Your quiet time


Well-Known Member
What does your quiet time with God look like ? Do you have a set time in the mornings/evenings? What do you do (listen to gospel, worship. journal, read the Bible etc.?
My usual quiet time is not really a set time. I have different things going on at different times and different days. But the 90% of the time it's late at night. Phone on silent, away in my room. I read, I write in my journal and pray, or I study the word. But I'm learning to be still and quiet in His presence that I may hear from Him. Sometimes I would be so busy feeling like I had to be doing something in my quiet time but I'm learning to tarry there. I have music playing sometimes, but alot of times, its complete silence.

Sometimes when I am at work I may steal away and go to the bathroom just to be alone with Him.Sometimes I have broken down in the bathroom because the presence of God met me co-workers probably think I'm crazy...but they dont know I am in love :look:..

Also, my car is another sanctuary for me. My schedule is really hectic, so I have to take advantage of all my spare time. Sometimes I may have to miss lunch and on my lunch break, I will go and spend time with Him.

So it just varies...
Times vary but it usually entails listening to my audible bible while following alone reading, study, and prayer. Lately the Lord has been awakening me around 2:00 am to pray. It has been most rewarding.
What does your quiet time with God look like ? Do you have a set time in the mornings/evenings? What do you do (listen to gospel, worship. journal, read the Bible etc.?

My "quiet-time" is in the mornings 90% of the time, it was unscheduled, but I would get carried away and not get stuff done that I needed to. Now I meet with him at a certain time each morning, donnie or fred or micah is on, I pray, read, or just tarry there and wait for a "holy visitation." I always invite the holy spirit, as the word says "If you draw nigh unto God he'll draw nigh unto you..." And when you tarry there it doesn't feel like work, you wish you had more time to pray! I have also been known to hold up the public bathroom as well lol! Laela mentioned carrying her bible everywhere a while ago, so i did buy a pocket bible from the dollar tree, it's really nice considering where it came from! But I haven't used it yet while at work.