1 year, 5 months, 11 days

Thanks everyone!!

I'm so excited myself that I couldn't even sleep last night! The night before I couldn't sleep b/c I knew what I was planning!

I should be posting pictures within the hour.
OMG!!! Why did you ever relax your hair? It is sooooo Beautiful. I only wish to have curls half as pretty as that. Congrats!!!
It's beautiful Hairlove!
Do you feel all light and free?

I can't wait to feel that feeling.....

Congratulations again!
I'm so happy for you. I know those ends were really starting to work your nerves. Congratulations!!
I had a feeling that you would be cutting those relaxed ends soon...

Congratulations!!!! Now that those relaxed ends are gone, your hair growth will be fabulous!

I will be stalk..*cough*...I mean checking out your album periodically to see how you're doing with your natural hair.

Your curls are beautiful!
