Your Mouth/words And Being A Christian

:amen:My mouth has long been a problem of mine and something the Lord and I have been working on all this year. Especially at work...I really have a difficult time controlling my tongue there, lol. It's high stress and people get on my nerves alot there. I never leave the house anymore without getting on my knees and prayin a specific prayer for tongue control. And the Holy Spirit gives me warning each and every time a situation is getting ready to arise in which I want to open my mouth :blah: and He wants me to be quiet :locked::naughty:

Try saying Psalm 19:14 aloud every day. It really helps me!
"may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
Our deacon spoke about this not so long ago. He said God wants to show His power by taming the tongue, as it is the most uncontrolable part of the body.