Active Member
Ugh, someone help a sista out here. I've been playing with doing twists in my hair lately. And I've finally gotten to the point to where they look decent only to have to go to sleep and wake up to them looking all SMUSHED up and FLAT!!!

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").
Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?
Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to do something new with my hair this summer instead of the constant WnG and Scarves/Headbands. I loved how the twists looks and I really want to rock them this summer but not looking like a darn Bedhead!
Thanx so much!

How do ya'll sleep with your twists and have them still look good the next day? Keep in mind, my hair is a TWA(approx 4").
Also another question, if you're twisting your hair and you hit a snag where one of the twists won't stay twisted, what do you do? Do you put anything on ends of your twists to make them stay intact or anything?
Oh and another question, how do you wash twists without them coming undone? I'm still wondering about this after seeing sooo many wash their twists. I can understand doing them to braids/plaits, but twists are much looser than those and I just cannot grasp it.
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to do something new with my hair this summer instead of the constant WnG and Scarves/Headbands. I loved how the twists looks and I really want to rock them this summer but not looking like a darn Bedhead!

Thanx so much!