Your Ends


New Member
How do you guys achieve healthy, full, and thick ends? Did u start with ends and progress to healthier ones? IF so what did you do? How long did it take? What your ur staple products to get those thick ends that Im going crazy for. GIVE up those juicy ideas:lachen:
IMHO- wearing your hair up and trimming consistently gives you goods ends. I dont really do anything special -just moisturize my ends with Keracare cream headdress once a day. Wrap at night, rollerset weekly,etc.

Oh and when exercising-keep them pinning up. I was lettin fly all over the place, wonderin why my ends needed a deep trim all of a sudden:lol:
Hi Cleo.

I'd suggest you do a search. There are lots of threads on achieving healthy, thick ends.

I know b/c I've been searching threads for the past 3 days.

GL and HHG!
Protective styles and trims about every 4 to 5 months helps me. Plus applying oil and moisture to the ends before putting the hair up daily. My siggy shows my hair after 3 1/2 months post trim.
The thing that helped my ends the most even before I knew anything about haircare was not combing my hair every day.

Bunning is great also. I slather on Hollywood Beauty Carrot Oil Creme on my ends before bunning, it works great.

Also after washing, I apply grease to my ends on wet hair. My favorties are All Ways Castor Oil and Softee Indian Hemp. If I'm rollersetting I do this after setting lightly over leave-in. This really keeps them protected and seals in moisture for me.

ETA: I forgot to mention Castor oil works wonders too. I like Hollywood Castor Oil Treatment too.
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Trimming my ends regularly seems to be what works for me. I haven't tried any end-protective styles (like bunning or baggying ends only) so I can only use logic and evidence I've seen from others to say that any style that keeps ends up and hidden would be another way to keep them healthy. I don't like to see thin ends on my hair so I usually don't try to baby them if I see them but will chop them off in a heartbeat. I've trimmed as much as 2 inches - after a few months of not trimming (Which was all the test I needed to confirm that regular trimming is a must for me) - to get my hair back to how I like it.
Trimming my ends every few months and applying oil to my ends a few times a week has helped me a lot. I also think wearing protective styles every once in a while helps too.:)
I agree with everything that has been said thus far. I'd like to add, that it is important to know your hair.

I'm not a frequent trimmer, but only because I know the growth pattern of my hair. If I were to trim each time my hair appeared uneven, then I would be trimming growth and not bad ends. I've learned over time that my hair grows in certain areas first before the rest of it catches up. Sometimes that faster growth is 1 1/2 - 2" longer than the bulk of my hair that hasn't started the same growth cycle yet. It does all catch up and become almost even over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Trimming is important, but is not always the answer to uneven ends. It is important to inspect your ends to determine whether they are split, frizzy, or uneven. What you decide to do about ends should be based on which of those conditions exists.

If they are split, you have to make a judgement on whether you want to try to baby them for the sake of lenght, or cut them. If they are just frizzy but not split, then you need to step up your conditioning, moisture, and protection. If they are uneven but healthy, then you have to decide whether you want to wait on your hair growth cycle or just trim the longer ends. Whatever you decide, it just takes time and patience. Unfortunately, there are no secrects or quick fixes to achieving full healthy ends. :)
I keep mine thick by trimming a little bit and of course moisturizing and sealing daily. And absolutely NO direct heat on my ends whatsoever.
My ends and I have a love hate relationship. Since I eliminated direct heat and I minimalized combing, I don't have a problem with split ends. I will not be trimming indefinitely. My last trim/dusting was in February and I don't know when I will trim again. The problem that I have is with frizzy, dry, rough, hard ends. My ends feel like silk now, after battling with them for so long. The secret that I have is applying shea butter to them while wet and sealing with oil. That is on wash days before I rollerset. During the week I but shea butter on them and I coat them with castor oil. My ends feel great. Castor oil is my holy grail. I only use it on dry hair because it can weigh my wet hair down.
Castor oil has really helped me with my ongoing battle with split ends. Before using it I would straighten my hair (I'm natural) and I would have a great deal of split ends and I would feel obligated to cut like at least a half inch or more everytime I straightened it. Well I have been using castor oil for the past 8 months and I have straightened my hair twice. Both times there was no need for a trim. Castor oil really did the trick!!!

Lastly wrap your hair up!!! I never thought that this was such a big deal but then I thought about it and I related it to the inner part of my jeans where my thighs touch:look: I know in my jeans, they are alot more worn in that area due to the friction and constant rubbing.........and I only where a pair of jeans once a imagine how your hair is rubbing up against a pillow everynight......Oh the horor!!!

Hope this helps....sorry so long!