1 YR Progress (my thanks & photos) "long"


New Member
The past year has truly been an amazing journey for me and my hair. I would like to personally thank all of you for the willingness to share your knowledge, inspiration, and experiences. :kissing4: I have learned so much in the past year about true hair care. I have gone thru what I believe to be the Five Phases of joining LHCF.

Phase 1 – Surprise and shock that a site actually exists that’s dedicated to achieving long, healthy black hair. :eek:
Phase 2 – Information overload. Soooo much to learn, so many albums to review, so many acronyms to remember. I was on here nearly 24/7 trying to absorb it all.
Phase 3 – PJ’ism. The obsessive need to want to buy and try everything that anyone thinks is making their hair grow faster, feel thicker, give more slip, shine, bounce etc… :spank:
Phase 4 – Routine and regimen confusion. Should I shampoo & condition, condition wash only, prepoo, deep condition, protein treatment. You get the picture! :confused:
Phase 5 – Reality check. Finally realizing what works for others may not work for me. Narrowing the products down to my must have staples. Developing a routine that fits my lifestyle and what I can comfortable maintain. No, I can not conditioner wash every day or every other day. I’m just too dang busy. :grin:

My journey began in May of 2004. My hair was breaking horribly so I started searching the NET for black hair care advice and miraculously found this site. I lurked for a while and then wanted to ask questions so I joined.

The road has not always been easy. I have beamed with pride on days I thought my hair was the bomb and sat on the bathroom floor and cried on days when hair was coming out in handfuls whenever I touched it.

However, I was determined to hang in there until I could see some progress worth being proud of. I owe that determination to the inspiration you ladies have given me.

My first year progress:

May 2004 – hair was damaged, breaking, hard/stiff and uneven
Dec 2004 – hair was improving with the knowledge gained from this sight. Prior to the Dec picture, (around Thanksgiving), I trimmed about 1.5 inches of scraggly ends.
Feb 2005 – Not a good month. After a major setback from experimenting with products (lost lots of hair), I went back to my staple products and my hair began to improve again.
April 2005 – after the hair drama from previous months, my ends were thin and see thru; so we trimmed about 2 inches. I had finally reached about mid-bra stap (on this bra), but my hair just looked unhealthy. So we trimmed and evened up most of the scraggly ends.
May 2005 – One year later. Trimmed another ½ inch to achieve the blunt cut look. My hair is still improving but compared to this time last year, it’s much healthier, thicker, softer and I actually have a little sheen. And for the first time, bounce and swing!!!
Through the year:

Front View:

Back View:

June 2005 –Thanks to Oprah, I have a whole set of new bras and will start my comparison pictures for the next year with properly fitting bras that ride lower on the back.

My thanks again to all of you. :)
Good job!!! Can't wait to do a one-year comparison of my hair... that'll be in March 2006, about NINE months away! hope to see some good progress then... anyway I'M HAPPY FOR YOU! Keep growing hair, :grin:
I am soo happy for you. After my year on LHCF I experienced similar results, I just hate I didn't keep a detailed account of everything that went on. :(
You can really see that your hair has grown alot and thickened up too. you grow girl
Great growth! So go ahead and give us your hair routine, staple products, supplements, your regimen blow by blow, lol!
Fabulous series of comparison pictures! What a great record of your progress you have. That has got to be satisfying to see such tremendous progress. Very, very nice hair.:)
Yay for you cowgirl. My hair looks exactly like yours...we are definitely hair twins! :) I wish mine was making as much progress as yours though. Your hair is looking fabulous, keep it up.
Wow your hair has really taken off...and its A LOT thicker too. Your album is so detailed...and even with all those hair humps, youve still made remarkable progress!! :clap:
Thanks for sharing your "hair story." Your before/after pictures are fabulous, and your hair looks great! You are showing that it can be done. Keep up the good work :clap:
Thanks everyone for the continued encouragement. My routine is very simple and pretty much the same as everyone else.

  • Relax every 8 weeks. Although this last time I actually stretched to 12 which I have never done before.
  • Shampoo & deep condition w/ heat once a week.
  • Treatment every 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Moisturize every day, twice a day.
  • Protective styles (somewhat). My hair is usually in a ponytail or bun 90% of the time.

Staple Products:
My relaxer is Affirm (mild-lye). On relaxer day, I use the entire Affirm line, mixing the 5n1 & PL Conditioner together for Step 3.
I rotate my other products weekly between Nexxus & NTM products.
For my weekly deep condition w/ heat I mix Nexxus Humectress & Keraphix one week & then mix NTM DDC & DRM the following week. This has really helped to stabilize and balance the protein.
I do a Nexxus Emergencee treatment once a month or at least every 6 weeks.
I moisturize twice a day (morning & night) with a spray bottle mixture of : (Water, Nexxus Humectress, S-Curl, a squirt of MnT (for protein), Coconut Oil & EVOO (more coconut than evoo).
I normally air-dry in a ponytail and then if I need to straighten a little more, I will blow dry the last 5% dry on low heat.

That’s about it. My supplements are in my siggy; however, this is not consistent. I may take my supplements 2 or 3 days a week when I remember.
wow...that is some growth young lady. I can not wait until my one year comparison. Looks great...keep it up.