Active Member
I just wasn't COMPLETELY satisfied with the whole average rate of growth is half inch per month. This is the average for ALL the races combined but I wanted something SPECIFIC for the African (Negroid) race. So I went researching on the Internet and I don't know if anyone has come across this study done by the British Journal of Dermatology in August 2001.
Hair growth parameters have been studied mostly in caucasian hair, whereas few data on African hair have been reported in the literature.
To evaluate hair growth characteristics of African volunteers born in Africa.
Thirty-eight young adults (19 women, 19 men, mean ± SD age 27 ± 10 years), native of central and western Africa, took part in the study.
Phototrichograms were performed in order to record three parameters of hair growth: hair density, telogen percentage and rate of growth.
For each volunteer, three regions of the scalp, namely vertex, temporal and occipital areas, were assessed.
Hair density varied from 90 to 290 hairs cm−2, with higher counts on the vertex. No significant difference between men and women was recorded.
Telogen percentage showed wide variations, from 2 to 46%, with higher levels on the temporal area and in men. The rate of growth fluctuated from 150 to 363 µm day−1 with no difference related either to gender or to scalp region.
These data were compared with those previously obtained in caucasian volunteers of comparable age, and showed significant differences between the two ethnic groups in all three parameters studied.
Hair density in African volunteers was lower than that in caucasians (mean ± SD 190 ± 40 and 227 ± 55 hairs cm−2, respectively).
African hair grew at a much slower rate than caucasian hair (mean ± SD 256 ± 44 vs. 396 ± 55 µm day−1), and telogen counts were frequently higher in African hair (mean ± SD 18 ± 9% vs. 14 ± 11%).
This study demonstrated significant differences between African and caucasian hair growth parameters, which might suggest a trend towards increased hair loss in Africans, even though it contrasts with a lower and slower incidence of the development of alopecia in Africans.
Keywords: African hair; hair cycle; hair rate of growth; phototrichogram; scalp hair density
Document Type: Research article
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2133.2001.04350.x
Affiliations: 1: Laboratoires Recherche Appliquée et Développement, L'Oréal, 66 rue Henri Barbusse, 92117 Clichy cedex, France
sourses: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/bjd/2001/00000145/00000002/art00018
There is little extra info on this study 2 describe possible environmental (de african sun is HOT as hell) or styling factors (africans comb TOO MUCH & braid too darn tight) that can affect growth rates. Also, this study is affiliated with L'Oreal which I think is known for being racist. In addition, the study was shown to have errors as high as 18% to 20%! Fluke, much?
I would like to know how other people feel about this. Btw, am NEW and this is my FIRST post! xD
Hair growth parameters have been studied mostly in caucasian hair, whereas few data on African hair have been reported in the literature.
To evaluate hair growth characteristics of African volunteers born in Africa.
Thirty-eight young adults (19 women, 19 men, mean ± SD age 27 ± 10 years), native of central and western Africa, took part in the study.
Phototrichograms were performed in order to record three parameters of hair growth: hair density, telogen percentage and rate of growth.
For each volunteer, three regions of the scalp, namely vertex, temporal and occipital areas, were assessed.
Hair density varied from 90 to 290 hairs cm−2, with higher counts on the vertex. No significant difference between men and women was recorded.
Telogen percentage showed wide variations, from 2 to 46%, with higher levels on the temporal area and in men. The rate of growth fluctuated from 150 to 363 µm day−1 with no difference related either to gender or to scalp region.
These data were compared with those previously obtained in caucasian volunteers of comparable age, and showed significant differences between the two ethnic groups in all three parameters studied.
Hair density in African volunteers was lower than that in caucasians (mean ± SD 190 ± 40 and 227 ± 55 hairs cm−2, respectively).
African hair grew at a much slower rate than caucasian hair (mean ± SD 256 ± 44 vs. 396 ± 55 µm day−1), and telogen counts were frequently higher in African hair (mean ± SD 18 ± 9% vs. 14 ± 11%).
This study demonstrated significant differences between African and caucasian hair growth parameters, which might suggest a trend towards increased hair loss in Africans, even though it contrasts with a lower and slower incidence of the development of alopecia in Africans.
Keywords: African hair; hair cycle; hair rate of growth; phototrichogram; scalp hair density
Document Type: Research article
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2133.2001.04350.x
Affiliations: 1: Laboratoires Recherche Appliquée et Développement, L'Oréal, 66 rue Henri Barbusse, 92117 Clichy cedex, France
sourses: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bsc/bjd/2001/00000145/00000002/art00018
There is little extra info on this study 2 describe possible environmental (de african sun is HOT as hell) or styling factors (africans comb TOO MUCH & braid too darn tight) that can affect growth rates. Also, this study is affiliated with L'Oreal which I think is known for being racist. In addition, the study was shown to have errors as high as 18% to 20%! Fluke, much?
I would like to know how other people feel about this. Btw, am NEW and this is my FIRST post! xD