"your hair's to good to be haitian..."

First, that person's comments to you were ignorant and just straight up RUDE!

You did mention that many people make similar comments to you about 'not looking Haitian/looking mixed', so there must be something about your features etc that stand out from what people normally observe as "looking Haitian". I mean, would you agree that when you are in Haiti or in a Haitian community that your features may appear different-for lack of a better word- or are these comments just coming out of left field and you really have no clue as to why so many people are shocked that you are 'full Haitian/not mixed' ?
College is an institution of higher learning so ignorance should be expected and hopefully remedied....we are all ignorant about something otherwise there would be no need to expand knowledge you would know everything.......I think everyone is nice to consider her ignorant because I personally consider her stupid....The difference...ignorance stems from lack of exposure....stupid is being unintelligent and really not giving a damn....Hence she is stupid in my opinion...or in the words of my boy Antoine...she is just so dumb, she is really dumb fo real....

I would also like to add, I've been mistaken for Haitian (and everything else except just plain ol African American) because of my looks so represent your country to the fullest everytime because its the only way to break the mindset....oh and I'm down for that road trip to Haiti so let me know what's up...lol
College can produce well educated people and educated fools. It depends on the attitude of the person. She was a fool. I really wish people would travel more, open up their minds to different cultures and experiences. We would see less stupidity like that if they did.
I'm STUNNED by her boldness!! No class smh Even if that's what she thinks (which makes NO sense. I know just as many light skinned haitians as I do dark skinned ones. And they mostly have atleast APL hair) to come out of her face like that is just plain rude. :nono:
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You know what they say you can pay for school but you can't buy class.

I hate those types of comments it's right up there with "You are pretty for a dark skinned girl" or You are cute for a black girl" comments.

I have had someone said I am way too pretty to be Nigerian and someone once scruched their face in obvious distaste and said I don't look African.

This really annoys the hell out of me! how many times do we have to say that Black People come in a varieity of different shades, hair textures, features and so on we all don't look like a bloody stencil. OP, you are black and look like you are from Haiti, Jamaica, America, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil. Any bloody country where there are black people you will find someone who may resemble you.

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First, that person's comments to you were ignorant and just straight up RUDE!

You did mention that many people make similar comments to you about 'not looking Haitian/looking mixed', so there must be something about your features etc that stand out from what people normally observe as "looking Haitian". I mean, would you agree that when you are in Haiti or in a Haitian community that your features may appear different-for lack of a better word- or are these comments just coming out of left field and you really have no clue as to why so many people are shocked that you are 'full Haitian/not mixed' ?

when im in Haiti i see plenty of people that look like me so i dont really feel out of place.I dont know if you saw Miss Haiti 2010 who ran for Miss Universe (her name is sarodj bertin,google her) but ive seen plenty of Haitians that look like her or even better.On TV they always portray Haitians as being dark,short hair,etc. however that isnt the case.When im in Haiti no one questions whether or not im Haitian becuase like i said before there r plenty of Haitians that have the same features as me. it's only when im in the states that ppl have a hard time believing im Haitian
This is for you davis!lol:lol:

(please excuse my greasy/unwashed face...)


its funny how before i was relaxed ppl used to say i had "bad hair" despite the fact that my hair was very long. My dad has 1b hair my mom has 3c hair my brother has 3a/b hair and i have mostly 4a hair. So all my friends would say how i had bad hair when compared to my family and how i needed a perm,etc.etc.However after i got my first relaxer last year,all the ppl who used to say i had bad hair were suddenly saying that i had good hair.:rolleyes:
This happened to me one time while I was in Walmart. This past weekend I was told that I must have Dominican in me therefore that's why my hair is curly. People would trip if they saw the other women in my family. The shortest is my mother who insists on keeping her hair at APl :lol:
:lol: she has some balls....I would've turn it around..."since you have EL hair, are you Haitian?" :lachen:

BTW....You and your hair are beautiful!
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This is for you davis!lol:lol:

(please excuse my greasy/unwashed face...)

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its funny how before i was relaxed ppl used to say i had "bad hair" despite the fact that my hair was very long. My dad has 1b hair my mom has 3c hair my brother has 3a/b hair and i have mostly 4a hair. So all my friends would say how i had bad hair when compared to my family and how i needed a perm,etc.etc.However after i got my first relaxer last year,all the ppl who used to say i had bad hair were suddenly saying that i had good hair.:rolleyes:

Belle bagay. You should go natural again :grin: We need more natural Haitian ladies in the states.
Belle bagay. You should go natural again :look:

mesi,mesi :)

sigh,i really want to go natural again..yesterday i was looking at my new growth&got pretty depressed because it looked so pretty.its just that i really dont want to go through the process of transtioning.I miss my kinks/semi-curls lol the only thing i like about being relaxed is that it doesnt take as long to do my hair but although ive been relaxed for 1yr it feels weird because my hair was natural for the past 18 years so im still trying to adjust
wow..this is crazy. I live in Miami..and know quite a few Haitians. Some have long hair some don't. I would never say "all haitians have short hair". That's just dumb. Ppl will always have something to say about every nationality.
Your hair is beautiful!! But yeah Amy is...um...ignorant! LOL! But um...people tell me I'm not black all the time! Whatever...that's so annoying...I of course know what I am...smh...

I have a homegirl that is 100% Haitian her hair is super duper long and wavy...natural. And she is very dark skinned but her hair is like the texture of Indians (not native americans)...so people need to understand there is not a standard! Geez...
Ok, how many Haitian's are on this site? I am a Haitian and I've gotten the "you don't look like a Haitian" comment often. I am not really good a hiding my thoughts so, I know I've given a couple of people the "you're sooo stooopid" look, just couldn't help it. I am glad that you didn't go off on her because then she would say that Haitians are rude.
i know i was suprised when she put her hand in my hair,i usually dnt have a problem with ppl touching my hair however if i dont knw you or have never talked to you before then i just find tht extremley rude.tell me why last yr this girl asked what i was doing for the holidays&i told her i was going to Haiti to visit family. and she was like (and im so serious) ooohh cool are you going to drive there???:slap:
I had to laugh at this. Unfortunately so many people are ignorant about Haitians and it's really sad. I've been lucky enough to not have people say stuff like that to me- if they like my hair, they'll just say I like your hair. If they think I'm pretty, they'll just say I think you're pretty. I'm grateful for not having to deal with extremely ignorant people. Only once has someone been surprised by my ethnicity and that was because she didn't like Haitians (supposedly there's this unnecessary tension between Jamaicans and Haitians -sigh)- she liked me and this other Haitian girl and was shocked that when she found out we were Haitian. She didn't even want to believe the other girl, who is light-skinned with curly hair, was Haitian haha. My mom has gotten these types of comments though-her own doctor had the nerve to suggest that she must've been born near the Dominican Republic/must have Dominican blood. A doctor. People still don't understand that there are variations within black countries. They understand that England has variations, not all people in France look the same but Haiti? Any African country? No, we must all look alike in these countries (sarcasm)
WOW!!! Thats crazy! You know I grew up in Indianapolis, IN and lived in the burbs. During that time I was in middle school, there were only literally a handful of blacks and a few biracial who were 'passing' in the school. My hair was the length it is now, which was longer than the girls who were there and it had body and swing. At the time I had no idea why that was something that made me stand out to them. But they always asked was I mixed. I expected my white peers to make comments on how they didn't know any black people with hair like mine. When I moved to Texas...I got hit with the same mess. As I get older I see its just ignorance. Especially after having my children...folks always want to know if they're mixed. Why?

The way I see it we come in all shades of beauty!
It sounds like you handled that situation very well! I lived in Atlanta and went to college in Georgia myself, so I unfortunately have heard my fair share of ignorant comments. I think that it is really sad that in a city like Atlanta where you have large, diverse mixture of black people, beliefs like this still prevail.
Yes I am from Atlanta as well, and it saddens me that there are people that are still ignorant. I would like to think that we are a diverse city, but I guess if some people only stay in one place and what the norm to them is reality because clearly if she was out and about she would have seen otherwise.

What college/university do you attend?
lol sometimes i just make up my ethnicity just to make them shutup.because if i say something cool/exotic they'll be like ahaaaaa!i knew it! and leave me alone.but if i say Haitian thats where all the questions&ignorance start coming in and sometimes i just dont feel like dealing with it

I do this too. But I usually pick something super outrageous. One time somebody asked me the infamous "what are you question", and I told them Chinese. They said, "oooh chinese and black", and I told them "no 100% chinese". They had the most confused look on their face. If they're going to be dumb*** I'm going to be a smart***.
Sak Pase Cheri!!!

OP you are a very nice, patient person because had it been me, it would have gone down a lot differently......

My patience for ignorance about Haiti, especially with hurtful comments is about zero to none, especially after this earthquake. I am always open to sincere questions but that "you don't look Haitian" crap will not just roll off my back.

You have some thick, beautiful hair by the way...

Sidenote: What up Lucie, Luna???
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You were nice to entertain her ignorant behind for that long. I would have tuned her out when she asked "what are you?" I HATE that question.