Your Growth Rate??? (Inches)


New Member
I'm probably the only one that hasn't done this already but I just calculated my growth from being in braids so far (the africans did em tight, so it's not slip) and according to this, this also being the winter months I get 2/3" a month, that's 8 inches a year. That's pretty astounding, I'd think this growth is pretty average even less, I've read others that get an 1" a month, but still 8 inches is alot when you look at it on a ruler. I'm about to add NAC to my vits as well, so I've written where I should reach 2 inches in NG on my calendar based on these last two weeks, if it's more than that around that date that will let me know if the NAC is working.

My question is (finally) for those of you who've monitored and measured your growth rate in inches over a period of time have you actually seen this length materialize after embarking on your hair growth and care journey? Because this tells me I should be mid-back by December sans trims, just want to see if this is realistic or solid to go by. TIA!
yes, the only reason i know my growth rate for sure, is because i was transitioning an i had my relaxed ends as a guide. i know now that i grew about 11 inches in 19 months thats just a little more than average.

i just hope i cant keep it up now that the relaxed ends are gone. i have my own personal 19 month challenge. at that rate i should be midback again by july 2008.
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silvergirl said:
yes, the only reason i know my growth rate for sure, is because i was transitioning an i had my relaxed ends as a guide. i know now that i grew about 11 inches in 19 months thats just a little more than average.

i just hope i cant keep it up now that the relaxed ends are gone. i have my own personal 19 month challenge. at that rate i should be midback again by july 2008.

Thanks for the response, that's encouraging!
Hi that’s great. You can definitely have great growth in a year. I think its important for you to remember that hair grows in cycles also. You can have 1” in one month and the only ¼ “ in the next.
I know that if you maintain your hair, protect it and trim only when necessary, you can maintain your optimum length. I say optimum as each person is different.
I don’t measure my hair till after each relaxer and I stretch 4-5 months.
Remember, a watched kettle doesn’t boil. Just do what you do and enjoy your hair. I’m sure you will see the results.
I believe my growth rate used to be 3/4", but now that I have been using Boundless Tresses (BT) I believe it has sped up. I can now see myself getting 1" every month now with it :shocked: if I use it consistently, which is something that I thought I'd NEVER achieve.
I'm not sure what my growth rate is either, but I've just started on my hair journey June of last year and since then I'd say so far I've grown maybe 6 inches? with trims. :D
My growth is between 1/2"-3/4" sometimes 1" per month. I order BT for me and my brother's girlfriend and hope to get more.

When I took vits I grew about 3/4" every month, I stopped taking vit and upped my diet and continued to get about 3/4" a month. I recently started taking vits again and it has done a number on my face, so I don't think anything other than vit c is for me.
Thanks for the responses ladies! And there goes that BT again, can't wait till Thursday, the first thing I'm gonna do is place an order for 2 bottles. I'm glad I monitored my growth before hand so I can see a mathematical difference using BT and taking NAC pills.
My growth rate is normal, about 0.5" per month, sometimes a bit more or a bit less. Just to add, I'm not saying in your case because I cannot see your braids, but some types of braids do slip a bit and it is difficult (but not impossible) to measure from the looseness of braids. I've had braids done that were hanging an 1" or more after 2 weeks! Since you just got them braided, I think the 2/3" is your growth, but for the next month be more careful because those braids do shimmy down your strands after oiling, washing, and styling them.