Your Best Detangling Method


New Member
Hello Ladies,

What's the best Detangling Method that has worked for your hair rather your relaxed or natural?

This can include products you use as well.
If my hair is balanced pre poo with oil then finger detangled under running water....if i need more help....finger detangle with ao hsr or any slippyconditioner im using..on wet hair then also under running water
If its been a while since a wash and go I like to use a little oil and gently run my fingers through my hair before stepping in the shower then I finger detangle soaking wet hair full of conditioner. If I'm not expecting my hair to be especially tangled I just finger detangle on wet hair full of conditioner. My hair has to be really wet and letting the water run over it helps too.
I slather my hair with Trader Joe's Tingle Treat Condish from root to tip, put on a plastic cap and let it sit for a few hours, then hop in the shower and gently detangle with my seamless comb.

Easy, peezy!
For me it depends. If I am freshly relaxed I can detangle when it's wet, with or without product. However, when I'm like more than 3mths post, my hair has to be either damp or completly dry for me to safely detangle. So I lightly finger detangle while my hair is soaking wet, then I M&S and then braid in fours. Once the braids are completely dry or damp I take the braids down and begin to finger detangle. I hope this makes sense:)
Also, I think the main key to help with detangling is Moisture, Moisture, Moisture and Patience.
Lots of patience, a conditioner with good slip and a wide tooth comb always works well for me.

eta: I'm natural :yep:
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In the shower under running water with loads of conditioner and Jumbo Annie Rake Comb. I am able thoroughly remove all my excess shed hairs this way.
I am transitioning. I have 19 months of new growth. So detangling can be an issue. First rule, don't go more than 3 days or so without combing my hair. Always deep condition. Moisturize daily.

My method:

I oil my roots the night with almond oil or olive oil before wash day and finger detangle to remove shed hair.


I oil my roots or apply deep conditioner to dry hair and let it sit for an hour or more then finger detangle to remove shed hair.

Co wash in the shower in sections and comb each section under running water with a wide tooth comb. I do not comb until my fingers run through the section with ease. If I hit a tangle with my finger I gently work through it until it is gone. Then I use the water and the comb.

Conditioners I typically use:

Hairveda Strinillah
Hairveda MoisturePro
Hairveda Red Tea condish
Hairveda Acai Phyto Berry condish
Bio infusion olive oil condish
Natures Gate Aloe Vera condish

When I was relaxed, I shampooed and then deep conditioned with heat. Then rinsed the conditioner out and gently detangled with a wide tooth comb on wet hair. When I was relaxed my hair didn't like being detangled with conditioner in it.
When I was relaxed it didn't have to detangle, my hair never tangled. Natural/Texlaxed I find that applying conditioner to dry hair using my fingers and the end of a rattail comb for tighter tangles works best.
I'm relaxed & never had the pleasure of detangling on wet hair. lol There is no such thing for me as a comb gliding through my wet hair. :(

Must be 95% dry w/ absolutely no product; that includes no leave-ins. LOL
I put my hair into four sections, lightly mist with water then add conditioner and use a seamless comb. Sometimes I pull out the denmen if I have time.
After a wash with black soap: I oil rinse, then detangle with condish in my hair using wide toothed comb or the Wet Brush.

After a cowash: Put some condish in my hair and detangle w/wide toothed comb or the Wet Brush.
I spray some water/condish and oil on it in eight sections till damp, but not wet. Then I seperate the large tangles with my fingers. Then i finger comb gently until i feel ok about using my seamless comb on it. I twist each section and then wash or co-wash.

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I'm transitioning from tex-lax.

So I part my hair into sections, saturate with oil or conditioner, then use my seamless wide tooth comb and follow up with my denman. I only detangle once or twice a week.
Detangle damp not wet
Use a detangling product

-Mane and Tail Detangler
-AfroVeda Moringa Supreme Ginseng
-Oyin Juices & Berries
Dry hair + lots of conditioner with slip + wide tooth seamless comb

I do this before each wash. I used to do it on damp/wet hair, and I also tried soaking my hair in oil and AVJ. Each of those methods worked, but this one is the easiest, fastest, and least messy. I detangle my whole head in 30 minutes or less, where it used to take hours.
If its been a while since a wash and go I like to use a little oil and gently run my fingers through my hair before stepping in the shower then I finger detangle soaking wet hair full of conditioner. If I'm not expecting my hair to be especially tangled I just finger detangle on wet hair full of conditioner. My hair has to be really wet and letting the water run over it helps too.

This is exactly what works for me too, loads of conditioner and running water while using my fingers gently.
I seperate my natty hair into 8-10 twists (4-5 twists each side). Then I rub each section with JBCO starting at the ends and working the oil to the roots making sure each strand is well oiled. Then I finger detangle remove shed hairs and twist back up. The JBCO has double action as it's also my pre poo as well. :yep:
Spritz hair with water so it's moist (not wet though). Apply my detangling leave-in cream and begin to detangle. The end :) Lol!

If I'm deep into my relaxer stretch and I am about to wash my hair, I may do this before *and* after I wash. I also do this to detangle braidouts. I can also detangle when my hair is wet, but I usually get a lot of breakage.
Separate in 4 sections.

Shampoo scalp, rinse well, then apply conditioner. Detangle with denman and rinse each section and braid.

Takes a total of 15 minutes in shower.
I can only detangle my hair when it's dry. I usually apply my leave-in and wait until it's dry and then comb with my k-cutter comb.
Wide tooth comb and conditioner, whether it's rinse out or deep. I started doing it to make sure the conditioner was evenly distributed but realized for my relaxed or natural hair (as well as my daughters') that it was an easy detangler - just a few minutes (like 1 - 3). Hair stays detangled after washing conditioner out, through blow drying and styling.