Your top ten reasons for self-relaxing


Well-Known Member

1. I know not to overlap all the way to the ends.

2. I know that relaxer goes on the hair and not the scalp.

3. I have enough sense not to detangle with a fine-toothed comb.

4. I save lots of $$.

5. No driving to a salon, finding parking, rushing to be on time to my appt.

6. No finding a sitter for the kids.

7. I can relax whenever I feel like it and have time, whether that's 6am or 6 pm.

8. My stylist always uses my preferred relaxer (PHYTO :grin: )

9. I know my stylist wants my hair to be long and healthy

10. My stylist is not going to do a rush job, she will take her time and do it right.
Nice thread...but I'm still scared to attempt this...I guess I should be scared of some of the stylist out there more though:lachen:
Thanks for starting this thread. I will attempt my first self relaxer in a few months and have been looking for tips so bumping for everyone to respond b/c I need some encouragement. :D
10. No more distracted stylists yakking away with someone else while she does my hair!

9. No more explaining that I only want my hair 80% relaxed.

8. No more paying all that $$$!

7. No more trying to dodge and weave away from the scissors at touch up time!

6. (And this is important!) No more leaving the house looking like a scared, crazy, crackhead poodle so my stylist can see the newgrowth.

5. No more being bored while the process is happening (I can listen to music etc. while I self relax).

4. No more fighting to bring in my own relaxer.

3. No more wondering if the condtioner they are going to use after will do me like my Elucence does!

2. No more harsh scrubbing of my scalp while getting the relaxer shampooed out.

1. NO MORE OVERLAP! :grin:
wadadligyal said:
Thanks for starting this thread. I will attempt my first self relaxer in a few months and have been looking for tips so bumping for everyone to respond b/c I need some encouragement. :D

I did a section in my album on self relaxing if you're interested.
My top reasons are:

1.) I can control all of the hair events leading up to, during, and after the relaxer. (products and technique wise)

2.) I can customize the relaxer to my liking (I like to add oils) without hearing somebody else's mouth about it.

3.) I can relax to the degree I want.

4.) I can neutralize for as long and as much as I want to!

5.) I can deep condition for as long and as much as I want to.

6.) I don't have people staring at me wishing I would hurry up so the stylist can finally get to their head.:lol:

7.) I don't look like a client nuisance-- constantly demanding and asking for things to be done a certain way.

8.) I save lots of money.
I can't think of any other reasons, right now. You gals said some good ones.

I have not let anyone else put chemicals in my hair for 13 yrs. I'm never going back! :lol:
My top reasons are:

1.) Money!!!!!!

2.) I can relax my hair the way I want.

3.) I dont have to worry about someone rushing to finish cuz they overbooked

4.) I dont have to worry about being charged extra cuz my hair is past my shoulders ...

5.) I can deep condition with what I want to...

6.) It doesnt take 4 hours to get an end result...

7.) The price of my hair style doesnt change every time I do it...
Another benefit: With the money saved I can indulge in higher quality maintenance products if the drugstore brands aren't cutting it for a particular need.
1. I don't have to risk losing my hair!
2. no snotty attitudes
3. saving money
4. peace of mind
oh yeah and I can neautralize for as long as I want to! (good point sistaslick!)
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2. I know all of my products are quality
3. if i under/overprocess I can't be mad at anybody but myself
4. no more harsh tugging and pulling resulting in a sore scalp
5. i will base my whole scalp, slowly and effectively
6. i take my time to detangle
7. no rush jobs here
8. the temp is right, i wear what i want, no more relax/color on my clothes
9. i try my hardes not to overlap while they try to get it in quick
10. no more "child, why you wait so long" or "girl you need a trim"
msportugal said:
1. you know whats in the MYSTERY BOWL

ya know!!!! :lachen: It kills me when they arrive from the back with that mystery bowl of mystery white creme--- could be any relaxer under the sun:look: You think you're getting Affirm but you're really getting Unconfirmed :lol:
I cant wait to start self relaxing myself but Im waiting until its gets longer. When I used to do it myself I was overlapping and under or overprocessing because its so short I took forever to get my entire head. :(
RabiaElaine said:
Nice thread...but I'm still scared to attempt this...I guess I should be scared of some of the stylist out there more though:lachen:

I'm scared to try it, too. I can relate to everyone's reasons for self-relaxing.
I have four reasons:

1. Save money
2. Save time
3. I can control how long it stays in
4. I can make sure my scalp is based properly
1. i know my hair the best
2. if i'm not happy with the results i can only blame myself :)
3. saving lots of dollars
4. don't have to worry about the cut "after" the relaxer
5. don't have to worry about the styling after the relaxer (heavy hands and small comb pulling out all my hair)
6. don't have to worry about over or underprocessing
SweetCaramel1 said:
5. don't have to worry about the styling after the relaxer (heavy hands and small comb pulling out all my hair)
This would be my only motivation to try self-relaxing again.
It drives me nuts when the shampoo girl scrubs my scalp, tangles my hair, and then rips the comb through it all because she's rushed. I have to stop her and call the stylist back to the shampoo bowl for detangling. Everyone gets annoyed, but no one more than me.
1. save money

2. stylists never listen to me about relaxers

3. I can use the products I like

4. I can go at my own pace

5. I can use as much product as I want

6. I don't have to rush I have all day to do to my hair

7. Damn them little rat tail combs they use urgh

8. I don't have to worry about scalp burning
Sistaslick said:
ya know!!!! :lachen: It kills me when they arrive from the back with that mystery bowl of mystery white creme--- could be any relaxer under the sun:look: You think you're getting Affirm but you're really getting Unconfirmed :lol:

LOL. I wonder this each and every time I go to my new stylist. She had the nerve to ask me what kind of relaxer are we putting in this time. I was like bytch didn't you write it down on my card. I refuse to get a different brand relaxer each touch up.
aqualung said:
This would be my only motivation to try self-relaxing again.
It drives me nuts when the shampoo girl scrubs my scalp, tangles my hair, and then rips the comb through it all because she's rushed. I have to stop her and call the stylist back to the shampoo bowl for detangling. Everyone gets annoyed, but no one more than me.

Is this todds's salon?