Your out of the box length retention/detangling ideas


Active Member
Ideas you have but can't be bothered to follow through with, Ideas you have that you think might be weird but someone else might see it and bring it to better completion
Mine (These as random-ass ideas, I have no idea if they would work)

The twisted natural
A pack of very small detangling combs or brushes, to detangling your hair twist by twists. This way you remain twisted all the time, never have to take down your twists, detangle on the go, If you have 80 twists maybe detangle forty today and the next 40 three days later or however you want. This keeps your hair always styled, in small manageable sections and promotes length retention.

The Static blower
Something that transfers some ions or whatever. it frizzes up the hair making all individual strands stand separate and puff out, allowing for ease of detangling.

slippery Magnetic gel
- Allows you to use the force of magnets to pull out the shed hair, making detangling painless and easy

Finger detangling comb- Gloved with little comb protrusions at the end of your fingers, close enough to the fingers to keep control but long enough to have easier access to shed hair at the root.

The detangling soak- Soak your hair in the bucket of slippery elm or slippery substance, this way detangling is a breeze

The Fan comb- A comb that spreads apart as you comb down. I found it's easier to pull hairs sideways than it is to comb down. So something that does both.

The vacuum detangler- Use the force of air to sucks out shed hairs, on small sections of hair.

Thee finger detangling gloves- A glove with some kind of ionic, static, or something that instantly attracts shed hairs- All you have to do is hold your hair out and just run it up and down your hair slowly. VWAHLA done

When detangling the roots of old braids or locs. Its more helpful to start the detangleing by moving/reversing/spreading the tangled hair towards the scalp, then start detangling with a pick/finger/comb. This is especially helpful if the hair is matted in the area.

I routinely do this with Sisterlocks, my clients routinely have from 6-8 weeks of new growth.

Also I recommend a light oil versus creams for slippage.