James 1:12-18

[12] God will bless you, if you don't give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him. [13] Don't blame God when you are tempted! God cannot be tempted by evil, and he doesn't use evil to tempt others. [14] We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us. [15] Our desires make us sin, and when sin is finished with us, it leaves us dead. [16] Don't be fooled, my dear friends. [17] Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing. [18] He wanted us to be his own special people, and so he sent the true message to give us new birth.


a difficult situation with difficult clients and bad money situation
during the DAYS OF PRAISE was cleared up today!!! PRAISED ALL THROUGH IT

today... I get an email from an incredible illustrator I wanted to collaborate with
...after two months suddenlty today she says ...let's get to work...

I ...grab my mail..an envelope from my publisher after working in my beloved home office all morning.....enroute to a lovely neighborhood cafe for the lunch prixe and wine al fresco to celebrate a large check coming in tomm by overnight mail from the difficult client...

I sip my Sangria ..enjoy a leisurely & a bit pricey lunch, thanking God and open my mail from my publisher.
...completely unexpected...after the turmoil...

The Lord has turned my mourning into dancing:clapping:

I got a call this week from a man I've always wanted to date and so he called saying the same thing! and ..that he had felt a spiritual connection with me but at that time he was in a committed relationship and though he knew if there was an opportunity where he was single...he would entertain pursuing me but not while he was in a committment/relationship so if those
thoughts came up ..he would not allow them to linger~~

Isnt it funny ..without one word..ever spoken between us ..all these years
I knew this...I knew that! He was/is very honorable
though this is not at all permanent... we've already had VERY VERY honest conversations
and it's very warm and respectful relating~ ....this is truly an extraordinary man!
we talked for an hour last night on the phone.... I cannot wait to be with him..............

Blessings are over flowing!!!!!!!!!!


Praise God! Amen! Congratulations.:yep:
Bumping! I NEED this thread right now!!! I am praising God in ADVANCE for fulfilling His promises to me, and His word. I will be back to post my praises. I am committing to do this for the next 10 days. :yep:
I read Kayte's testimony in the wee hours this morning and determined to praise aloud when I woke up today. I've been in a long-term trial, but I'm believing God to bring me out of it. So I read my bible, sang a praise and quoted from Psalms.

After watching a little football, I went outside and checked the mail. There was a brown hand-addressed envelope for a state I had moved from a couple years ago. I open the mail and it was a state tax refund that I had written off some time ago. Praise God! I needed it and I thank God for it.

The unexpected money event is not something that usually happens for me, but lately I've heard a lot of people testify of it. I'll continue to thank Him in advance and praise aloud.
^^Missann I praise God with you!

I just started this challenge yesterday and already I have a testimony!!! God opened a major door for me and I am praying over it to watch it come to past. I will be back shortly with an update. And one day BEFORE I started this challenge, He opened up another door.

No matter what happens, I am praising God through it all. He is so wonderful, so magnificent, so faithful. He is working everything out for my good even though I can't see it all. I am trusting in Him, and waiting on Him to bring me through. I thank God for opening my eyes, removing the scales from my eyes, and strengthening my faith to stop complaining and praise God in EVERY situation. Truly an attitude of praise can help prepare you for the toughest of times, and give you peace that surpasses all understanding.

PRAISE GOD! :drunk:

Song of Praise:
Be magnified oh Lord. You are highly exalted! And there is nothing You can't do. Oh Lord, my eyes are on You. Be magnified, oh Lord, be magnified!!!!
I read Kayte's testimony in the wee hours this morning and determined to praise aloud when I woke up today. I've been in a long-term trial, but I'm believing God to bring me out of it. So I read my bible, sang a praise and quoted from Psalms.

After watching a little football, I went outside and checked the mail. There was a brown hand-addressed envelope for a state I had moved from a couple years ago. I open the mail and it was a state tax refund that I had written off some time ago. Praise God! I needed it and I thank God for it.

The unexpected money event is not something that usually happens for me, but lately I've heard a lot of people testify of it. I'll continue to thank Him in advance and praise aloud.

^^Missann I praise God with you!

I just started this challenge yesterday and already I have a testimony!!! God opened a major door for me and I am praying over it to watch it come to past. I will be back shortly with an update. And one day BEFORE I started this challenge, He opened up another door.

No matter what happens, I am praising God through it all. He is so wonderful, so magnificent, so faithful. He is working everything out for my good even though I can't see it all. I am trusting in Him, and waiting on Him to bring me through. I thank God for opening my eyes, removing the scales from my eyes, and strengthening my faith to stop complaining and praise God in EVERY situation. Truly an attitude of praise can help prepare you for the toughest of times, and give you peace that surpasses all understanding.

PRAISE GOD! :drunk:

Song of Praise:
Be magnified oh Lord. You are highly exalted! And there is nothing You can't do. Oh Lord, my eyes are on You. Be magnified, oh Lord, be magnified!!!!

Congratulations Ladies I am so loving this thread!:yep: We serve An Awesome God! Yes, he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to bust out of my seams today! I love the Lord and " Praise is your way to a break through!" Praising God in Advance is so Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is that God is Faithful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel you on that! We serve a Mighty Awesome God! And he's always right on time. PRAISE HIM!!!


I want to bust out of my seams today! I love the Lord and " Praise is your way to a break through!" Praising God in Advance is so Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is that God is Faithful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our God is the God of Breakthrough...

He breaks the bonds of depression
He breaks the bonds of lack
He breaks the bonds of hatred
He breaks the bonds of addiction
He breaks the bonds of loneliness

Today I Praise him in Advance for breakthrough in my life and in the lives of others here!
Wow, when you take a stand to praise, the enemy shows up to steal it. I've only been doing this for 4 days and already two devastating things happened to me today, and now my heart is broken. Still, I found it within me to pray through my tears, for my flesh to die 100% so that he could rebuild me exactly the way He wants me to be. So, HALLELUJAH ANYHOW! TAKE THAT DEVIL! :grin:

I am NOT stopping this challenge. The enemy wants me to, but He is defeated!!!! :drunk:

Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

Praise Song - Free Indeed (Sheri Jones-Moffet)
When you look at me, you will see someone who's been set free
Some may wonder how, some may even doubt but I know that I am redeemed
Feels so good right now, I can jump and shout just to know that He has saved me
People need to know everywhere I go I must let them know

I am free and who the Son sets free is free indeed
I am free and who the Son sets free is free indeed
Wow, when you take a stand to praise, the enemy shows up to steal it. I've only been doing this for 4 days and already two devastating things happened to me today, and now my heart is broken. Still, I found it within me to pray through my tears, for my flesh to die 100% so that he could rebuild me exactly the way He wants me to be. So, HALLELUJAH ANYHOW! TAKE THAT DEVIL! :grin:

I am NOT stopping this challenge. The enemy wants me to, but He is defeated!!!! :drunk:

Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

Praise Song - Free Indeed (Sheri Jones-Moffet)
When you look at me, you will see someone who's been set free
Some may wonder how, some may even doubt but I know that I am redeemed
Feels so good right now, I can jump and shout just to know that He has saved me
People need to know everywhere I go I must let them know

I am free and who the Son sets free is free indeed
I am free and who the Son sets free is free indeed

I Thank God for Kayte for starting this thread! Also for the ladies who keep it going. Laela, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me focused. God is so Good and I am so blessed that you allowed him to use you to help me! Amen!

I cannot go into details about my situation. I will say this-

That God is Able, He is able, No matter How long it takes - God will do it for you. If YOU have Faith and Trust in Him and Him Alone!

I believed God for a Miracle in a situation that the people were being so resistant.
4 years of just praising and worshipping God seeing God bringing this to pass. Better than what I can ask or think!

I felt a lot like Father Abraham, at times I cried many tears over this situation – I wanted to literary give up! The situation was so rough I wanted to do a Father Abraham, in my situation and God said NO just hold on and press on. ( What I mean by this- When God Promised Abraham & Sarah a child they waited and waited and then had the maid bear a child for them instead of waiting on God- even though they went out that way- God still brought his promise for Abraham and Sarah a son). I could of went out like that God told me NO! If I went out like that he would NOT Honor that! WOW this is powerful!

4 years later God is a onetime God and the result of this situation-

My Pastors wife said on 1-2009 “An end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing" - I held on by faith- my faith was tested as the world moved on however all in all I kept God's word. Even when it did not feel right, even when I cried on and on. Being embarrassed however, I stood on God's promise and I did not turn right nor Left- did I keep my eyes on Sweet Jesus- “Again the end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing.”

God is God all by himself and when man says NO! God says YES with God All THINGS are Possible. I went to God with the impossible with man.

Praise your way to and through your breakthrough is so important b/c it shows God who He is in your life as well as be a witness to others. God is so Good! No matter what is going in the world! “He is greater in you than he that is within the world” Do you believe this? I know I do. I know so much more about praising the Lord in the good, bad, pleasant, sweet and the bitter. God is so good!
.I know so much more about praising the Lord in the good, bad, pleasant, sweet and the bitter. God is so good!

This is key! :yep: We are to give thanks in all things. I believe God honors us when we bring a "sacrifice" of praise - when we praise through our tears, frustration and disappointments. It is easy to praise when He answered our prayers, but what about when we feel He's been silent or refused to answer our cries? What about when we've been struggling with a situation for years and it just isn't getting better?

Thank God for this thread, it encourages me to praise God in every situation. :yep:
I live to worship you oh lord!

Psalm 5:11-12
Let all those who rejoice who put their trust in you, let them ever shout for joy because You defend them. Let those also who love Your name be joyful in You. For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous with favor. You will surround him as with a shield.
I Praise God with you for that victory :clap:

There's nothing like breakthrough, and I'm encouraged by your post. Your testimony is testament God answers our prayers in HIS time, not ours...

Father Abraham is the best example of this... He and Sarah went out of their way (and God's will) to get an Ishmael, when God had an Issac lined up for them. :yep:

To God be the Glory, sis! I'm very happy for you!!!



I cannot go into details about my situation. I will say this-

That God is Able, He is able, No matter How long it takes - God will do it for you. If YOU have Faith and Trust in Him and Him Alone!

I believed God for a Miracle in a situation that the people were being so resistant.
4 years of just praising and worshipping God seeing God bringing this to pass. Better than what I can ask or think!

I felt a lot like Father Abraham, at times I cried many tears over this situation – I wanted to literary give up! The situation was so rough I wanted to do a Father Abraham, in my situation and God said NO just hold on and press on. ( What I mean by this- When God Promised Abraham & Sarah a child they waited and waited and then had the maid bear a child for them instead of waiting on God- even though they went out that way- God still brought his promise for Abraham and Sarah a son). I could of went out like that God told me NO! If I went out like that he would NOT Honor that! WOW this is powerful!

4 years later God is a onetime God and the result of this situation-

My Pastors wife said on 1-2009 “An end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing" - I held on by faith- my faith was tested as the world moved on however all in all I kept God's word. Even when it did not feel right, even when I cried on and on. Being embarrassed however, I stood on God's promise and I did not turn right nor Left- did I keep my eyes on Sweet Jesus- “Again the end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing.”

God is God all by himself and when man says NO! God says YES with God All THINGS are Possible. I went to God with the impossible with man.

Praise your way to and through your breakthrough is so important b/c it shows God who He is in your life as well as be a witness to others. God is so Good! No matter what is going in the world! “He is greater in you than he that is within the world” Do you believe this? I know I do. I know so much more about praising the Lord in the good, bad, pleasant, sweet and the bitter. God is so good!
I Thank God for Kayte for starting this thread! Also for the ladies who keep it going. Laela, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping me focused. God is so Good and I am so blessed that you allowed him to use you to help me! Amen!

I cannot go into details about my situation. I will say this-

That God is Able, He is able, No matter How long it takes - God will do it for you. If YOU have Faith and Trust in Him and Him Alone!

I believed God for a Miracle in a situation that the people were being so resistant.
4 years of just praising and worshipping God seeing God bringing this to pass. Better than what I can ask or think!

I felt a lot like Father Abraham, at times I cried many tears over this situation – I wanted to literary give up! The situation was so rough I wanted to do a Father Abraham, in my situation and God said NO just hold on and press on. ( What I mean by this- When God Promised Abraham & Sarah a child they waited and waited and then had the maid bear a child for them instead of waiting on God- even though they went out that way- God still brought his promise for Abraham and Sarah a son). I could of went out like that God told me NO! If I went out like that he would NOT Honor that! WOW this is powerful!

4 years later God is a onetime God and the result of this situation-

My Pastors wife said on 1-2009 “An end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing" - I held on by faith- my faith was tested as the world moved on however all in all I kept God's word. Even when it did not feel right, even when I cried on and on. Being embarrassed however, I stood on God's promise and I did not turn right nor Left- did I keep my eyes on Sweet Jesus- “Again the end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing.”

God is God all by himself and when man says NO! God says YES with God All THINGS are Possible. I went to God with the impossible with man.

Praise your way to and through your breakthrough is so important b/c it shows God who He is in your life as well as be a witness to others. God is so Good! No matter what is going in the world! “He is greater in you than he that is within the world” Do you believe this? I know I do. I know so much more about praising the Lord in the good, bad, pleasant, sweet and the bitter. God is so good!

Thank you so much for this inspiring testimony!!!!
1 Thess 5:18
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

I recall a sermon a while back in which the pastor pointed out this Scripture as among the mis-quoted/misunderstood verses in the Bible. The operative word being "IN" and not "FOR" everything....

I won't praise God for stumping my toe but I sure will praise him as I feel the pain.

I will forget about myself and bow down and Worship Him, for all the things he has done for me! Wherever I worship is Holy Ground ... Amen

Bow Down and Worship Him by Bishop Paul S. Morton

I thank Kayte for starting this thread, also. :yep:
Exodus 15:11 (King James Version)

11Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

God is perfecting that which concerns me, Praise his name forever!
This is key! :yep: We are to give thanks in all things. I believe God honors us when we bring a "sacrifice" of praise - when we praise through our tears, frustration and disappointments. It is easy to praise when He answered our prayers, but what about when we feel He's been silent or refused to answer our cries? What about when we've been struggling with a situation for years and it just isn't getting better?

Thank God for this thread, it encourages me to praise God in every situation. :yep:

Hi Butterfly, God is NEVER silent he sees, our tears and cries. I was in a hard place and I just kept on Praising and thanking God for all of my circumstances.

I waited 4 years for one of God's Many promises- Butterfly- If I got what I wanted 4 years ago- I would have not received what God wanted me to have today. I was preggers for 4 years - My Pastor has talked about being preggers- etc.... and all the long while- God says it is not time yet HF- it is not time yet. I still had to just trust in the Lord- also I have be joyful. I had some pretty bad moments I mean real bad. However, God has picked me out of the Miray(sp) Clay. Keep on Pressing on. God will bring it to pass.:yep: Praise is Awesome!
Hi Butterfly, God is NEVER silent he sees, our tears and cries. I was in a hard place and I just kept on Praising and thanking God for all of my circumstances.

I waited 4 years for one of God's Many promises- Butterfly- If I got what I wanted 4 years ago- I would have not received what God wanted me to have today. I was preggers for 4 years - My Pastor has talked about being preggers- etc.... and all the long while- God says it is not time yet HF- it is not time yet. I still had to just trust in the Lord- also I have be joyful. I had some pretty bad moments I mean real bad. However, God has picked me out of the Miray(sp) Clay. Keep on Pressing on. God will bring it to pass.:yep: Praise is Awesome!

Yes praise, true praise, in season and out of season praise CHANGES THINGS! I am inspired to praise God IN all situations!! :up: Many years of famine have taught me to TOTALLY depend on Him. If things worked out exactly the way I planned them, I would have no need for God! ;)
Psalms 86:10
"For you are great, and do wondrous things: you are God alone."

There's no question of your greatness or wonder of your Glory. To you 40 years is but an hour... I marvel that you know my name and care for me. You are Alpha and Omega :yep:

For You Alone Are God

You are Alpha and Omega
I give you all the glory Lord. You alone are worthy to be praised. Thank you Lord, I love you Lord, Praise You Lord!!
2 Chronicles 7:3
And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

Praise the Lord for his mercy and glory which endures forever and for the times when he showers us with his favor and makes our crooked paths straight.
Numbers 23:19-20 (New King James Version)

19 “God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

20 Behold, I have received a command to bless;
He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.

Praise and thank the Lord for all previous blessings and all blessings to come.
This teaching on praise as a WEAPON really blessed me. :yep:

"I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." 2 Samuel 22:4


Each day one of my e-mail friends sends me a "thought for the day". Yesterday the one she sent me said, "Praise has the power to lighten our heaviest burden." This is such a true statement. I feel that the majority of Christians don't understand that praise is a weapon- and a powerful one at that. When we are in times of trouble, facing battles or difficulties, that's the time to praise the Lord. When God hears your praises, it will bring Him near to your situation. In this way praise is like an "SOS" cry. :drowning:

Often during times of battle, the Lord had Israel send out the praisers first. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised the Lord and the prison doors were opened. What are we doing when we praise the Lord? We are magnifying Who He is. We are rehearsing His goodness. We are being reminded of how powerful and awesome He is. :clapping: If you will praise the Lord in spite of your circumstances you will being to notice a difference in them. When you praise the Lord (magnify Him) He begins to look bigger than your situation.... He IS bigger than your situation, praise just reminds us of that and brings everything back into perspective. What once seemed like mountain has been reduced down to size compared to the magnitude and majesty of the Lord. :woot:

Stop looking at the problem, your enemy, the battle, the size of the mountain, the darkness, instead start praising the Lord. Praise will cause Him to show up every time. When He does show up... He can fight the battles for you. :knight:
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This teaching on praise as a WEAPON really blessed me. :yep:

"I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." 2 Samuel 22:4


Each day one of my e-mail friends sends me a "thought for the day". Yesterday the one she sent me said, "Praise has the power to lighten our heaviest burden." This is such a true statement. I feel that the majority of Christians don't understand that praise is a weapon- and a powerful one at that. When we are in times of trouble, facing battles or difficulties, that's the time to praise the Lord. When God hears your praises, it will bring Him near to your situation. In this way praise is like an "SOS" cry. :drowning:

Often during times of battle, the Lord had Israel send out the praisers first. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised the Lord and the prison doors were opened. What are we doing when we praise the Lord? We are magnifying Who He is. We are rehearsing His goodness. We are being reminded of how powerful and awesome He is. :clapping: If you will praise the Lord in spite of your circumstances you will being to notice a difference in them. When you praise the Lord (magnify Him) He begins to look bigger than your situation.... He IS bigger than your situation, praise just reminds us of that and brings everything back into perspective. What once seemed like mountain has been reduced down to size compared to the magnitude and majesty of the Lord. :woot:

Stop looking at the problem, your enemy, the battle, the size of the mountain, the darkness, instead start praising the Lord. Praise will cause Him to show up every time. When He does show up... He can fight the battles for you. :knight:

Thank you for this This has really blessed me by just reading this. Thank you.:yep: