You know, God can allow anyone he wants to be the president!


New Member
I was just thinking of all the times in the bible where God even allowed the Israelites to be taken over by their enemies because they were doing wrong. Like in Isaiah, where he allowed King Nebuchanezer to invade them even though he really wasn't following God either.

So, I was thinking that anyone can be in office if God allows it or commands it to be done.

Yesterday, I heard Barack Obama saying that this whole election is so much bigger than him and that he just wants God will to be done. He wanted to say more but he didn't go on because you all already know how this world is when it comes to discussing your faith in God.

So, I prayed that God would guide Barack and his family by his holy spirit to do what is right and let him be president. I prayed also that he would lead the nation in a godly and holy way. That our country would humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways under Obama's leadership so that God would heal our land and most all, that God's will be done in this whole election and throughout the country.
Indeed....God allowed the Israelites to have a king and Samuel annointed Saul to be this king despite God not being pleased with the Israelites plea for a King.

More than anything I want God's glory to be revealved and I want His will to be done in this country.

Whoever becomes president, I pray that they will be follow God's leading. But nonetheless, God's will be done.
I was just thinking of all the times in the bible where God even allowed the Israelites to be taken over by their enemies because they were doing wrong. Like in Isaiah, where he allowed King Nebuchanezer to invade them even though he really wasn't following God either.

So, I was thinking that anyone can be in office if God allows it or commands it to be done.

Yesterday, I heard Barack Obama saying that this whole election is so much bigger than him and that he just wants God will to be done. He wanted to say more but he didn't go on because you all already know how this world is when it comes to discussing your faith in God.

So, I prayed that God would guide Barack and his family by his holy spirit to do what is right and let him be president. I prayed also that he would lead the nation in a godly and holy way. That our country would humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways under Obama's leadership so that God would heal our land and most all, that God's will be done in this whole election and throughout the country.
This entire post needs to be a 'sticky'. Especially our country being lead from 'our' wicked ways, so that God would heal our land. Most of all, God's will be done in this earth as it is in Heaven.

:yep: Excellent sharing Chica...excellent. Very humble, submitting this election to God.

The bible says too:

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4

James 1:5 states, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

In other words, if we are going to have the ability to discern between those who will abide by and uphold constitutional law, and those who wish to circumvent constitutional law to pursue their own agendas, we need divine wisdom.

Therefore, before we pray for our leaders, we should first pray for all Americans, that God would grant us all the wisdom to choose leaders who will be true to the form of government that was originally established. This is the most important for me.

Now, this great privilege of choosing our leaders also carries great responsibility; for we have the unique opportunity of deciding the type of leadership we will have ruling over us. Psalm 12:8 says, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” By this we understand that selecting wicked leaders will dramatically increase the proliferation of wicked people in our country, and therefore, dramatically diminish Godliness and the liberty of those who pursue Godliness in their lives.

The last phrase of I Timothy 2:2 explains the reason it is important to pray for all men, including those in authority is, “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Therefore, it is also important, not only to pray for Americans, but also for other peoples of other nations. Those who would be our enemies and would assert that enmity could also become the disrupters of our ability to live “…a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Of course we know that its not the people who are our enemies, but the spirit that uses the people.

Psalm 75:6 & 7 say, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Just wanted to share what is on my heart about his topic.

Another principle to remember is that we stand responsible to submit to our leadership, regardless of whether or not our leaders are those we would choose. We cannot effectively pray for those in authority while we violate scripture by refusing to fulfill our role in submitting to their leadership.

As we pray for our leaders, let us also pray God will give us the ability to submit to them without conflict; and to submit willingly, presenting our leaders with a Biblical model of submission that God may be glorified in our obedience to His word.

Let us pray that we will not be the source of undue conflict in refusing to submit to the leadership God has placed over us.​
The bible says too:

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4

James 1:5 states, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

In other words, if we are going to have the ability to discern between those who will abide by and uphold constitutional law, and those who wish to circumvent constitutional law to pursue their own agendas, we need divine wisdom.

Therefore, before we pray for our leaders, we should first pray for all Americans, that God would grant us all the wisdom to choose leaders who will be true to the form of government that was originally established. This is the most important for me.

Now, this great privilege of choosing our leaders also carries great responsibility; for we have the unique opportunity of deciding the type of leadership we will have ruling over us. Psalm 12:8 says, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” By this we understand that selecting wicked leaders will dramatically increase the proliferation of wicked people in our country, and therefore, dramatically diminish Godliness and the liberty of those who pursue Godliness in their lives.

The last phrase of I Timothy 2:2 explains the reason it is important to pray for all men, including those in authority is, “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Therefore, it is also important, not only to pray for Americans, but also for other peoples of other nations. Those who would be our enemies and would assert that enmity could also become the disrupters of our ability to live “…a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Of course we know that its not the people who are our enemies, but the spirit that uses the people.

Psalm 75:6 & 7 say, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Just wanted to share what is on my heart about his topic.


Yeah, I agree. I felt as if Obama truly wanted God's will because it took alot of courage just to say that.

So, now the question is, what is God's will in this whole election?
Another principle to remember is that we stand responsible to submit to our leadership, regardless of whether or not our leaders are those we would choose. We cannot effectively pray for those in authority while we violate scripture by refusing to fulfill our role in submitting to their leadership.

As we pray for our leaders, let us also pray God will give us the ability to submit to them without conflict; and to submit willingly, presenting our leaders with a Biblical model of submission that God may be glorified in our obedience to His word.​

Let us pray that we will not be the source of undue conflict in refusing to submit to the leadership God has placed over us.​

Yeah, I agree. As much as we talk about President Bush (generally speaking) we need to be praying for him just as much. And I listened to this pastor one day and he said that a true followers of Christ, we shouldn't just be dogging some one out if they are crazy, like Brittany Spears but we should be praying for them. He didn't say her persay but was saying you are talking anyway, so basically why not stop speaking death over someone's life and use your words as a prayer to God on behalf of that person.
The bible says too:

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4

James 1:5 states, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

In other words, if we are going to have the ability to discern between those who will abide by and uphold constitutional law, and those who wish to circumvent constitutional law to pursue their own agendas, we need divine wisdom.

Therefore, before we pray for our leaders, we should first pray for all Americans, that God would grant us all the wisdom to choose leaders who will be true to the form of government that was originally established. This is the most important for me.

Now, this great privilege of choosing our leaders also carries great responsibility; for we have the unique opportunity of deciding the type of leadership we will have ruling over us. Psalm 12:8 says, “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” By this we understand that selecting wicked leaders will dramatically increase the proliferation of wicked people in our country, and therefore, dramatically diminish Godliness and the liberty of those who pursue Godliness in their lives.

The last phrase of I Timothy 2:2 explains the reason it is important to pray for all men, including those in authority is, “…that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Therefore, it is also important, not only to pray for Americans, but also for other peoples of other nations. Those who would be our enemies and would assert that enmity could also become the disrupters of our ability to live “…a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” Of course we know that its not the people who are our enemies, but the spirit that uses the people.

Psalm 75:6 & 7 say, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”

Just wanted to share what is on my heart about his topic.

@ the bolded...highlights my reply:

Especially our country being lead from 'our' wicked ways, so that God would heal our land. Most of all, God's will be done in this earth as it is in Heaven.

Your entire post is on point. :up: We all need 'wisdom' for this election, not emotion nor the color of one's skin. The sad thing is that 'wisdom' is lacking and even sadder, the 'desire' for wisdom lacks even more. There is surely a deficeit of God's heart in and for this country, even in the Church.

I have to admit that I am not happy with any of the candidates. I'm just not. Therefore, I must depend on God more than ever to lead and guide me in this. I HAVE to. For only God can determine who is best suited to win this election and to have His will accomplished.

I also have to 'confess' that the only reason, I am happy about Obama is that he is 'beating' Hillary Clinton, whom I've literally prayed would not win. I do not respect nor trust the Clintons. I just don't. :nono:

Precious Wavy you are here to kick 'foolishness' out of the Body of Christ. We (the Church) have been hynotised by the world and the cares of this life; let alone, mammon. It's no wonder this world is such disarray and disorder, for the Church has not awakened to 'wisdom' in whom to elect and to keep in office.

I see candidates come to Church services only (and I mean ONLY) when there's a pending election. And the Pastors just 'kiss' up to them like wet lollipop. It's sad. For when does the Church stand up and have some backbone, with these candidates and let them know that if they want our votes, they have to 'earn' them by standing for righteousness and nothing less.

Keep your stand Precious Wavy. God is using you as His mouthpiece. For He wants His Church to be strong and not be 'whipped' around by the forces that we have surrendered to. Voting should never be a compromise to our values. We must take a stand to whom we vote into office. Otherwise, gay marriages, no prayer in our schools, the elimination of Jesus, will continue to prevail until we no longer have a Jesus voice to be heard, let alone uttered. Key.

Thanks Wavy!
@ the bolded...highlights my reply:

Especially our country being lead from 'our' wicked ways, so that God would heal our land. Most of all, God's will be done in this earth as it is in Heaven.

Your entire post is on point. :up: We all need 'wisdom' for this election, not emotion nor the color of one's skin. The sad thing is that 'wisdom' is lacking and even sadder, the 'desire' for wisdom lacks even more. There is surely a deficeit of God's heart in and for this country, even in the Church.

I have to admit that I am not happy with any of the candidates. I'm just not. Therefore, I must depend on God more than ever to lead and guide me in this. I HAVE to. For only God can determine who is best suited to win this election and to have His will accomplished.

I also have to 'confess' that the only reason, I am happy about Obama is that he is 'beating' Hillary Clinton, whom I've literally prayed would not win. I do not respect nor trust the Clintons. I just don't. :nono:

Precious Wavy you are here to kick 'foolishness' out of the Body of Christ. We (the Church) have been hynotised by the world and the cares of this life; let alone, mammon. It's no wonder this world is such disarray and disorder, for the Church has not awakened to 'wisdom' in whom to elect and to keep in office.

I see candidates come to Church services only (and I mean ONLY) when there's a pending election. And the Pastors just 'kiss' up to them like wet lollipop. It's sad. For when does the Church stand up and have some backbone, with these candidates and let them know that if they want our votes, they have to 'earn' them by standing for righteousness and nothing less.

Keep your stand Precious Wavy. God is using you as His mouthpiece. For He wants His Church to be strong and not be 'whipped' around by the forces that we have surrendered to. Voting should never be a compromise to our values. We must take a stand to whom we vote into office. Otherwise, gay marriages, no prayer in our schools, the elimination of Jesus, will continue to prevail until we no longer have a Jesus voice to be heard, let alone uttered. Key.

Thanks Wavy!

Shimmie girl, you are sooo on point. As I read the thread, I was gathering my thoughts to respond. However, you summed up what I wanted to say. We are to submit to authority. And remember to be discerning, and not caught up in the "Christian" retoric only. Only God can read hearts.
Yeah, I agree. I felt as if Obama truly wanted God's will because it took alot of courage just to say that.

So, now the question is, what is God's will in this whole election?

God's will is for mankind to live according to His plan for our lives. We are to trust Him to bring change and believe Him at His word. We must understand that His plan is perfect and when we align ourselves up with God and His will for us ALL, then we will see this country change, not only the leaders, but the people who choose them as well.

If we pray, even though we may not understand all the reasons we should pray, God will bless our humble obedience, protect our liberty to live a quiet peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, and send us leaders that will lead according to his plan for us.
@ the bolded...highlights my reply:

Especially our country being lead from 'our' wicked ways, so that God would heal our land. Most of all, God's will be done in this earth as it is in Heaven.

Your entire post is on point. :up: We all need 'wisdom' for this election, not emotion nor the color of one's skin. The sad thing is that 'wisdom' is lacking and even sadder, the 'desire' for wisdom lacks even more. There is surely a deficeit of God's heart in and for this country, even in the Church.

I have to admit that I am not happy with any of the candidates. I'm just not. Therefore, I must depend on God more than ever to lead and guide me in this. I HAVE to. For only God can determine who is best suited to win this election and to have His will accomplished.

I also have to 'confess' that the only reason, I am happy about Obama is that he is 'beating' Hillary Clinton, whom I've literally prayed would not win. I do not respect nor trust the Clintons. I just don't. :nono:

Precious Wavy you are here to kick 'foolishness' out of the Body of Christ. We (the Church) have been hynotised by the world and the cares of this life; let alone, mammon.
It's no wonder this world is such disarray and disorder, for the Church has not awakened to 'wisdom' in whom to elect and to keep in office.
I see candidates come to Church services only (and I mean ONLY) when there's a pending election. And the Pastors just 'kiss' up to them like wet lollipop. It's sad. For when does the Church stand up and have some backbone, with these candidates and let them know that if they want our votes, they have to 'earn' them by standing for righteousness and nothing less.

Keep your stand Precious Wavy. God is using you as His mouthpiece. For He wants His Church to be strong and not be 'whipped' around by the forces that we have surrendered to. Voting should never be a compromise to our values. We must take a stand to whom we vote into office. Otherwise, gay marriages, no prayer in our schools, the elimination of Jesus, will continue to prevail until we no longer have a Jesus voice to be heard, let alone uttered. Key.

Thanks Wavy!

You are so on point, sis. God gave the mandate to the church the Word of God for leaders, and if we are not seeing and receiving what we know should be for us, then we must look at ourselves and say..."Lord, what is it that I'm suppose to do for this nation?"
Shimmie girl, you are sooo on point. As I read the thread, I was gathering my thoughts to respond. However, you summed up what I wanted to say. We are to submit to authority. And remember to be discerning, and not caught up in the "Christian" retoric only. Only God can read hearts.
