air grievances, fix problems in your relationship, and come to a deeper understanding of each other. Ignoring problems is not the same as having no problems at all... even if it looks that way.
4. When you're sad, you don't turn to him for comfort. When you're a giant ball of tears and snot, do you lock yourself into the bathroom so he can't see you at your worst? If you're worried about scaring him away, one of you isn't ready for total commitment. Mr. Right should make you smile through your tears and be a calming, not stressful, presence.
5. One of you is struggling with an addiction. He's sweet. He's exciting. He loves you very much. But he loves his alcohol habit or his weekly gambling fix more. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can change him or that your relationship will be strong enough to withstand the heartache that addiction will inevitably bring. An addict may be able to change, but he'll do so on his own terms.
6. You can't really imagine him as the father of your children.Ask yourself: Would he make a great parent? Is he financially responsible? Would he be an equal partner in your future together? If you have doubts, he's probably not the one.
7. Your long-term, non-negotiable goals in life are incompatible. You want kids; he doesn't. You go to church every week; he's an atheist. He lives in the country and doesn't want to move; you can't imagine ever leaving the city. Superficial differences can be overcome, but differences in basic values are harder to smooth over. Ask yourself: "Would I be willing to compromise on this?" If the answer is absolutely not, you may not be right for each other.
8. You don't respect each other. He puts you down in front of your friends and complains about you to his parents. You roll your eyes when he talks because there's just something about him that embarrasses you. A relationship without respect can't sustain itself.
9. You're not attracted to him. Physical intimacy is a hugely important component of a romantic relationship. If he doesn't do it for you, he's probably not your best long-term match.
10. On paper he seems great, but you have this strange feeling... Don't ignore your gut. You may get along on a superficial level, but if your instincts are telling you he's not the one for you, listen. That little voice inside your head does not lie.
[highlight]7. Your long-term, non-negotiable goals in life are incompatible.[/highlight]

so important and often overlooked

thinking the person will change with time and "see things my way," or the "we'll deal with it when the tome comes mentality"...seen that end in disaster too many times
Great article, esp. the parts about 'You don't respect each other' and the on-paper guy.
On point.
This is an excellent list. Sadly, in the past I have wasted valuable time with men who fit 8 or 9 of these points. :ohwell:
Yes great points---I just had one that had the addiction that wasnt willing to let go of, i couldnt see having a future with or even having kids with. Number one was another thing too. well shoot the whole list was alot for him so i just had to let him go...but some great points!! :)
# 4 is so important yet so forgotten. It reminds me of an ex that when I found out my brother was in the hospital and I couldn't get home, just looked at me like I was crazy when I broke down and cried in front of him.

He even said "It's not like he's dead so why are you crying?"

I mean he didn't offer a hug, a prayer or anything and that made me feel like crap.

After that, whenever I got sad, I would cry alone because I knew I couldn't trust him with my feelings. This amongst other things is how I knew he wasn't the one for me. This is why I broke the engagement off and gave the ring back.

This is why I am now with a man that paid for my flight back home when my mother landed in the hospital, needed emergency surgery, and weeks of recovery. A man that even flew himself to my hometown the last few days I was there just so I wouldn't have to fly back alone.

Im telling you ladies...they are literally spelling it out for us. We need to stop settling for these men that don't have our best interest at heart. Period!
OMG at No. 10!!!

In my last relationship before this current one, I remember having an argument with the dude and although we made up and things were great the next time we saw each other, I began getting a negative feeling about the relationship. Kind of a low-grade funk. Everyone said that there are rough patches, and everything else is fine, so don't worry, etc... still, something just felt... wrong.

And it was indeed wrong. We were done by the end of the month.
This is a great list. For me, the physical attraction part is one I have tried to overlook/compromise on in the past. :nono: Really, that is a huge giant mistake. You will end up being physically disgusted by him before too long.
i wish i would have grabbed a hold of this list 2 years ago, when my last ex didnt have a job but was in college:rolleyes:.....never again
im glad i broke things off fast!