Youtube video of natural hair


New Member
So, I made my first youtube's rough...the first two minutes are dark for some reason, I didn't know at the time. But I hope it's helpful as far as a style idea goes! I wanted to try and contribute since I have gained so much valuable information from this site and from other naturals on youtube. I will do another one that shows the whole process and will sit under the dryer next time to show the difference between air dried and not air dried...

Either way, it was surprisingly fun :D I'll also try to be in different lighting next time so you can see my hair better.
hey :) i watched the vid and i really like how it turned out. i was thinking that you could try larger twists so you get a looser twistout, you might like it enough to wear it out. either way i think it looks nice :)
This was sooo cute! Thanks for the video. As a natural I usually braid mine up or flat iron (moistly braided lately) but I may just try something like this. Much appreciated!
Thank you, I'm really glad you guys got something out of it! Being on youtube with wild hair is a bit daunting, but I figure if everyone else can do it...I can suck it up and contribute!

So tonight, I just re-wet it before bed and retwisted it in bigger twists, and I did a video of it and will do another in the am of how it actually turned out...will let you know once I post it, I'm expecting wearable results this time! I tried a little larger twists as we shall see! I also filmed in my bathroom this time, so hopefully you can see my actual hair better...