You "Lye" folks...Anyone self relax???


New Member
You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

I just wondered, you people who use lye relaxers, do you self-relax? If so, how/how quickly to you apply your relaxer? Do you burn? Can you list your relaxing routine?

I'm especially interested in hearing from Mizani Lye people, but other Lye people can respond as well

Thanks in advance
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

Thanks Allandra

I was just asking because I self relax but I've been using no lye, I might switch to lye but if I did I'd do it at home.
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

I self relax w/lye. I use Motions. I base my scalp very well. I also use a brush and bowl, that makes the application go smoothly.
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

Thanks Caramela

So you actually base your scalp? And the relaxer still takes pretty well? I based my scalp one time with the no-lye and It didn't take.
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

I don't relax bone straight anyway. I barely relax. If you saw my hair air dried or blown dried you can tell. It's so thick
My goal isn't straight hair. I never relax all the life out of it.
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

I gotcha

I kind of have to change my way of thinking, I've always relaxed my hair bone straight

Did you ever use no-lye before that? Is so how do the two compare?
Re: You \"Lye\" folks...Anyone self relax???

I self relax using Affirm Fiberguard Normal. I have always used lye relaxers because my hair is very thick and coarse, so I feel that lye works better than no-lye. I have used Mizani Normal and I think that it is a very good relaxer
. I only switched to Fiberguard because I heard it is suppose to protect the hair during the relaxing process.
Basically, I base my scalp (I have a tendency to burn). I then use Affirm Fiberguard Proctecto on my hair, everything but the new growth to prevent overlapping (other ladies use some type of conditioner or oil). It usually takes 20 to 25 mintues to relax my hair, application and smoothing. After rinsing, I use Affirm Fiberguard Sustenance conditioner for 5 minutes (per Affirm's recommendation) and neutralize afterwards.