You ladies have made me think about TRANSITIONING!!!


New Member
Gosh why are all of you such influences on my brain... :rolleyes: Ok look I've been a natural head before, I've been bald by choice - buzzzzzzz cut, I even had long amazing locks.... All in a search for better hair care than my old damaged relaxed strands of my teens. These looks all happened in my 20's, lol - which explains why people from my past never recognize me when I see them.

So I'm approaching 30! Well in a year and a half I will be. And being on this board I've seen so many beautiful natural and relaxed heads. I didn't have the knowledge about hair care that I have now and so my natural hair wasn't even the best condition it could have been. But now I think my natural hair would thrive amazingly.

So I think I want to transition and try again... This is me from when I was a natural head! Well actually I think I had a home texturizer up in there, I can't remember:

I hate this pic, lol I was like 3 years ago or so, but I love my hair:

Same hair here:

I'm really excited about the choice. My only dilemma is my line of work. Being in the entertainment world I feel like I have to conform to what's current and what's considered the standard of beauty. I think it's going to take a lot of just "getting over it" in my mind to fully step out and say this is me accept it or F-you, but I do need to eat and conforming to types is the name of the game when you're still establishing yourself. But really, I'm ready now. I'm moving to LA at the end of June and this is like a fresh start for me, a new page, so the timing is so perfect. And of course there is setting a new standard because the only standard to compare oneself to is the SELF...

Also, no matter how I choose to wear my hair (relaxed or straight) I'd be in so many different chairs and hands for jobs that provide hair and make-up (yeah that's nearly all in the work I do/will be doing), I don't think any stylist has had a crazy hair obsessed LHCF member to deal with lol... Can you imagine, I do have demands: 1. NO FINE TOOTH COMBS, 2. NO HAIRSPRAY, 3. TURN THAT IRON DOWN TO SETTING #1, 4. NO BRUSHING!!! I think I may have to go back to sporting weaves again, lol. I think if my hair was at least natural it wouldn't be such a huge issue because it wouldn't be chemically processed so the damage could be decreased by *that* much. I don't want to have to do weaves though honestly. :rolleyes: And I'm figuring at least I can wash/DC or co-wash my hair as often as I want and not worry too much about my relaxed fine strands not being able to handle the manipulation... I'd likely just flat iron my hair the night before a job to make sure it's straight and hope they just use hot rollers to set if they need to (which they do a lot of the times as well). Plus you ladies with those damn gorgeous natural curls and twist make me want to just :lick::lick:. My new growth is so beautiful, I wonder what a full head of it - a WELL CARED FOR HEAD OF IT - would look like.

Sooooooo much to think about, but I just wanted to share and get some opinions/advice from you all who have been there/done that.:yep:
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You look beautiful either way. You do you. Natural you can have versatility of sporting a girlfriend (wig or half piece) a fall or a weave.

When you want to be natural you can just be natural.

It is up to you. Either way we will support you in whatever you decide.

I am not kidding those pictures are gorgeous.

My aunt in a jazz singer and she is natural, her hair is as thick and wild as mine but she sports so many different styles with her hair you have no clue what she will look like or do next. Under all of it though she is bonafide natural.

Here is her site. As you will see I don't think she has the same hairstyle twice but she is natural.
Great! I'm transitioning too.

The picture you said you hate, is GORGEOUS...I love love love it. It looks like a magazine ad.
Hey Girl, :wave:

I say go for it!


I think your natural hair looks nice.


I can't wait to be all natural.

LOL thanks ladies for the support! Mscocoface your aunt is really beautiful! I love the versatility of her hair, and that's what I've learned most from this site, that our hair is gorgeous and versatile and we can do whatever we want with it. I just closed the photo album of the LHCF member who SENT ME OVER THE EDGE WITH MY DECISION because her hair is 4a and AMAZING. I'm really gonna :spank: her and then :grouphug3:.

Allandra I didn't realize you were transitioning! I'm so slow sometimes!

SparkleDoll thanks for the photo compliment, that was actually from a job for a stock shoot I think, I don't remember lol I have so many pics.:rolleyes:
Girl, where have you been? I've been transitioning since October 2007.

Girl you've talked to me before, I'm SUCH an airhead sometimes! A smart airhead, but an airhead nonetheless!

Dang that's 8 months now! How do you handle the two textures? And how has your regimen changed?
Girl you've talked to me before, I'm SUCH an airhead sometimes! A smart airhead, but an airhead nonetheless!

Dang that's 8 months now! How do you handle the two textures? And how has your regimen changed?
So far, so good.

It hasn't been too bad handling the two textures. I'm still pretty much doing the same regimen (which as worked well for me).
I love the pictures of you, especially the one in the red shirt. You look so young, fresh and beautiful and I love the hair! Just think Syesha Mercado... I absolutely love her natural hair. When she needed to she sported a half wig, but I think she was SOOO much more gorgeous with natural hair. My husband has been begging me for 2 years now to go natural and sometimes in my heart of hearts I want to SOOO bad and feel I would be so much better off without relaxers. My hair is the longest and healthiest it has ever been since finding LHCF. It could probably be so much healthier if I went natural with all the knowledge I have. I will be honest I am so afraid of trying to transition with my 4BZZZZZZ hair. Actually, it is 4a, excpet for the 4bZZZ at the crown and nape. I am currently 12 weeks post. My husband just wants me to do the bc but I am a big chicken. I think you would do natural very well and you have the pictures to prove it and now it would be even better. Every time I read a post like this in my mind I think it gets me leaning one step closer to going natural. Funny, how I can be so encouraging to someone else but don't have the courage to do it myself. :perplexed
you look good natural and relaxed.:grin: But I do understand what you mean about people looking at you sideways because of your job. But I think what ever you do your hair will be perfect. You have to do what you like not what everyone else says:yep:

I'm in the industry too. Natural hair is in!! Seems like more naturals get the jobs. You can always press if you feel you need it straight.

Do you!

I too am transitioning AGAIN!! I want the biggest poof, curly fro, etc.. that I can get.

Enjoy the transition.

LOL thanks ladies for the support! Mscocoface your aunt is really beautiful! I love the versatility of her hair, and that's what I've learned most from this site, that our hair is gorgeous and versatile and we can do whatever we want with it. I just closed the photo album of the LHCF member who SENT ME OVER THE EDGE WITH MY DECISION because her hair is 4a and AMAZING. I'm really gonna :spank: her and then :grouphug3:.

Allandra I didn't realize you were transitioning! I'm so slow sometimes!

SparkleDoll thanks for the photo compliment, that was actually from a job for a stock shoot I think, I don't remember lol I have so many pics.:rolleyes:
This is good to hear Yodie. It seems a little different on the East over here, there's a mix you've got your natural girls and then your straight girls (most times with weaves lol).

So this will be an interesting change and I'm looking forward to it! I'll finally be free of the clutch of the salon as well...

I cant promise I won't do something crazy like BC! I'm thinking about that too:rolleyes:. I'm so all or nothing!


I'm in the industry too. Natural hair is in!! Seems like more naturals get the jobs. You can always press if you feel you need it straight.

Do you!

I too am transitioning AGAIN!! I want the biggest poof, curly fro, etc.. that I can get.

Enjoy the transition.
It seems like more black women in the "industry" as far as modeling/commercial modeling/acting have natural hair. It may help you in that area! Go for it!
I say go for it. And I agree your relaxed and natural pictures are both pretty.

If it becomes a problem in your line of work then you can always return to relaxing it again.

Meanwhile, you can incorporate weaves and wigs to cater to the industry.:grin:
:woot: YAY! Come and join us Foxie:woot:
...transitioners that is :look:! Whatever you decide, your hair is beautiful either way.
Thanks so much ladies again, I'm sitting here in a braids for a braid-out right now and I've suuuure got a lot of NG (7 weeks post relaxer).

It funny because I booked more work as a straight haired relaxed chick than when I was natural, but again I haven't been natural in ages and seeing women out there laying it down with natural hair has had me thinking for a LONG while now. About 2 weeks ago I saw YaYa DaCosta (from America's Next Top Model) on All My Children and I was like - OK THAT'S IT!! Her hair was gorgeous and it sold me. There are countless others too, it's just a very huge decision no matter how you slice it. But I'm really at the point where I'm like screw this, if I'm going to love all of me - which I do - then my hair has to be included in this. Why am I relaxing really is a question I ask myself, and can I manage better without it... The answer I feel may be yes!:yep:
I'm from Jersey. Just returned from NY. Aww, I love it.

anyway... you have options with being natural. You can also find a cute half wig that's primarily straight and handle your situation.

There's always a way.

This is good to hear Yodie. It seems a little different on the East over here, there's a mix you've got your natural girls and then your straight girls (most times with weaves lol).

So this will be an interesting change and I'm looking forward to it! I'll finally be free of the clutch of the salon as well...

I cant promise I won't do something crazy like BC! I'm thinking about that too:rolleyes:. I'm so all or nothing!
foxieroxie do it! Your hair is gorgeous either way. If you do decide to go natural, like u said-u can always weave it up if you want it straight, then be natural the next day-ur options are limitless!
i love love love that first pic.

i think especially because you go through so many hands going natural would be a plus. it is very easy for someone to mess up your hair if you are relaxed but i feel if you were natural it would be less difficult. how was it when you were natural before? i mean, you had to jump chairs for that photo shoot, correct? if you did it before you can do it again, and you have so many people behind you now that it would be a breeze.
When I was natural - or should I say when I wore my natural hair out, because I was actually natural all the time I had been wearing weaves for 2 years, I only just fully relaxed in Dec 07 for the first time in about 5 years - I was presented as a natural head so when called in for stuff etc I was hired for my look and then talent as well if it was for acting work. So 9 times out of 10 I never really had to change my hair, especially for commercial work and print, they do like natural heads, very true. When I got the weaves done my agents and manager really requested that my look be vamped up into a more sexier/vampy thing so maybe that was more the factor in the equation. As you can see with the pics above, then I was a little more girl next door etc etc - MUCH different than how I'm presented now.

So now I'm all grown up and know my type and how I am being marketed so the hair will only accentuate that. Ok thanks ladies for making me see the light, lol. I just took pics of my NG, I'll post them in my fotki. Ladies I HAVE SPIRALS!! Little pretty spirals, gosh, I totally forgot. I love how you all are just egging me on, next thing you know I'll have a TWA! lol :yawn:
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Looooooove your natural hair....well, your relaxed hair, too...but the natural is really pretty...good luck with whatever you decide!
Roxy you could so roc the natural look, I love the first pic of you, really adorable, it looks like a pic I saw in a black hair mag. Good luck on your new journey.