Your hair makes me want to cut mine and start over (stole some pics)


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ex 1Aquafina.jpg




lilamae3.JPGI have a issue. All the ladies here have beautiful healthy hair. I'm getting really jealous seeing head after head of shiny sleek and curly hair. I haven't used heat on my hair since October of last year. I think I may need to start back. I want my hair to look straight and shiny like the ladies in the pictures. What products do I need to get this? How can I make my hair straight with out using the heat? I don't have a hooded dryer. I air dry my hair 100% of the time. Can I only get these looks by going to the salon?
you can rollerset your hair without heat if u want or use setting lotion for that shiny look

wehn i was relaxed i would roll my hair wet, and when i get up ready to head out the door i went over my head with the blow dryer for 2 minutes and in the next 5 mins i took them out and the rollerset looked fabulous :yep:

this is my pre lhcf days so bare with me:look:



i was doin too much in this one:giggle:
I have a issue. All the ladies here have beautiful healthy hair. I'm getting really jealous seeing head after head of shiny sleek and curly hair. I haven't used heat on my hair since October of last year. I think I may need to start back. I want my hair to look straight and shiny like the ladies in the pictures. What products do I need to get this? How can I make my hair straight with out using the heat? I don't have a hooded dryer. I air dry my hair 100% of the time. Can I only get these looks by going to the salon?
Hol up! your hair in your avi looks amazing so what am I missing? you just want it shiny/silky looking? you have a pic u can attach to compare to the ones you posted cuz i don't see anything wrong w/ ur hair in ur avi. :yep:
Here is a picture of my hair. It's not straight and silky at all. I love my hair you know, I just wanted the look the other girls are achieving.
Your hair is beautiful. you better not cut it off and start over :naughty:
I am sure there are some techniques they can share to help you get the results you wand (but your shine is great). Maybe you could check out some fotkis.

i have no advice to give since I am not good at getting my hair straight, but I wish you the best.:yep:
I went, but I just can't stay to get my hair done. The last time I went I had a appointment for 10am. 3pm rolls around and I'm still sitting there waiting. This happens to me every time I go and I have been to several different salons. I gave up.
Here is a picture of my hair. It's not straight and silky at all. I love my hair you know, I just wanted the look the other girls are achieving.
Have you tried roller setting your hair as an alternative to air drying? Your hair is really pretty, BTW. You don't need to envy anyone.
You can rollerset and only blow out the roots if you don't want to use heat on the full length of your hair.

You can also wrap your hair, tightly put it in a scarf, and see how you like the results.

I've never had the straight bouncy look w/o using heat so I can only give tips, not real advice. :ohwell:
I'm not opposed to using heat. It just has kinda worked out that I haven't. I use to use the blow dryer right out of the shower and I pulled so much hair out. I knew nothing about detangling. Since I don't have a hooded dryer and I refuse to use a blow dryer. I do roller sets, but it's always curly and I air dry. I'm trying larger rollers and then I will try to cross wrap because I can't do the traditional one.