Yummy Wheatgrass Smoothie


New Member
I bought wheatgrass powder about a year ago after reading about the hair growth benefits here on LHCF. Well, let's just say I"m a PJ. I didn't stick with it and just came across a half bottle that was left. The expiration date said 2011, so I decided to try a smoothie. It was delish!

2-3 cups of pineapple (I used 3)
2 clementines
1-1/4 tsp wheatgrass powder
2 tsp honey (or honey to taste - I love sweet! Sweetness is my weakness...)

The color came out green, but I could not taste the wheatgrass. It was more like a tropical treat! Next time, I might throw in a little mango too.
That actally sounds good. I may try that once I am finished with my fast. 20 days to go! I am saving this thread for the future.
OK, I had to come in b/c I have never seen the words "yummy" and "wheatgrass" together!
Thanks for the recipe. I think the powder form is most definitely the way to go.