Youtube-cute updo-short hair tutorial


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies-

I tried this somewhat protective style on my twist out w/ rod curled ends and it was really cute! I think it can work on a variety of textures and the outcome is really cute-esp w/ a headband. I wish I had my cam to take a pic but I can't find it:perplexed. Anyways- try this out!

Here is the link
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I don't think her hair is short. It's long and gorgeous. It's past SL. Her styles are awesome though.
I don't think her hair is short. It's long and gorgeous. It's past SL. Her styles are awesome though.

I actually agree too- I think she may have titled it "short updo" cause it was short for her. I think it can work on shorter hair than hers too. I made a request that she create more style tutorials too :yep:
LOVE this style! With imagination, it can be modified so don't get discouraged by her length! :yep:

I have short layers 1.5-4 inches), transitioning and it's not cute right now - dry, damaged split ends. I was thinking updo with the assistance of gel (alcohol free) but that's not gonna work without looking yuk! Years ago my stylist did an updo for me during the summer months giving my hair a much needed rest. My hair thickened up nicely and was healthy - it responded well to the protein. I'm not sure what to do...I work in corporate - front & center with the client - very white conservative mgmt. There are a number of sisters that are natural in similar positions -1 in dreads, 1 in mid length fro - 2 others do the thermasmooth type process. I need to do something that doesn't look to radical - TWA/BC not an option for me - don't think it would flatter my face.Oh yeah, on top of everything, I got the middle age woman thing happening (45) and I work out minimum 5 times weekly resulting in a very wet scalp/hair. Took a latin fusion dance class tonight - great cardio workout, but the hair is not cute AT ALL!!! This is very hard for me....I once got a call once from someone at church asking for a referral for my hairdresser for a guest female minister that was in town because my hair always looked so nice I was told. Of course I was spending more time and money in the salon than I would ever consider at this point in my life. Tonight after my exercise class someone at my childs karate school has been wearing a wig and the conversation resulted in her saying, mine was getting thin and breaking like yours !:ohwell:

I'm waiting for the diva smooth stuff to come and hopefully it will provide some relief. I need to do something quickly though - I can't take another week like this!
If your ends are a little rough you might want to consider getting a trim. I did and I don't regret it at all. Granted I miss my feeling my hair right above bsl but it's so healthy now. Do you have any idea what's going on? My hair broke when I was stressed, dehydrated, and/or malnourished not to mention neglect. I had to find what worked for me and stick with it.

Have you tried braidouts, a braided updo, or a weave? When I was in school, working out, and working I didn't have alot of time for my hair so I opted for a curly weave with a braided front. I was able to keep it for two months (with good maintenance in between) and my hair really benefited from it. :yep: Not to mention it was a great time saver!:yep:
I trimmed the ends myself yesterday (regular person not available before Tuesday) and the look has improved greatly. I decided to wait until I go to NY next month and get a really trim with my favorite hairstylist - this guy is a master/genius with the scissors. His cuts are so good (lots of shape, precise lines & definition put into the cut) that I can wear my hair blow dried without any flat ironing afterwards.

My breakage comes from two things, not trimming regularly and frequent use of flat iron.

My daughter is trying to talk me into a weave. I like the look on other people, not certain how I'll look in it though.

I purchased some small rods from Sally's to try doing a small rodded style after realizing how much work a strawset would take to secure the straws.

I'm exploring braided styles now and thinking about the Mizani Thermasmooth. I'm waiting for the divasmooth product to come as well.

So far the coconut oil is making NG feel so much better! I worked out this morning and NG is manageable - applied the EVCO this morning and put a headband on and went on about my business. After workout just ran my fingers through and readjusted the headband.

So the new regi is:

Prepoo with Queen Helene Cholesteral
Washing - Design Essentials Moisturizing Shampoo
Condish - Design Essentials stimulations/express condish mix
Sealing - Chi Silk Elements
Daily Moisturizing - Coconut Oil

May consider Megatek.

Thanks for your suggestions!