Your Ideal Stylist


New Member
Describe your ideal stylist. This is just for fun. How does she carry herself? What products does she use? What are her hair maintenance habits when it comes to her clients? How does she dress? What does her hair look like?
Feel free to go beyond those questions, I just put them there to start off the game. And if you want to take this into fantasy land feel free :drunk:
1. Attentive and listens to what I want

2. Asks questions about what I've been doing to maintain my hair, addresses any concerns

3. Does not cut my hair without my permission, yes that included the "trim"

4. If I do want a trim, I want her/him to cut exactly what I asked

5. Gets me in and out within a decent time frame

6. Puts something comfy on the dang shampoo bowl so my neck doesn't feel like its laying on a brick

7. Has products for sale that are actually in-house
my ideal stylist doesnt take her lunch break out on the salon floor, doesnt stop to dance every time her jam comes on and doesnt express negativity towards ladies who stretch their relaxers.
I will describe the stylist I will never have. First of all, she is a good listener. She perfects the hairstyles that I want and doesn't try to style it her way in which she thinks it looks good. She won't look at the business side of it, but she would care more about the health of your hair. She would suggest the best products to use. When she perms your hair, she won't pat the relaxer down on your scalp, and put it all over your hair, but on new growth only. :lachen:
My ideal stylist is the one I already have!!!! She is Dominican and she always lets me be her very first customer, getting me in and out without waiting and she does EXACTLY what I tell her to every time. I bring my own products (my Moisture Block ofcourse) and she puts it on and rollersets me and does a blowout so good that my friends swear I relax my hair when I haven't had one in two years! Sometimes when I am finished, she'll even offer me a plate of Dominican food in the back of the salon! Now THAT'S good service!!!
she listens to what i want but also has her own information which will be useful for my hair journey.

she knows how to do the best blowout and flatiron with minimal heat damage.

She recommends mainly natural products.

She doesnt have a look of horror on her face when she sees new growth of more than 3 inches, knowing that the client maybe stretching and transitioning and therefore doesnt try to pressurise u into relaxing.

She is not scissor happy and knows what dusting means
Mine won't "trim" me even when i say no. She will not tell me that I need a perm. She will not use stove curlers. She will have style suggestions that aren't damaging whenever I am clueless. She will feed me lol (Mshairdiva)
I haven't been to many stylist, but my ideal stylist would:
1. Assess the condition of my hair and treat it accordingly
2. Listen to what I want for my hair
3. Have GREAT!! hair herself or himself
4. Give me tips on how to maximize the health of my hair and styles while they are doing my hair
6. Will not look at my fully natural hair and say, "You need a perm"
7. Can straighten my hair perfectly without any damage
8. Is willing to teach me how to do my own hair (but that is not probable)
9. Leaves your hair soft to the touch
11. Doesn't lie and say she can do a style, then you become the guinea pig!
12. Will not charge you an arm and a leg for their services
14. Will not make rude comments about your hair in another language!!!
Oddly enough everything I'm reading is what they teach at my beauty school. It's sad that some people deviate so far when they graduate.
My ideal stylist will be 6", nice abs, muscular, nice lips, will lather me up in the shampoo area while Barry White is playing on the radio...

Hey you said this is a fantasy right?!! :lachen:
My ideal stylist will be 6", nice abs, muscular, nice lips, will lather me up in the shampoo area while Barry White is playing on the radio...

Hey you said this is a fantasy right?!! :lachen:

yes i love the way that sounds LOL. bath, massage, and hair all at once. and maybe a few drinks to set the mood :grin: