You know sometimes, it's NOT OK to Be Nice...


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
I got a packet today for the book "The Jesus You Can't Ignore" (thanks to First Lady Momi for posting this information)

I'm excited to receive a copy soon... I'll wait to read it but I can't help but remind myself that sometimes people get confused about Believers who are FOR GOD all the way. The "for real saved" folks.

Society today has gotten so tolerant, we're starting to try to conform the Word of God to the World of god in order not to offend. We can use God's Word to literally justify ANYTHING. We don't want to offend the Jews. We don't want to offend Muslims. But guess what? In the end. EVERY KNEE shall bow and profess Jesus as Lord...whether it's a Christian knee, an Atheist knee or a Muslim knee.

I'm NOT OK with being "politically correct" Actually I tire of even attempting to be

I believe that God's Word is true today as it was yesterday. And so the Word can be an offense to many..even when it's delivered "nicely" and with Love.

Homosexuality is WRONG; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Man cannot serve two masters; A person either belongs to God or to Satan
No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (Mammon).

Money is a tool. When we worship it, it becomes a vice. It can be either used in the Kingdom of God or in the World System. The best example I can think of for the misuse of (LOVE of) money is the story of Ananias and his wife in the book of Acts.

Fornication is a Sin -- it's NOT OK to have sex with a boyfriend/girlfriends. God made sex for marriage. Don't call me judgmental or out of place. That's what GOD SAYS:.
1 Corinthians 7:2
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

Having a zeal and passion for God shouldn't be misconstrued as being "non-Christ-like". And even if you see it as such, God bless you and I'll continue to pray that we all attain that Perfect Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding...that can only come through a personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus confronted Man when he was here on Earth, and I'm sure he wasn't "NICE" about it. He turned over the table in the synagogue when those folks were desecrating his Father's House. He was angry at times and expressed his righteous indignation.

1 Peter 2 says he was our "example" and if Jesus wasn't tolerant of anything that goes against God or his Word, neither will I.

I refuse to live in People Bondage, and living in Christ gives us TRUE FREEDOM from this. In Psalms 124, God will make us as a bird free from the snare of the Fowler! Worrying about what others think. This type of bondage is very real and very hard to remove from our lives, because of our relationships with others. But I tell you, unless it is tackled in truth, through prayer, it will always be a stumbling block to many blessings. If I am too embarrassed about crying in church and choke back the tears and "pretend" all is good so as to appear "proper. I am blocking a tremendous blessing. I may even be offending the Spirit of God by not submitting. God help us that we don't do this. When God knocks on our hearts (we know this is so when our hearts start beating hard and strong).... we should answer. He doesn't knock on our hearts every day but at very critical times in our lives.

I pray that we all can fly free in our spirits and to live in the assurance, that God will NEVER forsake us or leave us, especially during attacks by the adversary.

If I realize that I did/say something in the flesh and that was not of the Spirit of God and offended, I will apologize.

But I will not apologize for defending the Word of God.

God bless you all. I love you with the Love of God and I pray we all can get excited about Him again.

He is so worthy to be praised. Not for what he's done or will do for us,

but simply for WHO he IS.

:rosebud: :rosebud:
There is a difference between following the Word of God and being rude and condescending. Jesus had the ability to show the person their wrong without ostracizing them. He had tact and a gentleness about Him because He was lead by God.

We are given the Holy Spirit to help guide us when dealing with people. Christians should draw ALL people because we have the nature of God in us. But a lot of us are acting and speaking because we want to and the way we want to without the help of the Holy Spirit. There is order in everything.

Sinners aren't reading the bible and they do not know God. They are reading us. We are the only insight to Christianity. So we MUST be exuding God's wisdom when dealing with other people.
I got a packet today for the book "The Jesus You Can't Ignore" (thanks to First Lady Momi for posting this information)

I'm excited to receive a copy soon... I'll wait to read it but I can't help but remind myself that sometimes people get confused about Believers who are FOR GOD all the way. The "for real saved" folks.

Society today has gotten so tolerant, we're starting to try to conform the Word of God to the World of god in order not to offend. We can use God's Word to literally justify ANYTHING. We don't want to offend the Jews. We don't want to offend Muslims. But guess what? In the end. EVERY KNEE shall bow and profess Jesus as Lord...whether it's a Christian knee, an Atheist knee or a Muslim knee.

I'm NOT OK with being "politically correct" Actually I tire of even attempting to be

I believe that God's Word is true today as it was yesterday. And so the Word can be an offense to many..even when it's delivered "nicely" and with Love.

Homosexuality is WRONG; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Man cannot serve two masters; A person either belongs to God or to Satan
No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money (Mammon).

Money is a tool. When we worship it, it becomes a vice. It can be either used in the Kingdom of God or in the World System. The best example I can think of for the misuse of (LOVE of) money is the story of Ananias and his wife in the book of Acts.

Fornication is a Sin -- it's NOT OK to have sex with a boyfriend/girlfriends. God made sex for marriage. Don't call me judgmental or out of place. That's what GOD SAYS:.
1 Corinthians 7:2
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

Having a zeal and passion for God shouldn't be misconstrued as being "non-Christ-like". And even if you see it as such, God bless you and I'll continue to pray that we all attain that Perfect Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding...that can only come through a personal relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus confronted Man when he was here on Earth, and I'm sure he wasn't "NICE" about it. He turned over the table in the synagogue when those folks were desecrating his Father's House. He was angry at times and expressed his righteous indignation.

1 Peter 2 says he was our "example" and if Jesus wasn't tolerant of anything that goes against God or his Word, neither will I.

I refuse to live in People Bondage, and living in Christ gives us TRUE FREEDOM from this. In Psalms 124, God will make us as a bird free from the snare of the Fowler! Worrying about what others think. This type of bondage is very real and very hard to remove from our lives, because of our relationships with others. But I tell you, unless it is tackled in truth, through prayer, it will always be a stumbling block to many blessings. If I am too embarrassed about crying in church and choke back the tears and "pretend" all is good so as to appear "proper. I am blocking a tremendous blessing. I may even be offending the Spirit of God by not submitting. God help us that we don't do this. When God knocks on our hearts (we know this is so when our hearts start beating hard and strong).... we should answer. He doesn't knock on our hearts every day but at very critical times in our lives.

I pray that we all can fly free in our spirits and to live in the assurance, that God will NEVER forsake us or leave us, especially during attacks by the adversary.

If I realize that I did/say something in the flesh and that was not of the Spirit of God and offended, I will apologize.

But I will not apologize for defending the Word of God.

God bless you all. I love you with the Love of God and I pray we all can get excited about Him again.

He is so worthy to be praised. Not for what he's done or will do for us,

but simply for WHO he IS.

:rosebud: :rosebud:

Love it! :up:

If the 'world' fights to defend their demi-god and their worship of it; why are 'we' so persecuted for standing for 'our' God who IS God and Always was God and Always will be God.

I've always been radical for Jesus Christ, never apologized for it and never will. The opposition has been heavy, but what do I care? I don't.

Did the world ever save me? No! Did the world save my babies? No! Did the world heal me when I needed healing? No! Did the world protect me from unseen as well as seen dangers? No! Did the world love me even at my most unloveable? No!

I've come too far in this life of mine with Jesus; too far and I'm not giving up the real Joy and Treasure of Life!

I refuse to fear the friends and acceptance that I may lose, for not bowing down to 'polictical corectness' What's correct about corruption except that it, itself needs to be corrected.

Me lose a friend? "So what!" I'm supposed to 'bend' into their mess and give up what God has blessed me with? Just the honour of God calling me His own, is of far more value. Far More!

I thank God, that I have backbone! I thank God every single day for giving me loving compassion yet being armed with steel wisdom and noncompliance with the foolishness of this world.

I'm not the one with the problem. Is that arrogance? You better believe it is. I am totally arrogant in my faith. Arrogant agains the enemy who has tried every little thing to humilitate God and to separate us from Him. Yes, I'm arrogant and apologize to no one for it. For in my arrogance, I have so great a Salvation. I'm giving it up for no one.

I love you, Lord Jesus! And that's the way it is! :Rose:
Thank you for this. God has been dealing with me on this very subject lately. He tells me that it is not enough to be “good” and go with the program. A friend and I were talking not too long ago and we started talking about Revelations 3, particularly verse 16. He does not want us to be lukewarm. We are either for Him or against Him. Being on fire for Him doesn’t mean preaching fire and brimstone or hell and condemnation, but we as Christians have to take a stand. I’m so grateful for the women in this forum who take a stand. Some of us may be a little more “outspoken” than others, but that is ok. God can take a person’s personality and use it for His glory.
I agree with Ramya, I remember in high school one of my friends (japanese) did not follow any religion cause she was brought up that way and this other girl in my class found that out and went crazy at her saying how can you not believe in God? I was so appalled! I am definately for God even though I sometimes fall short, I am not perfect which makes me able to accept those who do not follow God's Word.

I have a gay guy in my class and a friend of mine said she doesnt want him in the class and I told her and said but is that Christ like? Are we now meant to be God's jury? Just pray for him. I may not like the persons actions but I still love the person because he was fearfully and wonderfully made, we are not 'better'
James 2:8-13 says it all.

Other than that I find as I am getting older I'm caring less what other pple think of me. My motto is you do not have to like what I like, or do what I do
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We don't want to offend the Jews. We don't want to offend Muslims. But guess what? In the end. EVERY KNEE shall bow and profess Jesus as Lord...whether it's a Christian knee, an Atheist knee or a Muslim knee.

So basically what you're saying is that it's ok to offend others of a different religion than you on general principle?

What does one get out of offending Jews and Muslims? Is there a prize?
Yes, I believe all Christians should maintain a firm stand against sin, and should strive to please God over man!!! It's true, the Bible does not teach tolerance of any sin. But we are all sinners, and Jesus loves all sinners. Therefore any rebuke should be done in love, and in the Spirit.

We should be careful not to seem condescending or arrogant towards nonbelievers. Our arrogance should be directed to principalities and powers, and rooted in the fact that we have a God who can fight on our behalf. I don't think we should have a spirit of arrogance towards nonbelievers because we are Christians and they are not. But we can definitely be arrogant in the face of Satan because God has already given us the victory :grin:

Every Christian should be proud of being a Christian, but we should be careful not be proud of ourselves for being Christian. In other words, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard and make sure that we behave as Christians when we are in the world so that we don't end up taking the name of the Lord in vain. But we must not pat ourselves on the back because we are blessed with zeal and fervor. It's only by God's grace, and not by our own fortitude, that we are saved.

Christians should never be "nice" to sin...but I don't think we should be rude to sinners either. I'm not saying this is the theme of this thread; it's just I can see how someone could assume that :nono:
Hi, Ramya,

There IS a difference :yep: and what's in the heart and the intention of that person makes the difference. No one knows but God what's in a man's heart...the rest is perception by others, sometimes falsely. I won't go around blatantly disrespecting people because that is not what God is about, nor is it right to do. :nono: I'm not more saved than anyone else. You're right, the Holy Spirit is there to Guide us, even when we falter.

You're missing my main point. Yes, Jesus had tact, but I don't think he slowly and softly turned over those tables.

What I am talking about is taking a stand STRICTLY on the Word and not wavering. "Rude, arrogant, condescending" sometimes are misnomers for Christians who are zealous about God, in spite of their personalities. An offended man will lose his head. What is so offensive about standing on the Word of God and not wavering?

There is a difference between following the Word of God and being rude and condescending. Jesus had the ability to show the person their wrong without ostracizing them. He had tact and a gentleness about Him because He was lead by God.
Hi, Ramya,

There IS a difference :yep: and what's in the heart and the intention of that person makes the difference. No one knows but God what's in a man's heart...the rest is perception by others, sometimes falsely. I won't go around blatantly disrespecting people because that is not what God is about, nor is it right to do. :nono: I'm not more saved than anyone else. You're right, the Holy Spirit is there to Guide us, even when we falter.

You're missing my main point. Yes, Jesus had tact, but I don't think he slowly and softly turned over those tables.

What I am talking about is taking a stand STRICTLY on the Word and not wavering. "Rude, arrogant, condescending" sometimes are misnomers for Christians who are zealous about God, in spite of their personalities. An offended man will lose his head. What is so offensive about standing on the Word of God and not wavering?

No I totally get the point, however many Christians use this point to justify their out of order behavior. I love God and His word is the only word that matters. However, when 'winning' souls for God, you can speak the Word of God and pray for them and sometimes that's all it takes. :yep: Other times, especially concerning the matters you highlighted for us (which I do agree with cause God said so) beating people over the head with the word of God will force them AWAY from God, their dealings with us can make them never want to have a relationship with God. The rest will come but we need to focus on getting them connected with God FIRST. If the Holy Spirit is in you, you cannot be comfortable living in sin. He isn't comfortable living in sin and convictions will begin.

Sometimes all we have to do is plant the seed. That may be all God is asking us to do. If He is fully evident in the way WE live our lives and in our compassion when dealing with others, people are more likely to be curious about God. But when we act a fool, they associate God with our behavior and our lifestyles. And they are right to do so because we are 'Christians' and are supposed to be like Christ.

Nobody wants to admit their wrong to someone they don't feel comfortable with. They may actually believe they're wrong and want to come out of sin, but they don't have to tell us that. God may be dealing with them about it already. And when we 'go hard' on them 'for the Lord' we can actually hinder them from leaving that lifestyle. It is HARD to leave what you enjoy. It takes time and effort. And I think sometimes we forget that.
Hi, Spongie,

Hmmm...well, now.. we are teeter-tottering into Witnessing territory.

When I witness to others, I share my beliefs or will invite them to church. If they come they come. If they don't, they don't. God is a God of will and doesn't need to force himself on anyone, so we ought to follow Jesus' example when witnessing, too. One of my friends recently told me he doesnt like my church because it's too much of a hassle and that he's going to church to find hot, sinful women. I could have gotten offended by his comments and initially, I didn't like it. But guess what? Maybe God is using women to draw him to church so he can get the Word! I was even more interested and glad that he's looking for a home church and so I encouraged him by saying so long as he finds a home church he's comfortable with. If I'd taken offense and think all he thinks about is sinful women, I'd have missed the opportunity to encourage him.

I agree with you that we must love the person and deal with the spirit behind their actions; they are people, after all. I know two men who are gay and I've worked with them for years. I do not believe that homosexuality is of God and is OK, but I communicate with them and just leave the "religious talk" alone. Sure I love them, they're two very good people. Would I go to lunch with them? Yes... to a gay parade? NO. :laugh: But we are not equally yolked because of our beliefs. Would I hang out all night talking to them on the phone about their sexcapades? Of course not. There has to be a line...if drawing a line is what people call "ostracizing" people, they are mistaken.

I should be able to tell someone I don't agree with such and such because the Word says so and not because Laela says so. That's my point. :yep:

I agree with Ramya, I remember in high school one of my friends (japanese) did not follow any religion cause she was brought up that way and this other girl in my class found that out and went crazy at her saying how can you not believe in God? I was so appalled! I am definately for God even though I sometimes fall short, I am not perfect which makes me able to accept those who do not follow God's Word.

I have a gay guy in my class and a friend of mine said she doesnt want him in the class and I told her and said but is that Christ like? Are we now meant to be God's jury? Just pray for him. I may not like the persons actions but I still love the person because he was fearfully and wonderfully made, we are not 'better'

Other than that I find as I am getting older I'm caring less what other pple think of me. My motto is you do not have to like what I like, or do what I do
O i get what you mean Laela, and I agree with you I definately will not compromise my beliefs in order to be PC, its sort of that whole making girls remove their hijabs in schools because it offends others who are not of that culture, some pple get offfended when someone states their religion or its cause they already have a preconceived notion that a christian will be a bible thumping warrior who will spray holy water on them I do not know. Yup yup I get u now :D
In Paul's letter to the Church of Thessalonica, he says:

But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the faint hearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil.[/I]
-- 1 Thess 5

The gist of this Scripture is not for Christians to abstain from the "appearance" of evil but to abstain from what is CLEARLY evil. The Greek word for "form" has been interpreted as "appearance" in some versions of the Bible.

A Christian should live a life of transparency and not be concerned about keeping up appearances. IMHO, that defeats the purpose of being free in Christ. A Christian who lives a transparent life is not capable of pleasing Man.

Yes, I believe all Christians should maintain a firm stand against sin, and should strive to please God over man!!! It's true, the Bible does not teach tolerance of any sin. But we are all sinners, and Jesus loves all sinners. Therefore any rebuke should be done in love, and in the Spirit.
We should be careful not to seem condescending or arrogant towards nonbelievers. Our arrogance should be directed to principalities and powers, and rooted in the fact that we have a God who can fight on our behalf. I don't think we should have a spirit of arrogance towards nonbelievers because we are Christians and they are not. But we can definitely be arrogant in the face of Satan because God has already given us the victory :grin:

Every Christian should be proud of being a Christian, but we should be careful not be proud of ourselves for being Christian. In other words, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard and make sure that we behave as Christians when we are in the world so that we don't end up taking the name of the Lord in vain. But we must not pat ourselves on the back because we are blessed with zeal and fervor. It's only by God's grace, and not by our own fortitude, that we are saved.

Christians should never be "nice" to sin...but I don't think we should be rude to sinners either. I'm not saying this is the theme of this thread; it's just I can see how someone could assume that :nono:
No it's never OK to go around purposefully offending people. It's more important to live a purposeful life for Christ. There is a difference....

So basically what you're saying is that it's ok to offend others of a different religion than you on general principle?

What does one get out of offending Jews and Muslims? Is there a prize?
Oh, no doubt, Ramya.... well said... sometimes a self-check is required to make sure we're not being Fake Christians or self-deceptive to the point that we feel we can do no wrong. Oh, my, my.. God bless you for saying that. That's not what my direction was at all, but I fully feel you on this!

However, when 'winning' souls for God, you can speak the Word of God and pray for them and sometimes that's all it takes. :yep: Other times, especially concerning the matters you highlighted for us (which I do agree with cause God said so) beating people over the head with the word of God will force them AWAY from God, their dealings with us can make them never want to have a relationship with God. The rest will come but we need to focus on getting them connected with God FIRST. If the Holy Spirit is in you, you cannot be comfortable living in sin. He isn't comfortable living in sin and convictions will begin.

Sometimes all we have to do is plant the seed. That may be all God is asking us to do. If He is fully evident in the way WE live our lives and in our compassion when dealing with others, people are more likely to be curious about God. But when we act a fool, they associate God with our behavior and our lifestyles. And they are right to do so because we are 'Christians' and are supposed to be like Christ.

Nobody wants to admit their wrong to someone they don't feel comfortable with. They may actually believe they're wrong and want to come out of sin, but they don't have to tell us that. God may be dealing with them about it already. And when we 'go hard' on them 'for the Lord' we can actually hinder them from leaving that lifestyle. It is HARD to leave what you enjoy. It takes time and effort. And I think sometimes we forget that.
So basically what you're saying is that it's ok to offend others of a different religion than you on general principle?

What does one get out of offending Jews and Muslims? Is there a prize?

It should never be a Christians goal to offend, but many will be offended just because of who Jesus said that He is. That alone is an offence to many... we should not let this hinder us from speaking the truth to anyone - no matter what the faith.
No it's never OK to go around purposefully offending people. It's more important to live a purposeful life for Christ. There is a difference....
Laela, there's not an offensive bone in your soul, nor others here in Christ Jesus... :giveheart:

God gave me a scripture that I will never forget:

1 Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3 T hey compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.

:Rose: 4 For my love, they are my adversaries:
but I give myself unto prayer.

5 And they have rewarded me evil for good,

and hatred for my love. :Rose: (Psalm 109:1-5)

How many Christians have shown nothing but love, in Ministry and in Witness for Jesus Christ, and in turn were falsely accused of being arrogant, rude, uncaring, condescending, just for love?

How many times have loving Christians, walked on egg shells, repressed theTruth, for the sake of keeping peace in the family, in the home or among beloved friends and yet were still accused of being the offender when with all of their hearts, they were not.

More often than not, the tables are turned to make the Christian out to be the offender, when yet they were the ones the actual victims of such.

However, Jesus explained that men would be 'offended' of us, for His sake?

People who love the things of this world will be on auto-offend, or auto-mis-understanding, because God and those who love Him, do not agree with it. It comes with the territory of choosing Jesus and not this world.

My 'Friend' shared this with me; and he could not have spoken more truth. More often then not, People are offended because they are 'convicted' and they have no other recourse than to switch the blame upon Christians. He shared with me, that people do not want to feel bad about what they do. They do not want to feel guilty; nor to yield to the conviction, for it means having to give up what they choose to enjoy. Hence the accusations of arrogance and indifference of the most loving and tender of Christians.

He made a very good point about those who get offended who are having sex outside of marriage. Rather than acknowledge it as sin, they will blast the Church, expand (exagerate)reasons and false justifications not to attend Church, for in the presence of the Holy Spirit, the conviction will fall upon them that they are in sin; yet it is a sin that they choose not to give up. Rather than lay down their lives for Jesus, and walk the straight and narrow path, they choose to paint a negative picture of the Church and Christians to make themselves the victims and the Church the attacker when it truth, it's not so.

Once again, this is regarding those who love the things of this world and have no intention of giving it up.

The world wants us to 'cave in' and say Jesus and the Bible are wrong. When we refuse to let go of our Faith and God's Truth, we are then accused of being self righteous, pious, and uncaring, unloving. I have news for them. Were it not for our so called 'self righteous' stand, and refusal to compromise, we wouldn't be fit for the Kingdom of God nor able to pray for those who need it.

When I'm 'so accused', God always brings me back to Psalm 109...

For my love, they hated me, but I gave myself unto Prayer...Prayers of Love, for those who called me otherwise. :Rose:
Someone posted this article [ Which God Do You know? ] ]

and I'll re-post it again.

I've heard people ask how can a God who says he loves send people to hell, curse people or even kill people, etc...but if we seek God for ourselves and not through the lives of those who profess to know him, we'll understand. We will be aware of the Spiritual War that's in effect every day and will not cease until the end. Yes, Satan is already a defeated foe. But he will try to wrestle for as many souls as he can, even those of Believers. We'll also understand that it's the choices we make (when we CHOOSE to give in to temptation and sin and never repent) is what sends us to hell, puts a curse on our lives, even kills us... NOT GOD. He doesn't want this for us. He never goes back on his promises, but Man does all the time.

It's time to know God for ourselves and stop using the lives of Christians as an excuse not to. We are ALL Broken People, including me.

I'm not keeping anyone from knowing who God is...the Spirit of God is no one to play with and doesn't need the help of Man to deal with the heart of a sinner or a Believer who has sinned. If I turn someone off from God, he'll direct them to someone else who is more suited for that job. No matter what is going on around us, God finds a way.

Don't be fooled by believing a Christian can keep someone from getting saved. That's hogwash. Excuses have no place in the Kingdom. Compromise is a bad word.

God bless, there's nothing but Love in my spirit on this subject. I pray that understanding comes and very quickly.
:nono2: Behave yourself...

You have great heart as well. :yep:

Congratulations on what you're doing to help give another life a better chance in this world. What you're doing is a great sacrifice and I applaude you. I wish you all of the best in this new gift of life. :Rose:
hey Crackers Phinn...

you ask a question..which to me seemed a bit out
of context but nonetheless was was politely and sensitively addressed & answered...

Here...another member addresses another member in a way that is loving and build her up! and others~

possibly can you see a contradiction in your own actions
it's rheotorical..just a thought

be blessed
While we as Christians should not condone sin or tolerate sin, we should also keep in mind that we as Christians have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory as well (Romans 3:23). We should never make ourselves out to be hypocrites, perfect, better than others, or "holier-than-thou". Homosexuality and Fornication aren't the only sins against God. We should introduce Jesus to people who are sinning and show them that if you have Jesus and if you feel bad for doing wrong, you have forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 7:3 - "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Romans 2:1 - "Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things."
hey Crackers Phinn...

you ask a question..which to me seemed a bit out
of context but nonetheless was was politely and sensitively addressed & answered...

I specifically quoted the OP mentioning offending people of a different religion than hers and I also used the same terminology in my question. So we can agree to disagree on my question being out of context.

I can admit to being biased, but I did not in any way twist her words.

Here...another member addresses another member in a way that is loving and build her up! and others~

The onus is on me for not completing my thought. There was no insult specifically meant towards the OP.

Here is the complete thought: We are in a thread titled "You know sometimes, it's NOT OK to Be Nice". There is a specific reference to tolerance of other relgions (possibly?) being an affront to Christianity in the OP.

Now, I would hope it's all about good intentions as Shimmie implies that all believers in Christ do have.

However, historically speaking that has not been the case when people take the stance that tolerance of the beliefs of others is an affront to their own beliefs. And history has repeated itself quite frequently when it comes to this topic.

So I inserted the crossed fingers emoticon to reinforce that I hope she's right.

be blessed

Thank you!

You Too.

Hi Poohbear,

I hear you... Homosexuality and fornication aren't the only sins. All I did was quoted the Word and said that I believe it ... again... it's an offense that I even do that. And this only underscores what my original post is about.

I like that you quoted Matthew 7:3...This is one of the most misquoted and misunderstood verses in the Bible. When God tells us to not judge , he's saying to not do so hypocritically... IOW, don't accuse someone of doing something you yourself are guilty of doing or if wallowing in sin yourself. If you read the first two verses of Matthew 7, you'll see that God says:

"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

At the same token, there are times we are to judge situations with careful discernment:

In John 7, Jesus himself says "stop judging by appearance and make a right judgment"

That's what asking God for a discerning spirit is all about.... having the ability to determine -- or judge -- when something is of God or not. It has nothing to do with being a judge and jury or condemning a person.

Condemning/judging others isn't the focus of my post. Nor am I doing that.

I think we get caught up in the word "judge" too much that we can't see past the negative connotation behind it, to the point we miss the message altogether.

God bless
While we as Christians should not condone sin or tolerate sin, we should also keep in mind that we as Christians have all sinned and fallen short of God's glory as well (Romans 3:23). We should never make ourselves out to be hypocrites, perfect, better than others, or "holier-than-thou". Homosexuality and Fornication aren't the only sins against God. We should introduce Jesus to people who are sinning and show them that if you have Jesus and if you feel bad for doing wrong, you have forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 7:3 - "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Romans 2:1 - "Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things."
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Hey Laela,

I didn't take offense to your original post nor did I say you were being judgemental. I am against homosexuality and fornication as well.

And I knew what those verses mean, and I wasn't misquoting it or taking it out of context. I felt like my post was an addition to your thread, not something against what you were trying to say.

Sorry if you took it the wrong way. ;) :cool:

Hi Poohbear,

I hear you... Homosexuality and fornication aren't the only sins. All I did was quoted the Word and said that I believe it ... again... it's an offense that I even do that. And this only underscores what my original post is about.

I like that you quoted Matthew 7:3...This is one of the most misquoted and misunderstood verses in the Bible. When God tells us to not judge , he's saying to not do so hypocritically... IOW, don't accuse someone of doing something you yourself are guilty of doing or if wallowing in sin yourself. If you read the first two verses of Matthew 7, you'll see that God says:

"For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

At the same token, there are times we are to judge situations with careful discernment:

In John 7, Jesus himself says "stop judging by appearance and make a right judgment"

That's what asking God for a discerning spirit is all about.... having the ability to determine -- or judge -- when something is of God or not. It has nothing to do with being a judge and jury or condemning a person.

Condemning/judging others isn't the focus of my post. Nor am I doing that.

I think we get caught up in the word "judge" too much that we can't see past the negative connotation behind it, to the point we miss the message altogether.

God bless
:rosebud: doubt.

It's just that my original post was taken the wrong way. ;)

Blessings to you, Poohbear! :bighug:

Hey Laela,

I didn't take offense to your original post nor did I say you were being judgemental. I am against homosexuality and fornication as well.

And I knew what those verses mean, and I wasn't misquoting it or taking it out of context. I felt like my post was an addition to your thread, not something against what you were trying to say.

Sorry if you took it the wrong way. ;) :cool: