I just got a message from paypal that my subscription to LHCF was cancelled What does this mean? I do know that my annual renewal is coming up soon . . . please advise!
Your probably didn't sign up for Paypal to renew your subscription automatically, so now they're letting you know it's time to re-subscribe...
I don't know. Maybe a mod can answer this one.
It happened to me too. Paypal does this sometimes for security. When the time comes to renew you will have to go to paypal and sign in and click renew LHCF and then complete payment. It is not a big deal, I think its happened to every auto pay I have every had hooked up on paypal or my paypal card at one time or another. I asked and they have given me several lame answers that made no sense but everything turned out fine. HTH
It is probably because your subscription was still set to 5.00 which is the old fee. Since you had a recurring subscription the price was not automatically adjusted. For this we cancel the transaction and the member just resigns up using the new fee.
If that was not the case please open a ticket in the support system and we can investigate further.
That happened to me and Bev cancelled my old membership and said as of this year I'd have to pay for a new one at the new price... says its a "glitch" ... ain't that bout a b...