1 yr progress pics** :)

great progress, are you still rocking 'Ms Tiffany' or your own lush locks, at that retention i think you'll surpass WL this year

lol yes I love her lol. wigs are the business if you wear them right and protect your hair underneath. its so convenient walking in the house and throwing the wig on the table and starting dinner for the kids :look: lol j/k. im wearing my wig for a whole nother year to see how far my hair will grow. hopefully ill make some progress :look:.
nice progress. I see your regimen is simple too, care to share the products you use? just curious.

my regimen was to just listen to my own hair and not jump on every band wagon. just cause u put donkey sperm in your hair doesnt mean i need to. :grin:

natures gate biotin conditioner
coconut oil
con argan oil leave in
thats it really

you really dont need all that crap. keep your hair mositurized and scalp clean and leave your hair alone and it will grow. also visualize you have the length of hair you want. :yep:
Ok i love the photo when i saw it I heard the song
"It's a family affair, It's a family affairrrrrr!!"

your progress is amazing!!!
I love that it's a family affair!
Great work and retention, hon! I was running around all 2010 trying to get to WL and in 2011, I just chill-axed and it grew! Wearing my twists and box-braids....lol! ♥