Zuckerberg Announces Facebook Dating App


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Facebook announces new dating feature and Match is getting clobbered
  • Facebook is launching a dating feature, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced during Facebook's annual F8 developer conference.
  • The opt-in feature will match users specifically with people they aren't already friends with. Facebook users can build a dating profile — which friends won't be able to see.
  • Shares of online dating company Match and its parent company IAC both sunk on the news.
Sara Salinas | @saracsalinas
Published 45 Mins Ago Updated 5 Mins AgoCNBC.com

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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks during the F8 Facebook Developers conference on May 1, 2018 in San Jose, California.
Facebook is launching a dating feature, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced during the keynote address at Facebook's annual F8 developer conference Tuesday.

"This is going to be for building real, long-term relationships — not just hook-ups," Zuckerberg said.

The opt-in feature will match users specifically with people they aren't already friends with. Facebook users can build a dating profile — which friends won't be able to see.

Shares of online dating company Match plunged as much as 20 percent on the news. Its parent company IAC dropped more than 10 percent.

Match plunges as Facebook announces new dating feature 26 Mins Ago | 01:15

The F8 conference, often an opportunity to announce new developer tools or hardware, comes amid a broader discussion of policy and privacy for the company.

Facebook for months has been dealing with the fallout of the Cambridge Analytica data leak and questions of user privacy — a firestorm set off by reports that an app developer mishandled sensitive user information.

But Zuckerberg said during his address that the company will "keep building, even while we focus on keeping people safe."

The new dating feature links to events and groups on the larger platform, allowing users with dating profiles to connect via shared interests or commonly attended events.

"It mirrors the way people actually date, which is usually at events and institutions that they're connected to," Chief Product Office Chris Cox said during the F8 conference.

Users can launch text-only private messages, separate from Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.

I'm assuming that this will take off the minute they launch it since they have all your information in their algorithms to match you but I'm sceptical on the long-lasting relationships part. (Particularly sucks if you have Match.com stock, but it's only down $10 per share right now.)
I did not keep up with the social media age the way my peers did. I just had an argument with someone over the fact that when you google my name very very very little results appear (maybe 1 or 2 hits). This does not sound appealing to me but I know I'm in the minority so let me get out of here.
FB is full of baby boomers now. Time to "have the talk" with your parents about STDs and morning after etiquette.

Yeah Millennials have moved on from FB at least in their personal lives, and post-Millennials never really got into it in the first place. FB's credibility on privacy is shot and with the other apps on the market, I don't see how this will work but we will see. :rolleyes:
Oddly enough the thing that I think would be the most useful about Facebook as a dating pool is the feature they seem to want to avoid: dating options within your friend network and different degree connections. I would be able to meet ppl that ppl I actually rock with could vouch for in some way and be able to more easily online stalk them before agreeing to a date unless they block their profiles. Like LinkedIn for dating. There’s a dating app that takes this approach I think but Tinder dominates the market. Unlike Instagram and the younger social media sites, there’s something slightly more honest and less flossy about how ppl present themselves on Facebook. Which is good and bad depending on what you find/are looking for.
I’m not looking but this excluding friends part is arse backwards.

Friends on FB or through mutual friends on FB is how I know a few met their current DH or SO.
Oddly enough the thing that I think would be the most useful about Facebook as a dating pool is the feature they seem to want to avoid: dating options within your friend network and different degree connections. I would be able to meet ppl that ppl I actually rock with could vouch for in some way and be able to more easily online stalk them before agreeing to a date unless they block their profiles. Like LinkedIn for dating. There’s a dating app that takes this approach I think but Tinder dominates the market. Unlike Instagram and the younger social media sites, there’s something slightly more honest and less flossy about how ppl present themselves on Facebook. Which is good and bad depending on what you find/are looking for.
I know this is the way of the world these days but this is what is so unappealing about this to me in the first place. Like someone I don't even know will vet me fully and completely all before we even message for the first time, talk for the first time, meet for the first time, etc. So you know where I went to school, what my degrees are in, what I do for work, all my friends, what I do for fun, essentially every single thing about me. All before we even go out. It's just...idk so manufactured and unnatural to me. Even the early days of online dating still held a bit of mystery and fun around getting to know someone. I complained about this a while ago about online dating. Messaging people online and them immediately asking for your facebook or instagram. It is so odd to me and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with the way things are changing. And it's almost not normal for me to feel this way - me and Zuckerberg are the same age. I should be on board with this, right?
I know this is the way of the world these days but this is what is so unappealing about this to me in the first place. Like someone I don't even know will vet me fully and completely all before we even message for the first time, talk for the first time, meet for the first time, etc. So you know where I went to school, what my degrees are in, what I do for work, all my friends, what I do for fun, essentially every single thing about me. All before we even go out. It's just...idk so manufactured and unnatural to me. Even the early days of online dating still held a bit of mystery and fun around getting to know someone. I complained about this a while ago about online dating. Messaging people online and them immediately asking for your facebook or instagram. It is so odd to me and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with the way things are changing. And it's almost not normal for me to feel this way - me and Zuckerberg are the same age. I should be on board with this, right?
I feel the same way. You're not alone. There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your private life private.
I know this is the way of the world these days but this is what is so unappealing about this to me in the first place. Like someone I don't even know will vet me fully and completely all before we even message for the first time, talk for the first time, meet for the first time, etc. So you know where I went to school, what my degrees are in, what I do for work, all my friends, what I do for fun, essentially every single thing about me. All before we even go out. It's just...idk so manufactured and unnatural to me. Even the early days of online dating still held a bit of mystery and fun around getting to know someone. I complained about this a while ago about online dating. Messaging people online and them immediately asking for your facebook or instagram. It is so odd to me and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with the way things are changing. And it's almost not normal for me to feel this way - me and Zuckerberg are the same age. I should be on board with this, right?

I can see that side too. I don’t do anything on Facebook but post pictures and share videos. But what social media has showed me time and time again is that real life chameleons are really really really comfortable being their inner selves, when someone gives them a platform and a couple of likes. Social media, like it or not, is an opportunity to brand yourself. And the choices we make about that public persona say something about who we are, whether we are lying or telling the truth online when we post. I’m not going out here playing detective to hack social media, but if it’s there and public, I’m not ignoring it. Time and time again I want to say I’m surprised by someone’s behavior when a scroll down their Facebook feed could have told me everything I needed to know. After one friend ended up on a date with some Morehouse Twitter R. Kelly stan and another wasted her time with a Jim Jones-esque/Fabolos-esque dude, if I have access to a dude’s inner thoughts on social media, I’m holding anything appalling against them in my filter process unapologetically. As much as women are berated for being the catty, gossipy, negative gender, dudes be the main ones on online pontificating on their hotepery, hate for women, and problematic support of trash ppl. That’s exactly why so many of these old school celebs are getting caught up now- there wasn’t social media for them to act a fool on and post their true selves. For better or worse, soon as the information is out there it’s out there. The only questions now are do we post and if someone posts, do we read it?