Young, Fresh & New !


Active Member
Hi everyone !:D I'm very excited because this is my very first post over here !
I'm a lurker for a long time (since february 2006), when I decided to grow my hair.
I live in France and here, a lot of black women have some issues with hair care. I was so depressed of seeing my hair so short, and so unhealthy.
So, here I am.
In February, I've make a little chop at the salon, and I was at neck lenght.
Now, I'm past a lttle past shoulder and my 1st goal is to hit the APL for 2007.
You can see my progress right there ---->
My dream goal is the crazy WSL... I hope to get it in 2009 (OMG, too far o_O) with the help of God and this wonderful forum.
BTW, my english is not very good....but I think you'll understand what I'm trying to say ^^
Ok, so I've got a long way to go now !
Salut Naphy !!!:) :)

I live in France too. Welcome on the board.

Tu habites où ? Moi je suis a Paris.

Maybe we could share our tips on french products. Because I'm soooo frustrated when I hear all these fantastic american products I can't get.:ohwell:
Naphy said:
Hi everyone !:D I'm very excited because this is my very first post over here !
I'm a lurker for a long time (since february 2006), when I decided to grow my hair.
I live in France and here, a lot of black women have some issues with hair care. I was so depressed of seeing my hair so short, and so unhealthy.
So, here I am.
In February, I've make a little chop at the salon, and I was at neck lenght.
Now, I'm past a lttle past shoulder and my 1st goal is to hit the APL for 2007.
You can see my progress right there ---->
My dream goal is the crazy WSL... I hope to get it in 2009 (OMG, too far o_O) with the help of God and this wonderful forum.
BTW, my english is not very good....but I think you'll understand what I'm trying to say ^^
Ok, so I've got a long way to go now !

Welcome, Welcome!! I love that song by the way, KELIS Right??
Bonjour Naphy! long hair care forum, c'est ci bon! n'est pas? Bienvenue! :)

p.s. Je parle le francais un peu. Please excuse my mistakes!
Amylee > Nice to see another french over there :) J'habite en région parisienne !
gymfreak336 > Yes, and I like this song of Kelis too ^^
belle_reveuse28 > hey, your french is not that bad !
candiss > I hope so ^__^

And thank you all for your welcome !