1 yr progress pics** :)


New Member
short & sweet

I want to thank you all for the wonderful information that I have learned and still amazed my hair has grown so long. I still feel bald but I guess thats the hair anorexia :look:.

my daughter is on her hair journey as as well and she has hair anorexia to and feels its not "ready" to be shown :ohwell:. I think I have rubbed off on her.

I had her pull just the nape of my hair to see the length.

The minute I stopped worrying about my hair, and just forgot about it but still kept it in plaits, moisturize daily, cowash daily, throw on a baggy and a scarf and my Tiffany wig :lol: my hair grew beautifully.

start pic 1/1/2011
end pic 1/1/2012

to everyones success in 2012 :yep:


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nice progress. I see your regimen is simple too, care to share the products you use? just curious.
great progress, are you still rocking 'Ms Tiffany' or your own lush locks, at that retention i think you'll surpass WL this year
Ooooweeee! This is me next year! lol Thanks for sharing and keep up he great work. Are you trying to get to waist length?? If so, you'll soon be there! :)

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Seriously awesome progress! You retained so well! Great Job! Your DD (I assume) helping with your length check is too cute.