1 inch per month consistently?


Hello again ladies,

I currently take a multi-vitamin, Andrew Lessman's hair, skin, and nails, and biotin (since August 05). I don't think my growth rate has increased but my hair has probably benefited. I'm thinking I might be one of those people who doesn't get quick growth, which is fine. But I would like to make sure I've investigated all my options.

My question is, does anyone consistently get an inch (or 2 inches) per month taking supplements or using topical agents (like MTG, Surge, or Miconozole Nitrate)? So does anyone get 12 inches or more a year? If so, would you mind sharing your regimen?

muchas gracias,
A :cool:
africa said:
Hello again ladies,

I currently take a multi-vitamin, Andrew Lessman's hair, skin, and nails, and biotin (since August 05). I don't think my growth rate has increased but my hair has probably benefited. I'm thinking I might be one of those people who doesn't get quick growth, which is fine. But I would like to make sure I've investigated all my options.

My question is, does anyone consistently get an inch (or 2 inches) per month taking supplements or using topical agents (like MTG, Surge, or Miconozole Nitrate)? So does anyone get 12 inches or more a year? If so, would you mind sharing your regimen?

muchas gracias,
A :cool:

Hey Africa i get consistently 1inch or more sometimes 2 inches thanks to supplements,mtg,protein shakes,cowashes. i just use all of the above:lol: . I wish i d get 12 inches for the year but they are many months where i did not use the supplements or mtg and went back to 0.25. i only made 8inches (in 10months) and count at least 3 months were i have not used stuff( times when i m on my period i cant take nothing, times when i m tired of pill popping or when i run out of stuff or just want to stop a lil bit or too busy. but i wish i had been consistent all along i would get more than 12 inches). i have 2 months left before the year is over for me but all in all, supplements, mtg, have helped me increase my growth rate and protective styles and no heat regimen helped me retain some of it now hum yall are all tempting me with the miconazole nitrate,neosporin af and monistat :grin: it took me a year hum but i may jump on the bandwagon at last lol:lachen:
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wow, ekomba, that's VERY impressive! looking at your pics your hair is growing nicely!!! My hat goes off to you ladies that can follow such a detailed regimen! I have a hard time taking my one daily multi-vitamin:)
jasmine26 said:
wow, ekomba, that's VERY impressive! looking at your pics your hair is growing nicely!!! My hat goes off to you ladies that can follow such a detailed regimen! I have a hard time taking my one daily multi-vitamin:)

Thanks Jasmine26 i cant wait till my hair gets like yours it s so lovely. Yeah i know sometimes i get tired of pill popping and just stops :mad: and then i notice the growth :eek: and i m right back on it:D . I just live for twists and twistouts that s all i do in my hair right now i so loooooooooove yours they're gorgeous!!!:p
Ekomba, how do you fit buying all those pills and stuff into your budget??? How much is it costing you a month to take all these vitamins and use these products???
Poohbear said:
Ekomba, how do you fit buying all those pills and stuff into your budget??? How much is it costing you a month to take all these vitamins and use these products???

Hey Poohbear,I think i spent around 200doll at the beginning of the year (all the vits be around 5-13 to 20 something doll).i bought in bulk like 6 boxes of biotin, 2 boxes of msm, 2 shen min, 3 MTG 32 oz, 1 gallon praital silk worm rinse.... I have to buy in bulk else ish dont last:mad: :lol: but i know i spent way more than 200 dol total on my products maybe 300-400 total since the biginning of the year cause the reason i stopped using products i had run out and each time i buy it must be in bulk this time. wHAT I do i incorporate my hair budget in the food budget. Hubby is vegetarian so he only needs vegetables and grains and fruits and me daily i never eat meals anymore just 7grain sandwishes with cheese and baked turkey and almonds and apples and drink vanilla soy milk and water all the time. I dont cook anymore. Most of my budget for my personal shopping i blow it 50% on haircare for skincare it s easy my miracle sulfur soap only cost a dollar something. But you can stock up easily for a long time with a 100dol. i m just a great consumer i use everything at the same time:grin:
Thanks so much for your replies. Ekomba your hair is beautiful, and Jasmine does have some really nice twists.
ok so protein does not make you gain at the levels you are increasing it to ekomba? i mean you have to work out hard not to gain from such intake i would think....i followed your post and was like wow she did state that she is a couch potato so how in the world is she getting away with the weight gain.:rolleyes: um i am thinking about trying the methods you mentioned to get 12 inches by dec 31st 2010.if the billion vits. and 1 hour and 30 min cardio sessions dont get me some hair then i guess the protein got to go up.:lick: and i dont have any growth aids so i may have to grab me some of that too.
Hey Africa i get consistently 1inch or more sometimes 2 inches thanks to supplements,mtg,protein shakes,cowashes. i just use all of the above:lol: . I wish i d get 12 inches for the year but they are many months where i did not use the supplements or mtg and went back to 0.25. i only made 8inches (in 10months) and count at least 3 months were i have not used stuff( times when i m on my period i cant take nothing, times when i m tired of pill popping or when i run out of stuff or just want to stop a lil bit or too busy. but i wish i had been consistent all along i would get more than 12 inches). i have 2 months left before the year is over for me but all in all, supplements, mtg, have helped me increase my growth rate and protective styles and no heat regimen helped me retain some of it now hum yall are all tempting me with the miconazole nitrate,neosporin af and monistat :grin: it took me a year hum but i may jump on the bandwagon at last lol:lachen:

Can you recommend a good protein shake thats not too expensive ? Which one do you use as well?
I've been consistent with my growth aid since my BC and that's been 2 months and I've received 1 inch each month. It bothers me when people say growth aids don't work because they haven't seen anyone who uses them get 12 inches in 1 year...well that's cuz most people get lazy and stop using them. Consistency is the key.
I've been consistent with my growth aid since my BC and that's been 2 months and I've received 1 inch each month. It bothers me when people say growth aids don't work because they haven't seen anyone who uses them get 12 inches in 1 year...well that's cuz most people get lazy and stop using them. Consistency is the key.

So what growth aids are you using?
My growth is totally inconsistent. I get 1 inch per month for about 2 months, and then it slacks down to 3/4 inch... and then to 1/2 a month for the most part.

My hair, as much as I have noticed, has always stayed steady at 6 inches of growth per year. But I'm scissor-happy, so...

With that said, the back of my head grows quicker than the sides. My bangs grow the quickest.

Perhaps next year when I take note of my supps and diet, I'll increase the growth rate... who knows.
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1 inch per month would be nice, I sure would be waistlength in no time.

I have a hard time remembering to take my multi vitamin so I'll stick with my .5 inch because I don't really have to do anything to get that.
I get 1 inch a month when using MN mixed with coconut oil, sulfur 8, peppermint EO & rosemary EO. I'm going to try my best to stick with this for all of 2010. I would love to see 12 inches next year.
I get an inch per month in the summer time WITHOUT growth aids...but i guess thats not rly consistent since its only in the summer time:lachen:
This is a great topic!I'd love to hear more replies esp. with all the growth aide/formula/supps/challenges we have at this forum.:lachen:

With the morning sickness gone I look forward to hoping back on the treadmill to get the blood flowing. I'll have to ask my doc about the supps but I'm sure that eating healthier, esp. since my diet is switching to vegetarian, will ensure that baby and I get enough vitamins,minerals, healthy fats and protein to make our hair gorgeous! I'ma laugh if my baby comes out looking like this :afro:
I have no consistency at all...it's like one area gets 1 inch, another gets 1/2 and another gets 1/4....I just started my MN mix this morning...so hopefully it will get better....I mixed it with regular lite grease, rosemary oil, caster, advocado oil, and evoo...the oil mix was already made from several months ago just never used...I simply sqeezed the tube of MN into it....I mixed some last night in an app bottle, with the same oil mix except for the grease and it didnt mix well @ all...my daughter suggested putting it in the grease fro a better mix...:drunk:

We shall see...:grin:
I would love to get 1in a month,and was sure I was until I began measuring my hair and realized that I am a consistent .5 inch grower no matter what:sad:

I am beyond consistent with my supplements to the point where I will get out of bed if I forget to take something. I have also been taking supplements for at least 10 years now, some even more than that. I take or have taken just about every supplement mentioned on this board, and never can get more than .5 an inch. MSM changes my hair texture, but other than that I cant say that the supplements have helped with hair health either.

The only reason that I keep taking them is because they have other health benefits beyond helping me with my hair. So my goal since joining this site has been maintaining healthy ends so I can retain length and actually be able to grow my hair past APL for once:perplexed
Ladies, please remember that any vitamins that you take will work towards any needs or lack that your body has in general BEFORE benefiting your hair!

Plus, most people give up way before growth benefits are visible. :nono:
I would love to get 1in a month,and was sure I was until I began measuring my hair and realized that I am a consistent .5 inch grower no matter what:sad:

I am beyond consistent with my supplements to the point where I will get out of bed if I forget to take something. I have also been taking supplements for at least 10 years now, some even more than that. I take or have taken just about every supplement mentioned on this board, and never can get more than .5 an inch. MSM changes my hair texture, but other than that I cant say that the supplements have helped with hair health either.

The only reason that I keep taking them is because they have other health benefits beyond helping me with my hair. So my goal since joining this site has been maintaining healthy ends so I can retain length and actually be able to grow my hair past APL for once:perplexed

I have not consistently gotten an inch per month because I haven't been consistent with the things that get me that one inch in a month. I have been taking MSM consistently for a year & I'm 6 months post. I do agree that it changes your texture. My 4b wolf patch in my crown isn't as bad as it was the last time I transitioned.

Right now I'm taking chlorella & the WL shake & I'm cornrowed under a lace front. Though I didn't get an inch all over, I did get an inch in the areas where my hair grows the fastest. The rest were like 3/4 inch.

I'm vegetarian & I take a host of supplements (mostly geared towards hair growth). The only thing that I will add is exercising. I have a h.s. reunion to attend in October & I'm aiming for full MBL by then. Maybe I'll be able to report back by the end of the year that the chlorella/shake/diet/exercise/pill popping consistently gave me 1 inch per month. Let's bow our heads in prayer. :look:

Back in the day (1996/97 - age 17/18) my hair grew from ear length, shaved in the back to APL in a year. Now I can barely get my hair to grow 1/4" and past the V shape BSL I have now.

I need help. LOL