Youtube-DSD's Japanese Sponge Hair Ball Curler dry set.


Hair Coach
So I couldn't resist. I ordered 24 of the hair balls from Ebay. They are so cute.

I did a dry set with Paul Mitchell foaming pomade I used end papers to protect the ends from dryness and went under the dryer for 20 minutes. The results are a soft set with loose bouncy curls.

I am sure that depending on how you start you hair will determine the outcome of the style. It will probably be more tightly curled if done on wet or semi-wet hair.

Check out my video on Youtube:

I like them. Here is a pic of the after:
Oh my, Love them!! They came out good, you did a nice job :clapping:. Your hair look’s so healthy also love your nail’s they look very pretty.
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I really liked the outcome of your hair and how easy it was to put in. Thanks for posting this tutorial. I'm going to have to buy me some.