1 Year Into Transition - Help me "Type" My Hair!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! I'm new here but I have been lurking for the past few years. I decided to make the journey to natural hair and I reached the one year mark in my transition on October 21, 2010. I plan to chop off the remaining relaxed ends for my 28th birthday where I will be 2 days shy of 18 months (April 19, 2011). Anywho, I had the stylist who was washing my hair snap a couple of pictures for me and I was wondering if you ladies could help me determine my hair type. Please excuse the quality of the pics as they are from my camera phone. Thanks for your help!



Im 4a/b and your curls look looser so I think you are more in the 3's ....3b/c.

Whatever it may be, your hair is pretty. Congrats on the long transition.
Beautiful color-- looks 4a to be... but TBH once those ends are gone you will know your true texture.

Congrats on making it one year! I think all long term transitioners deserve a reward *smiles
I would say a 4a..maybe with some 3c thrown in..u will know for sure once those relaxed ends are gone..
Thanks ladies! I really am getting the urge to chop but I want to make it "special" and wait until my birthday. The color needs to be redone...I found this picture of Jill Scott online with these gorgeous Mahogany/Auburn curls that I used as my inspiration but my hair wouldn't lift enough. Thanks for the replies.