your thoughts about layers


Active Member
I just wanted to know how everyone felt about layered cuts as they pertain to overall hair maintenance(rollersetting, style options, etc), appearance (does hair look thinner or thicker), and anything else you'd like to share.

My hair is very funny... my bottom layer is a diffrent texture (silkier, healthier, blunt ends) but the top layer of my hair leaves much to be desired. I'm thinking that having layers cut into the top would give me a nice and stylish option for cutting the "damaged" parts of my hair. What do you all think??

BTW my hair is not very long, do you think this a style for longer haired ladies??
Hey girl... haven't 'seen' you in a minute.
I've had layers on numerous occasions and while my hair is naturally thick, it did appear thicker after i got them done the first time (my hair was about 3" past my shoulders at that time). It was HELLIFIED torture for me (i was about 19 or 20) to curl it b/c of the layers (i had 3 levels). I was always in the bathroom cursing to myself and getting all aggravated BUT that was when i didn't know anything about hair.
A little later in life (mid 20's) i had the layered pixie cut (like halle) and i could not for the life of me do it so i had to just throw it out.
Saying all that to say
Layers r not for everybody. I've been growing mine out since the end of 2001 and it's a slow and painless process.
BUT i will say layers DO make ur hair look healthier and fluffier IMO. I loved my layers (each time i got them done), it was just the maintenace and trying to redo the style i left the salon in that was the problem.
BTW, you needn't have long hair to get layers, i believe layers look good on any length of hair

Good Luck!
P.S. I would not do the layers again tho
Right now my hair is bra-strap length and pretty much one length. I am so bored with it. I want layers to add movement around the bottom, especially in the back. I really like the way Essence Atkins wears her hair on Half and Half. I'm just afraid of having too much length removed when the stylist tries to add layers.

I think that if you have length goals in mind, layers might add frustration because you have to grow out different lengths of hair.
Layers are difficult to manage - and more importantly are IMPOSSIBLE to grow out. Ok - so not IMPOSSIBLE - but not nearly immediately possible. I've had layers in the fornt of my hair since 2001!

The other thing is - if you decide to venture out anyway - DON'T do them at a dominican salon. They have a very set idea of what layers are and they are very choppy, shelflike layers giving you radically different lengths of hair. They look beautiful in the salon, and then when you wrap it you have all these choppy layers. No amount of direction to the contrary will convince them to do otherwise unless you find someone really good....

Go to a real hair "cutter" for them.
beana3 said:
My hair is very funny... my bottom layer is a diffrent texture (silkier, healthier, blunt ends) but the top layer of my hair leaves much to be desired.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just say no to layers! The shortest layers won't reach all the way back into my bun when I airdry, so I have to pin them up.

I'm also trying to grow mine out. But when my stylist trims, he trims ALL the layers a 1/4 inch. He's pleased with himself and calls them long layers, but I have a plan. Once I reach my goal of bra strap length, I'll just have him trim only the longest layer while the short ones "catch up."

I've also noticed that the bottom back layer of hair (it's underneath the outermost top layer) is always in better condition. It grows faster, it tangles less, it stays moisturized longer. I think the curl pattern is loosest there too -- the coils are more defined.
I actually love layers. I can't wait to reach my hair goal of almost bra strap length so I can cut my hair in layers again. This is what prompted me to start growin my hair from the beginning. They made my very thin hair appear thick and also gave me a nice new look other than the dull straight down look. mine grew back just fine with no problem and were easy to maintain. My hair was a little past shoulder length. and I actually just wanted the front layered but of course they ended up cutting the back too.
The style looked nice (once i got over my initial anger about them cutting the back)my hair was above shoulder length. All I did was put it in a scrunchie at night in a very high ponytail with a roller on the end and in the morning all I had to do was finger it down. Looked great everyday but I just wish I could have kept the length and just cut the front.

but if I ever reach my goal I will be watching those scissor like a hawk when I get my layers back
thanks, I really appreciate the feedback!!! Hmmm you ladies gave me a lot to think about.

Tracy, do you have any places you'd recommend??
Not really Beans - I've been looking for a good cut salon myself...

But I heard that "Tippy" chick is good with layers. The one who's always in magazines - she has a salon in SOHO? The village? Downtown somewhere....
Wolftrap said:
I actually love layers. I can't wait to reach my hair goal of almost bra strap length so I can cut my hair in layers again. This is what prompted me to start growin my hair from the beginning. They made my very thin hair appear thick and also gave me a nice new look other than the dull straight down look. mine grew back just fine with no problem and were easy to maintain. My hair was a little past shoulder length. and I actually just wanted the front layered but of course they ended up cutting the back too.
The style looked nice (once i got over my initial anger about them cutting the back)my hair was above shoulder length. All I did was put it in a scrunchie at night in a very high ponytail with a roller on the end and in the morning all I had to do was finger it down. Looked great everyday but I just wish I could have kept the length and just cut the front.

but if I ever reach my goal I will be watching those scissor like a hawk when I get my layers back

[/ QUOTE ] <font color="brown">I feel ya wolftrap! I can't wait. Just let me get a lil more length....
I'm b cruisin to the nearest "sensible pair of scissors I can find! I love layers on long hair. I want long hair with body and movement too. I have a kinda round face and don't like straight hair just hanging there. Layers here I come. In fact, my very good friend, who's dad is Jamaican(so you know she got "good hair"
) just got layers cut in her bra strap length hair today.</font>
I didnt like my layers because my pony tail looked choppy and whispy when I pulled it back. Not too mention ugly, because I could never get my hair to look right when I tried to straighten it or get a roller set.
I really like layers on other people but I know my hair can not handle them. My hair per square inch is very small so cutting layers is a bad idea for me. I always like the way they look on people but I am afraid that I will loose to much hair and take a decade to get it back.
Tracy said:

The other thing is - if you decide to venture out anyway - DON'T do them at a dominican salon. They have a very set idea of what layers are and they are very choppy, shelflike layers giving you radically different lengths of hair. They look beautiful in the salon, and then when you wrap it you have all these choppy layers. No amount of direction to the contrary will convince them to do otherwise unless you find someone really good....

Go to a real hair "cutter" for them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dand Tracy....I wish I had known you a few years ago when I first started going to Herman. I had just gotten my highlights and loved them. I asked for LONG layers (even though my hair wasnt long but I thought it would be clearer this way). what I ended up with was just what you described: A really short bang-like cap thingy
....Funny thing is, I actually ended up liking it a lot. But it was not what I asked for. I looked younger and the highlights really accented the cut. Now I know who NOT to go to if I want them again!
I have had a different experience with my layers-I loved them! My stylist cut IN the hair somehow and I did not end up with choppy layers. I would wrap my hair with no problem,too. Myco,if you are considering layers and would still like the convenience of a ponytail,I would suggest getting long layers.
I am thinking of layers also. I am two inches from bra strap and my stylist says I have damage in the middle of my head so the layers would help me get rid of the damage and retain length. My issue is that I have been only going to her for my chemical services and have never seen her cut long hair or even trim (she hasn't trimmed mine). I have have no concept of what my layers would look like. The last two relaxers I got she metioned the layers. But couldn't visually give me an idea of what to expect. I am more concerned with walking around with a jacked haircut then anything else. Any advice? Thanks!!!
Absolutely MissVee...

Make her show you pics, or invite you to observe her doing a layered cut on long hair similar to your texture.

Otherwise - no cut.
I currently have layers and I don't like them. They make my ends look thinner than they are anyway because I have fine hair and I don't have the "collective hair" reaching to the end (did that make sense)?

I imagine that layers would work well for a person with a lot of hair (per square inch. If only I were that person.....
I have what I consider as fine hair, it won't hardly hold a curl any length of time. But when I had layers before, they immediately made hair look fuller and healthiers all over.