You Get ONE Wish

Springy shiny curly hair to my waist that I could get pin straight with a brush....

all the benefits of natural
plus an easy way to get it straight...
What else would I need?
Amazingly gorgeous hair no matter what the length or style.. people would look & :dizzy: in wonder ...I could roll out of bed & look fabulous!
No need for a mirror check here :grin:
Oh to dream...
nomoweavesfome said:
hair like Samson in the bible. That brother was bad! He tore stuff up! I personally think that his hair was so fly his ego made him strong like that. He was prolly one of those pretty boy floyds that worked out all day looking at himself.

Not that I would if my hair was fly like that- would I?

:lachen: Ok, I couldn't help but laugh! For me, I wish my hair was mid-back length w/o split ends.
BabyImaStarr said:
Hair that never breaks off.

Took the words out of my mouth!
Yup, hair that never EVER breaks no matter how rough I am with it, it would just be that strong. Wet or dry (even combing it airdried :eek: ), moisturized or not. :)
I would want hair like Jane and Judy Jetson. Multi-styleable(?) hair that you just sit under a hair machine and you come out with a different sexy style. Now that's fierce:lol:

just playing--longer hair would be my wish
:weird:Tail bone length hair. Yeah...I said it....I know....I'm soooo obsessed, I've even dreamed about it. :weird: Hair-o-holic...:lol: