Natural again ... this time for good!
- I want healthier hair
- I want thicker hair
- I do not want ANYMORE chemical damage and breakage
- I'm not so sure that it is a good idea to be putting chemicals on my hair or scalp...and you are going to get chemicals on your scalp.
- I do believe I will be more succesful in trying to grow my hair if I stop applying relaxers
- I want my natural texture back and I then have the choice to wear textured hair or straight hair
- I realised that even though relaxing makes my hair more manageable, I was relaxing to 'fit in' with certain stereotypes about what is beautiful hair.
- I am recovering from traction alopecia around my the back of my hair / nape and it would be a
to carry on relaxing.
- :realitycheck:, there's nothing wrong with my texture.
I echo this entire post. Every single word of it (except I am recovering from chemical alopecia around my edges). Also, my sclap is running things from now on. Now that I haven't abused it with caustic chemicals in over a year, it won't have it any other way. It even rebels at certain conditioners that are too harsh now.