You Women on Here Are Something Else.


New Member
:look: Finally a subscribing member hailing from up north (Canada).

Been lurking (now just now understanding teminologies) for a few months and I appreciate the wealth and health of information from so many of you. Thank you for being the mediators when my hair was acting the darn fool.

So many beautiful heads of hair, so many beautiful women.

Hmmmm, let's see.

Well I'm 4 something I guess....but look I got pretty hair 1, 2 3 or 4, got it? Good. LOL :grin:....More or less 4a/4b (even tho before my hair was acting up, it seemed to be 4a all over...but I'll get back to that)

While before LHCF I was maintaining good hair practices (natural big chop twice in last two years, currently sl stretched), the board helped me improve some and delayed some (jumping on too many bandwagons :wallbash:.)

My routine, hmm let's see, this is general but for the most part....
  • Co-wash once a week with VO5 Moisutre Milks (luvs it) - sometimes use a poo; or Giovanni 50:50 or now AO Honey (add stuff)
  • Deep Condtion with Elasta QP DPR 11 (now I know some people want to crucify this conditoner but it's almost the gospel for me :yep:) - recently been mixed with some other stuff and AO Honeysuckle (first time I used this was by itself I was ready to nail it to the cross...needless to say adding some honey and distilled water proved wonders:yep:)
  • Moisturize with Oyin Whipped Butter *hate how this smells :nono:*- would prefer to use Qhemet (I love this line I mean the things I would do if I could just afford the shipping all the time up north - an absolute mess!)
  • Henna maybe once a month (or when I feel like it)
  • And yes I've become an official horse lover (Mega-Tek) even though it's only been a week of use...I'm praying for the horse hair:grin:
So with all my great products and thorough fantasitc routine :rolleyes:, what's my issue you ask? Well I understand that hair texture can change as you get older...actually I don't understand why my beautiful curls are now wiry waves. I thought maybe the henna (too much), maybe protein (this is before mega-tek). But I don't know. How do I get my ringlets back? There are who seem to be my hair texture and have a beautiful head of curls while mine is a mess and a half. And then to make it worse I can only dry my hair a certain way in small twists or bantu knots (for my carribean women chinese bumps :grin:) cause if I do it in pocahontas braids or in plaits it dries hard the next day (so of course braid outs are a no no for me).

Has anyone lost their curl and found a way to get them back? I was thinking maybe too much baking soda and conditioner or baking soda and acv mix but if I stop using baking soda, shouldn't the curls return?

My hair and I speak every once in I'm hoping I can resume our regular communication once I fix this problem

Thanks in advance

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Welcome. Hope others with more experience will chime in. I know that henna has been reported to loosen the curl pattern a bit. Also as the hair grows longer (for some) the weight stretches the coil. EmpressRi said this happened to her. Also I don't know if you straighten regularly but (again for some) if done with poor technique, this may over time loosen the coil.
Thanks I appreciate the welcome.

I know henna can loosen the curl pattern and baking soda as well, but since these are not 'permanent' straighteners shouldn't the curl pattern return? Especially if the hair has memory?

It seems like as in the case with repeated straightening, the hair can become trained not gain it's original curl pattern using any of the two afroementioned products in the hair routine. Which of course begs the question, can the repeated use of henna and baking soda be potentially damaging to the hair in the sense that the curl pattern can and will not ever return?

More responses, help and advice would be appreciated
Welcome Naturelle! *waves*

Yes henna does temporarily loosen the curls but if you're henna-ing every month you might not be leaving enough time for your hair to return to its natural texture. You can try adding amla powder to your henna mixture next time, which will make your curls more defined, tighter and fuller.

Also when was the last time you did a clarifying wash (I don't mean with baking soda as that doesn't remove cones)? If it has been a while you might wanna try that.

Hey miss Canada!
I know when i was fully natural, if I ever felt like i was losing my curls, I would clarify, then I would use ROUX Porosity Control for a good week, every night.
That really does the trick. it restores your hair's PH balance.

Now, this is taking into consideration that your hair is still healthy, and it isn't changing texture due to age or sickness.
Welcome Naturelle! *waves*

Yes henna does temporarily loosen the curls but if you're henna-ing every month you might not be leaving enough time for your hair to return to its natural texture. You can try adding amla powder to your henna mixture next time, which will make your curls more defined, tighter and fuller.

Also when was the last time you did a clarifying wash (I don't mean with baking soda as that doesn't remove cones)? If it has been a while you might wanna try that.


Waving right back hun.

I did a clarifying wash about two weeks ago I want to say and I haven't hennae'd (sp?) in about two months. Amla powder you say? I haven't heannae'd in awhile for the sam issue I'm having. So if I add amla powder to my henna this can help? Has anyone added amla powder to their conditioner? I wonder how that would turn out...(HOW COME I CAN"T FIND RUBBING UNDER MY CHIN EMOTICON :ohwell:)
Hey miss Canada!
I know when i was fully natural, if I ever felt like i was losing my curls, I would clarify, then I would use ROUX Porosity Control for a good week, every night.
That really does the trick. it restores your hair's PH balance.

Now, this is taking into consideration that your hair is still healthy, and it isn't changing texture due to age or sickness.

I keep hearing about this product but many of the things found in the U.S. hair market is like kicking bricks barefoot...meaningless end...I'll try to look for it we're saying I might have porosity issues...and that's wha ti thought my cold water and acv rise were for :rolleyes:.

My hair is healthy....:look:...Maybe
Waving right back hun.

:thought: :scratchch: <--------- Welcome to LHCF and here's your smilies :grin:

Sorry I can't help with your henna question though and I really think the ladies so far are giving out some great advice. :yep:.
I keep hearing about this product but many of the things found in the U.S. hair market is like kicking bricks barefoot...meaningless end...I'll try to look for it we're saying I might have porosity issues...and that's wha ti thought my cold water and acv rise were for :rolleyes:.

My hair is healthy....:look:...Maybe

Check out Sallys Beauty Store.. I'm a fellow Canadian as well and I bought a samble size of Roux Porosity treatment at Sallys.. they sell the regular sized bottle as well I just wanted to try it out (Unfortunately my sister used it before I could :wallbash:)
Thanks where is Sally's up here I think I heard one might be in Scarbrough (you in T.O?) but I'm not sure.

QQ @ my spelling mistakes and mishaps....whatev lol
Sent you a PM :yep:

:look: Finally a subscribing member hailing from up north (Canada).

Been lurking (now just now understanding teminologies) for a few months and I appreciate the wealth and health of information from so many of you. Thank you for being the mediators when my hair was acting the darn fool.

So many beautiful heads of hair, so many beautiful women.

Hmmmm, let's see.

Well I'm 4 something I guess....but look I got pretty hair 1, 2 3 or 4, got it? Good. LOL :grin:....More or less 4a/4b (even tho before my hair was acting up, it seemed to be 4a all over...but I'll get back to that)

While before LHCF I was maintaining good hair practices (natural big chop twice in last two years, currently sl stretched), the board helped me improve some and delayed some (jumping on too many bandwagons :wallbash:.)

My routine, hmm let's see, this is general but for the most part....
  • Co-wash once a week with VO5 Moisutre Milks (luvs it) - sometimes use a poo; or Giovanni 50:50 or now AO Honey (add stuff)
  • Deep Condtion with Elasta QP DPR 11 (now I know some people want to crucify this conditoner but it's almost the gospel for me :yep:) - recently been mixed with some other stuff and AO Honeysuckle (first time I used this was by itself I was ready to nail it to the cross...needless to say adding some honey and distilled water proved wonders:yep:)
  • Moisturize with Oyin Whipped Butter *hate how this smells :nono:*- would prefer to use Qhemet (I love this line I mean the things I would do if I could just afford the shipping all the time up north - an absolute mess!)
  • Henna maybe once a month (or when I feel like it)
  • And yes I've become an official horse lover (Mega-Tek) even though it's only been a week of use...I'm praying for the horse hair:grin:
So with all my great products and thorough fantasitc routine :rolleyes:, what's my issue you ask? Well I understand that hair texture can change as you get older...actually I don't understand why my beautiful curls are now wiry waves. I thought maybe the henna (too much), maybe protein (this is before mega-tek). But I don't know. How do I get my ringlets back? There are who seem to be my hair texture and have a beautiful head of curls while mine is a mess and a half. And then to make it worse I can only dry my hair a certain way in small twists or bantu knots (for my carribean women chinese bumps :grin:) cause if I do it in pocahontas braids or in plaits it dries hard the next day (so of course braid outs are a no no for me).

Has anyone lost their curl and found a way to get them back? I was thinking maybe too much baking soda and conditioner or baking soda and acv mix but if I stop using baking soda, shouldn't the curls return?

My hair and I speak every once in I'm hoping I can resume our regular communication once I fix this problem

Thanks in advance

WELCOME fellow Canadian. Sorry, can't help but I am glad to see a new friend. Now where are all the Edmonton women of color at?:lachen:j/k

OT: Where do you buy your V05 products, I have looked all over Edmonton, but nothing.

Hey miss Canada!
I know when i was fully natural, if I ever felt like i was losing my curls, I would clarify, then I would use ROUX Porosity Control for a good week, every night.
That really does the trick. it restores your hair's PH balance.

Now, this is taking into consideration that your hair is still healthy, and it isn't changing texture due to age or sickness.
Also from Toronto?

Check out Sallys Beauty Store.. I'm a fellow Canadian as well and I bought a samble size of Roux Porosity treatment at Sallys.. they sell the regular sized bottle as well I just wanted to try it out (Unfortunately my sister used it before I could :wallbash:)
Welcome, Naturelle!

I was going to suggest that maybe you have been overdoing the protein. Hope you get you pretty curls back.
@ Mandy, yep a Canuck (lol). My V05 I've been only able to find at No Frills (grocery store chain) and even that only at a particular one. Everyone else carries Suave adn my hair asked me if I was crazy when I tried it.

@RG, thanks! That's why I've tried to eliminate the protein from being applied to my hair period. Just the Mega-Tek and only on the scalp. The henna, eh it's been awhile for that...
I did notice that you said you wash once a week. I know that co washing everyday helps me keep my curlies. As far as henna Ive yet to do it...seems complicated, but I am curious about it. I hope you figure things out as well. Also what about deep conditioning??
Welcome aboard...natural hair is where I'm heading. I love the relaxed hair doers but right now I need lots of natural hair company without all the militant attitudes. Glad to hear from you.
I did notice that you said you wash once a week. I know that co washing everyday helps me keep my curlies. As far as henna Ive yet to do it...seems complicated, but I am curious about it. I hope you figure things out as well. Also what about deep conditioning??

Well I use to co-wash reg esp when I was in the gym 3-4 times a week...but then after awhile I felt that my hair wasn't responding well and I thought it was the acutally could have been something else....I'm going to start that again maybe twice a week...I was trying to minimize the manipulation but we'll see