1-1-08 to 1-1-09 Anything Goes Challenge

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
ETA: Here is the signup thread

Hey ladies :)

I would like to monitor my progress for the next year and see how much change/growth/thickness/ I will get from start to finish. This isn't really a challenge to say what I can and can't do to my hair, but, it is really inspiring to see just how much my hair changes over the course of just 1 little year :yep: with a lot of TLC

So, During the 1st week of January I will take at least two pictures. One will be of my hair in its natchal state and the other will be of my hair straightened. In 6 months I will again take a few pictures of my hair in it's natchal state and when it's straightened. Finally at the end of the challenge I will do it again.

It really is amazing to see how much your hair has grown when you have actual hard documentation. Alot of times I will read threads from some of you claiming you got no growth over the course of a year, but in actuality YOU DID, you just couldn't tell, but it was easy for those of us reading your threads to see it based on your pics.

Hopefully this challenge will be an inspiration for everyone here now, as well as for those that have yet to join the board.

Anyone in?? Again there are no hard and fast rules. Do whatever you feel will nuture your hair and encourage growth be it cowashing, no washing, using growth aids, excersizing, no heat, extra heat, protective styling, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO. This challenge/thread is more to just see how your hair changes in just 1 little year.

If there are any interested I will start a sign up thread on January 1st:yep:
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I'm in but I can't post pics of my hair skraight rite now cuz i'm only pressing once a yr... cut i can post one of those topless pull-ur-hair fotos will that be ok?
Sign me up Bre-Bre! This year my hair finally reached my childhood length. By the end of '08 my hair should be the longest it has ever been so I am psyched.
I am in, But my start Pic is in my avitar and I will take another one in March, I am trying to take pics every 3 months, I really want to see how my hair will look natural for a full year, I always relax at 8 months due to length, but I will TRY not to do that again.
I'm in!! I need something to keep me motivated...I have a scissor cut fetish! So I'm attempting to ditch the shears and see what my hair can do now that I'm going to attempt to let it pass my shoulders! Its pretty healthy...I won't be able to post pics until sometime in Feb when I come home from the desert...but I will take them and save them to my computer!
I see no problems with this. I think the issue is that when using the mirror only to monitor progress, it can be quite deceiving. One minute I look APL, the next my hair looks very short. I think pics tell the *whole* story. I need to be taking pics. I can't wait to this.

I will start on January! :yep:

I'm in Bre. How ya doing, girl! I missed ya!:kiss:
here's my deal

i'll take some pictures when i re-do my hair on new years eve
and use those as my starting pictures

i'll be using protective styles for a lot of 2008.
washing and deep conditioning in twists once or twice a week
depending on how i and my hair feels
and doing aphogee hardcore treatments every 6 weeks or so

i think i'll just do the stretch/pull thing to show length
hopefully it wont be too hard for me
and my arm wont break off. lol

i'll be heat straightening in may 2008
so, i'll be sure to share those pictures when i do that

it's going to be a beautiful year for hair growth.
here's my deal

i'll take some pictures when i re-do my hair on new years eve
and use those as my starting pictures

i'll be using protective styles for a lot of 2008.
washing and deep conditioning in twists once or twice a week
depending on how i and my hair feels
and doing aphogee hardcore treatments every 6 weeks or so

i think i'll just do the stretch/pull thing to show length
hopefully it wont be too hard for me
and my arm wont break off. lol

i'll be heat straightening in may 2008
so, i'll be sure to share those pictures when i do that

it's going to be a beautiful year for hair growth.

how do u use chi silk infusion? and how do u use kenra MC as a leavee in????
I want in as well.... This should be easy since its not really a challenge...
Happy Hair Growing Everyone :yep:
I'm in!

I decided that for the upcoming year i'm going to really monitor my progress. This year I only took two pictures of my progress, and it took me a minute to get my regmine down . (plus I had 4 inches of bad hair color that I gradually cut off).

So for the upcoming year i'm going to do updates every 3 months with pictures.

Although I had a few set backs this year and i'm pushing for MBL by this time next year.
I'm so in!!!! This is a great challenge, I can stick with this one. I finally brought a digital camera for my hair.:yep: I haven't taken a picture of my hair, yet.:nono: So this challenge will help me to see my progress over the year.

Thanks BreBre!!!!:grin:
how do u use chi silk infusion? and how do u use kenra MC as a leavee in????

oh hey...
actually i got the kenra as a leave-in thing from this board
i would have never even thought to use it (or any other deep conditioner)
as a leave-in until i read about a few people here using it.

anyway...i just use it after a wash on wet hair
or i'll just leave some from the wash in my hair

(oh, if i use extra out of the bottle, i mix it with a little water because of course it's thick and i kind of want it to mix into my hair more easily)

i dig it.

as for the silk infusion
i just rub it on my hair
when i want a little extra softness

some people just use it when they're using heat on their hair

i wouldnt suggest using it TOO much because it's cone-city
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I want to be in :yep: I will actually start a hair jounal for 08 but only post pictures from jan and from dec, im sooo exited :grin: