Your Perfect Online Dating Site.....


Well-Known Member
So someone who is quite well-known has asked me to help them in regard to feedback since they will be launching a dating site for us as in the sistahs( Im excited about it since it will be different from the black people meets and black planet and etc etc and most importantly sistahs are really trying to find their special someone/life partner--we talk about it to no end on here and what better place than to get feedback from the women of lhcf--we are interested in quality men-so this site is going to bring those types of men to the masses-in particular their audience is the black woman-)...I told them my thoughts on what the site should have that the other sites lack--
but would be interested in your thoughts as well...
so ladies what would your perfect dating site entail in regard to any/everything? what type of brothas would you like to see on a dating site of your choice? what features? or what are some things that bother you about other sites?
feel free to post your thoughts opinions about the other sites and etc etc

as soon as the site is up i will be sure to post it here--it should be up by christmas--right in time for the holidays--and they know the suggestions/feedback are coming from their audience not me since i already told them what i would like to see in a dating site catered to us...
Let's see. How about you make it invitation only. Let's say one person would have to be verified to become a member and then that person gets x amount of invites to distribute to his/her friends? Something along those lines so the environment is more controlled.
interesting i like--
very kewl i see the concept!!!

now with this site---it will be the creme de la creme of brothas since the sistahs including myself (when i was single) want quallity men--period

we dont ask for much but the quality must be there--and that is one of the main niches this site seeks to fill

thanks for your input

Let's see. How about you make it invitation only. Let's say one person would have to be verified to become a member and then that person gets x amount of invites to distribute to his/her friends? Something along those lines so the environment is more controlled.
there should be a limit to the number of months a man can be on the site. the site admins should verify via picture and other identifying data, whether or not a user has been on the site before and for how long. its annoying to see men on sites for years and still never find 'the one'. yeah right!

they should also have regional group meetups...maybe dinner dates for no more than 10 people. match the people up via personality and invite them to the group outings. this would be a less pressurized way of getting to know quality people and if sparks fly, cool. if not, at least you met some other people that were interesting. i would also suggest activities like, bowling, pool, rock climbing, etc. it's easier to be yourself when you are doing an activity.

limit the number of people that one man can choose per month. this would cut down on 'it's wednesday, I need to go online and find somebody to kick it with this weekend.' and it would force men to choose quality over quantity.

allow feedback like on ebay.

i may have more ideas. PM me if you're interested.
I like Scorpio's ideas.

I'll add:

No outrageous joining fees. It's ridiculous (IMO) to pay thousands of dollars/year for a site when they can make no promises. It shouldn't be free, but it shouldn't require that folks take out a second mortgage to be able to afford it.

I'll be back with more as they come to me.
I dont know how to multi-quote so bare with me

thank you ladiesssss--keep em coming

the price will not be outrageous as far as i know and i totally agree on the points you guys bring up--

my input was-

that the men should be true quality as in professionals or working class men--i didnt want to get too specific and rule out someone perse as a construction worker--but i wanted to get the point across that sistahs just want to at bare minimum have decent men to choose from on their playing field- education-wise, career-wise and etc etc

i wanted the men to appear in suits or attire similiar to that--no jerseys or ish like that

i wanted the screening process to be done very well--
screen names/member names to be respectful
and an overall aura of mature men and women- polished, pleasant and respectful
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I think there should be a separation of interests. If a woman is looking for a husband, it is annoying to have to entertain and sift through men who just want a good time or want to be in a "relationship" (with no intent of marriage). Likewise, if a woman just wants to go out and hang and enjoy the company of different men, it's irritating to have to fight off proposals that she's not ready for. I'm sure part of this is just the nature of the dating scene (you never know what you're going to get) but people generally have an idea of what they're hoping to find when they join dating sites.

Some sites seem to lump everybody together. In spite of there being a "What are you here for?" area, it doesn't seem to be effective.

I don't know what the remedy would just seems to be a common complaint.
I look forward to when her site is up. In the New Year, I really would like to try online dating.. however, I took a preview at and will most likely not join. This endeavor that your friend has sounds really cool!

I def. agree with all of the suggestions above! ... those are very useful tips given :up:.
I'm with the other ladies:

- Drop down boxes indicating your "intentions" or level of interest...and you can only pick one. So the sisters looking for brothers ready for marriage can look for that while those who are looking to "date and see where things lead" can do that too.
- It should either verify employment/your employer (meaning through email address) or the school that you graduated from (via the .edu email address).
- Invitation only!
- Dating Style (what is your dating style)
- Maybe some events. Like 2 a year she can throw events in major metro areas (or just 2 events a year - one in the summer and one around the holidays) - something to bridge the gap between on and offline behavior. And something that people know about in advance so that they can plan for (plus...this provides a way for your friend to start getting advertisers involved...if they knew 1000 single black folks with "x" incomes and "x" levels of education were going to be in town, they'd be ALL OVER IT).
Perfect this sounds like a great idea and I will keep an eye out for it. Good luck to you and your friend.
allow feedback like on ebay.

i may have more ideas. PM me if you're interested.

This is a good idea. The only thing is weeding out people's comments who are just mad things didn't work out. That would be difficult.

My complaints about dating sites are:

1. They matched me with people outside of the area (geographical region) that I requested.

2. They made communication difficult (non paying members could send you a wink)...okay so what am I gonna do with a wink? All members should be paying. No one should be allowed to look at pictures that isn't a paid member. A person who is looking for a mate is not gonna join a site based on pictures alone. If they're serious, they will pay even if they can't see pictures first. I think that you would get better quality people if pictures were on lockdown from jump.

3. Likewise, after paying do not allow people to email and interact without a picture. I like to see my shoes before I buy them (if you know what I mean)...

4. Sites often allowed inappropriate pictures to be added to profiles. Okay, that's what Myspace is for. Take that crap over there.


I agree with the other ladies that said that one interest level should be allowed.

I think a criminal background check should be done to weed out sex offenders and other social deviants.

I know I'm gonna think of more. I'm sure I'll be an editing fool in this post. :lachen:
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allow feedback like on ebay.

i may have more ideas. PM me if you're interested.

I like this idea.

My ideas...
  • Perhaps when a member registers for the site, they are required to provide 2+ character references which are a series of questions e-mailed to the references the member lists. Membership would be considered completed once all references are received. The feedback would display as a part of the members profile. "Show me your friends, and I'll tell you who you are"

  • Consider doing away with the winks, pokes, flipping the bird, etc. that other dating sites are using. They are impersonal and an awkward way to strike up meaningful conversation.
  • Allow members to add an introduction video. Limit it to introductions only. I could care less about seeing footage from lil man's first birthday party.
  • No shirt, no shoes, no ball caps, no baggy jeans, no membership..:grin: j/k....sorta..
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A message from Zane...

10,000 Good Black Men
It is a new year and I am sick and tired of my sisters dealing with men who do not appreciate them; myself included. Thus, I am on a quest. I am looking for 10,000 good black men to showcase on my new dating web site,, which will launch on Valentine's Day. Last year I had my official CLAIM YOUR blank BACK DAY. Now I am having my official CLAIM YOUR DIGNITY BACK DAY on February 14th, 2009. I no longer want to see my beautiful sisters-of all races-struggling to find a decent man.

A photo and not any photo either. A professional looking photo, preferably with a shirt and tie on.
No cell phone camera pictures of your chest taken in the bathroom mirror.
No pictures of you laying half-naked on the bed, with a bunch of clutter around you at that.
No pictures of you and your boys at a club holding forties and posing in front of a spray painted backdrop of a Lexus.
An essay of at least 200 words, telling me what kind of man you are and what type of woman you are looking for. It must be grammatically correct. Feel free to use your spell check or ask a friend to assist you but I will be looking for typos.

So men, if you feel you have what it takes to receive a complimentary three-month membership to, send your photo and essay to [email protected]. If any of you women have brothers, cousins, fathers, sons, coworkers, etc., that you feel are good men who just need to find a good woman, feel free to entice them to submit their information.
All of this might sound crazy but I am serious. I refuse to start a dating web site and have women on there trying to select from the bottom of the dog pound. That is not fair and, like I said, I have endured that experience myself on other sites. I want the real deal. Are you it?
For more information visit

Not perfect but I like E-Harmony. I like the initial self analysis and the give and take structure with the back and forth questions and answers between a possible mate. I do say mate because E-Harmony is not about just dating; it's a serious site. I think the objective is to find a mate, marriage or not. The questioning allows one to close the match should either find characteristics, habits, likes, dislikes too much for him/her I've many matches and respond to as many as I am interested in. E-H also periodically reviews your needs and wants to hone your selections. The only problem I've had on E-H is black men{they respond for a while then poof..:nono:gone} who do not seem to know what they want so I simply deal with those who want to deal with me no matter the skin color.
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Hey thanks for the info. I went to the site...I thought you said it would be for Black women ( I could wrong ). It feels more like this site is set up for Black men and women of ALL races ( not much different than some of the others ). I also got a weird vibe from the site. I understand that this is a business and is created to make profit, I just don't see anything new, different or set apart. No disrespect intended in ANY way.

I like the idea that the first 10, 000 men are going to be screened. It makes me feel that the dating pool will be a little better than some of the other dating sites.
Hey thanks for the info. I went to the site...I thought you said it would be for Black women ( I could wrong ). It feels more like this site is set up for Black men and women of ALL races ( not much different than some of the others ). I also got a weird vibe from the site. I understand that this is a business and is created to make profit, I just don't see anything new, different or set apart. No disrespect intended in ANY way.


I thought it'd be for black women only too, but the letter aboves states women 'of all races'. Is this a site for AA interested in dating each other? I have a few male friends that I'm about to forward this to, but I need to know that beforehand.