You guys took all the mango butter!


New Member
Lol. jk

I went to Wal-Mart, CVS, and a local BSS and, I couldn't find any of this wonderful "Elasta QP Mango Butter Moisturizer". The BSS sold it but, they were sold and out and wouldn't be restocked for 2 weeks.

I'm going to try Sallys when I go back out. Or, I'll just have to order it online.

Just a thought: Whenever I see a woman of color with really pretty hair; I always have a urge to ask them if they are a LHCFer. xD

products that are hard to find.
mango butter
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I didnt buy your mango butter. LOL! It does nothing for me at all.

I always have a hard time finding my Pantene R&N mask and aloe vera gel.
I always see Aloe vera gel in health food stores.
I used to use it to add into my mix for lotion.