1 drama filled year update with pics...


New Member
The title should tell ya sumthin!:drunk:

I am finally putting my shame aside and showing my hair pics and opening my fotki. A lot of you know my story but for those who don't, I'll try to make it short and sweet.
I found LHCF in my search to stop my massive hair shedding that started in about May 06. After hundreds of dollars spent on products, a few docs visits, I found out that my shedding started from my wisdom teeth extraction in May. Doc is not sure if it was an allergic reaction to the meds or if it was from the trauma and stress of the procedure. Anywho, I found that out in October. Doc put me on a prescription shampoo called Nizoral saying it would stop the hair shed. It did NOT!! All it did was dry my hair to the core and cause it to start snapping like crazy. So, my hair is not in very condition right now. Its thin and the nape and the front edges are broken off. So, I've dusted it numerous times and trimmed majorly about 3 times. I cut about 2 inches off last week.
So, sob story over. Going into year two, its all about health and recovery.
My fotki is: www.fotki.com/cayenne0622
For non fotki viewers.
Pic 1 is July 06 and Pic 2 is Sept 07. Not very much progress.:sad:
Picture 743.jpg

Hur sept 07 011.jpg
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your hair is soo pretty and healthy, you have made tremedous progress, don't be hard on yourself, well done
Right well im off to view your fotki, but im surprised by your last comment - what are you talking about, i see lots of progress in those pics - congrats!!!
'Preciate it ladies! I really do. It has grown but when you think about 1 year and a couple of months of healthy hair practice and you see I was only able to retain a couple of inches in length. It really is substantially thinner...even from my March 07 pics in fotki. I welcome and appreciate the encouragment though. No self pity...I'm on a mission. :grin:
I think you've had great progress especially since you've had to deal with shedding, thinning, and trims. Your 2007 pic isn't the same as the 2006 pic. That's something to be commended IMO.
Your hair looks good, and I think you've made great progress. From the looks of your 2006 pic, you look like you have a long, graceful neck (that models would kill for), so that's something to consider when you look at your progress.
Congratulations on your progress! Your hair looks luscious and healthy...Best wishes for continued hair health and growth!
Your hair looks good, and I think you've made great progress. From the looks of your 2006 pic, you look like you have a long, graceful neck (that models would kill for), so that's something to consider when you look at your progress.

Thanks everybody!! I'm on it!! I think things will be better for year 2!! Keeping my fingers double crossed!

Tara - girllllll....I do have a very long neck. lol And I'm on 5'4!!
Your hair looks great. I remember sending you a P.M stating that you are my hair idol. I am in love with bobs, I love your hair in the july '06 and march '07pics.
girl you really are too hard on yourself...you grew you hair from a Halle Berry cut even to the bob length(which i luved) even thru the shedding it seemed like you had thick hair...and now look how far you've come....

girl i would give anything to have the thickness you have...

you have alot of progress....i would luv to even have your bob right now....

very beautiful progress...

what is your regimen like?

OT and what kind of dog do you have he is too adorable?
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Sorry to hear about your past troubles, despite all the trims and cuts your hair looks GREAT. Don't worry the thickness will come, your hair seems like it grows really quickly. Keep working that reggie girl. Great progress!
Your hair looks great. You've made a lot of progress, much more than I have.

I'm not even opening my FOTKI back up until I feel ok about showing my hair again. :wallbash:

Way to go. You're on the right track.
Hey, Cayenne,

I think your hair looks very pretty and thick, and that is a lot of progress; keep it up! :)
Hey lady!!! I am so glad that you decided to post your pics! Your hair looks beautiful and thick. You have done a great job with your hair and all of the hard work is going to pay off. Keep it up!!! :)
Girl, I was expecting to see some raggedy, chewed-up ends in your siggy. You must be joking cause your hair looks fabulous considering how many setbacks you've had.

Keep doing what you are doing and don't be too hard on yourself.:yep:
The title should tell ya sumthin!:drunk:

I am finally putting my shame aside and showing my hair pics and opening my fotki. A lot of you know my story but for those who don't, I'll try to make it short and sweet.
I found LHCF in my search to stop my massive hair shedding that started in about May 06. After hundreds of dollars spent on products, a few docs visits, I found out that my shedding started from my wisdom teeth extraction in May. Doc is not sure if it was an allergic reaction to the meds or if it was from the trauma and stress of the procedure. Anywho, I found that out in October. Doc put me on a prescription shampoo called Nizoral saying it would stop the hair shed. It did NOT!! All it did was dry my hair to the core and cause it to start snapping like crazy. So, my hair is not in very condition right now. Its thin and the nape and the front edges are broken off. So, I've dusted it numerous times and trimmed majorly about 3 times. I cut about 2 inches off last week.
So, sob story over. Going into year two, its all about health and recovery.
My fotki is: www.fotki.com/cayenne0622
For non fotki viewers.
Pic 1 is July 06 and Pic 2 is Sept 07. Not very much progress.:sad:
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I ran in here when I saw you had an update because I've always loved your hair:grin:
Regarding the bolded, that's about 14 months...and despite all the things you've had to go through you still manage to retain a good 3-4" it looks like. Don't short yourself...that's more than some (like myself) retain without any setbacks:look: I hope healthwise things continue to improve :bighug:
Girl, I was expecting to see some raggedy, chewed-up ends in your siggy. You must be joking cause your hair looks fabulous considering how many setbacks you've had.

Keep doing what you are doing and don't be too hard on yourself.:yep:

Me too!!! I really was preparing myself to see a horror story.

I think that your hard work is paying off beautifully. Patience is the key...continue to hang in there. Whether you realize it or not, you are an inspiration to many people on this board.
Your hair looks great. I remember sending you a P.M stating that you are my hair idol. I am in love with bobs, I love your hair in the july '06 and march '07pics.

Oh yes! I remember that. You made me smile through my hair woes. :grin:
Thanks girl. I enjoyed my bob too. I probably should have kept it for a while instead of growing out during this hard time. hmmmmm
girl you really are too hard on yourself...you grew you hair from a Halle Berry cut even to the bob length(which i luved) even thru the shedding it seemed like you had thick hair...and now look how far you've come....

girl i would give anything to have the thickness you have... I think my hair is deceitful...like Kinikakes says about her's. My crown and sides are are about medium texture but my front edges and my nape are thin thin thin..

you have alot of progress....i would luv to even have your bob right now.... thanks girl. i enjoyed that bob! i ain't gonna lie. lol

very beautiful progress...

what is your regimen like? For now, I'm on a moisture regimen. On Wednesday I shampoo (Elasta QP for relaxed hair) and deep condition (trying out Kenra and Kercare Humecto right now--trying to see if they are all their cracked up to be). Normally I would use AO Honeysuckle Rose or Elasta QP DPR11. I comb my hair straight back while wet, add Giovanni Direct Leave in and add a little oil, tie it down with wrap strips so it'll dry somewhat straight. And I pin up or bun almost everyday and moisturize twice a day.

OT and what kind of dog do you have he is too adorable? Don't get me started on my baby! That's Chopper. He is half poodle and half cockerspaniel. He is an great dog!!! I love him dearly.

I wish you the best with your hair goals!
Wow....all of your words are so sweet and encouraging that I have chills on my arms...literally! I wanted to respond to each one of you individually because I am really touched but this thread would be 10 pages long if I did that.:spinning: Anyway, to each one of you I give a heart filled thanks! Honestly, guys...my hair is really fragile and somewhat brittle right now. I did a 2 weeks no shampoo (only co-wash) deal and just tried to up my moisture as much as I could. I'm still having that battle daily but I feel in my heart that it will get better this year. My biggest struggle is find protective styles that won't further damage my fragile hair. If I loosely bun too often I get breakage. If I slightly twist and pin up in the back too often, i get breakage from that. If I rollerset, I have hair all over my hands throughout the whole process. I believe for the most part the breakage is slowing and I should be able to start doing a breakage free rollerset within the next couple of weeks...that's what I'm hoping.
Anyway, thanks again for the support and the compliments. Your words really keep a sistah in the game!:woot:
Love you all!!!
I agee with the other ladies, I think you've had amazing progress despite the setbacks :yep:
Your hair looks 4-5 inches longer & thick too! That's inspirational! keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing your year 2 progress pics ;)
I think you are doing a wonderful job at maintaining your hair inspite of all of the set backs. Your hair looks lovely and just looking at the pictures, one would have never known what you have been going through because your hair looks healthy.

Keep up the great work...I'm on your team!:yep: