
I have yet to complete "the Purpose Driven Life" but have skipped to the chapters on how to discover your purpose:look:...

This may sound weird but..since giving my life to God, I feel like I don't know who I am. I have been on quite a journey and a lot of you know this because you have answered my questions, prayed for me, given me advice:yep:. I have sent so many PM's here that i get embarrassed sometimes LOL.

My question to you dear Sisters is: Do you know your Purpose or Do you feel you are living a purpose driven life?

Please share...I need inspiration right now.
Hey. I felt the same way when I decided to take my relationship with God more seriously. I didn't know who I was or what my purpose was. For a long time I thought it was to become a prominent researcher, but since taking my relationship more seriously, that isn't so certain.

Since reading the Word more, I've been reminded that our purpose is to serve God and spread the Good News. (Refer to Matthew.) This encompasses knowing the Scripture, helping the less fortunate, reaching out to the unsaved, picking up our cross, etc.

As for my more specific mission in life, that I am still waiting on to hear. In the past few weeks, I have learned that my sensitive nature is not a weakness as I have been taught to view all my life. It is a strength and it will be necessary for accomplishing my purpose. That's the first step: deciphering your gifts/talents/strengths.

I'm also beginning to see that God has placed me in the position in which I am to prepare for that mission - whatever the mission is. I've always wondered why "things were falling into place" the way they were. Now I know. That's another thing: your positioning may have a role in your purpose.

Now I am just waiting on His answer as to what He wants me to do. I pray daily for Him to place desires in my heart that line up with His will. Pray for God to reveal your specific mission to you. Soon you will no longer question who you are or what your purpose is.:grinwink:

Hopefully others chime in.
I agree with Loolalooh!

I’d like to add 'It's a Process.' And even your process serves purpose.

If we look at Joseph's story in the Old Testament, he had a gift that was to be used for and by God. He went through a process, and it served purpose. I'm quite sure in his eyes it did not look like it or perhaps felt like it.

Joseph did not have everything figured out. Although it's not recorded, it's human nature that he probably grew weary and frustrated at times.

He only knew that he had a gift and a dream. God took him through a process and at God's appointed time he revealed his purpose for him. However, the thing to remember is that even the process serves a purpose.
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I agree with Loolalooh!

I’d like to add 'It's a Process.' And even your process serves purpose.

If we look at Joseph's story in the Old Testament, he had a gift that was to be used for and by God. He went through a process, and it served purpose. I'm quite sure in his eyes it did not look like it or perhaps felt like it.

Joseph did not have everything figured out. Although it's not recorded, it's human nature that he probably grew weary and frustrated at times.

He only knew that he had a gift and a dream. God took him through a process and at God's appointed time he revealed his purpose for him. However, the thing to remember is that even the process serves a purpose.
