You HAVE TO read this book!!


Well-Known Member
Below is a copy of an email I sent out last night:

I am sending this email to my Christian friends who would like to learn more about how awesome God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. I just finished reading a #1 seller called “The Shack” by William Paul Young. This will give you a new outlook on the Trinity that you probably never thought of or realized. I have so many emotions right now; I can’t even begin to tell you. If you don’t buy or read any other book this year, read “The Shack”.

LHCF ladies please read this book!!
I'm glad the reviews are good. I did a donation on a "Life Today" towards building wells and they are going to send me this book. I'm excited.
I've read so many reviews on the book, some positive, some negative..after the library delivers and I finish reading: THE HOUSE AT SUGAR BEACH & then AMERICAN WIFE; I'll check it out and see for myself.