You Feel Like You're Doing Everything Right, But It's Still Breaking--CLICK NOW!


With Love & Silk
I want to share some possible solutions.

To the A+ Haircare Queens:
This thread is more for someone who for the most part has healthy hair care habits, but you still run into an occasional problem which usually results in you saying something like this: "I am getting more breakage than I'm used to." OR "I am getting more breakage than I'm comfortable with." OR "I am getting more breakage than I usually get since I've started taking better care of my hair." If one of these statements describes you, then read on my dear.

To the not so A+ Haircare Queens:
I would like to say that if you are a regular heat user and/or engager in other unhealthy hair practices regularly then this thread is not specifically geared toward you, because we could probably easily solve your problem by telling you to STOP with the unhealthy hair practices. However, you may find some information that is helpful here. Also, if you decide to become rehabilitated and start taking wonderful care of your hair, then the possible solutions below might really come in handy for you as your hair may still be affected by the unhealthy hair practices for a while after you stop them. You can help your hair along.

Okay, to the A+ Haircare Queens, possible reasons for your breakage:

*one bad trip to the salon
*one bad trip to yourself :D
*good regimen, but with low quality hair products
*inconsistency or slacking in your regimen
*shampooing too often with drying shampoos
*build up on your hair

I'm sure there are other reasons that I didn't think of. I also didn't mention seasonal shedding because that's normal and natural. But you may have clicked on this thread because you are perceiving your seasonal shedding as something to get nervous about.

I also didn't mention the fact that as your hair increases in length, each hair in the comb will begin to look like many more. A 20 inch hair wrapped around the teeth of a comb looks like much more hair than a 12 inch hair wrapped around the comb. This could be it too! Okay :)

Possible solutions

Solution A: Start with a clarifying shampoo. I mean a real clarifying shampoo, not a shampoo that you use as your clarifying shampoo. Actual clarifying shampoos have ingredients in them that will specifically remove build up from your hair. Your other shampoo may just be a stripping shampoo, but you could still have that build up. I usually don't know that I need to clarify until I'm trying to rinse a conditioner from my hair that usually detangles very well, but it won't detangle. OR--sometimes I know before that if I'm experiencing breakage.

After your clarifying session (lather 2X if you deem it necessary) rinse well and follow with a moisturizing shampoo. I do not recommend Cream of Nature shampoo as it will instantly add build up right back to your hair. After your moisturizing shampoo, continue on with one of your favorite quality moisturizing conditioners. Follow on with what you would normally do after applying a moisturizing conditioner. Air dry or rollerset. Heat is forbidden at this point. We are trying to make your hair better. When your hair is dry, moisturize it with an oil or other moisturizing product that you like. From this point on, everyday you need to moisturize your hair twice daily. No shampoo of any sort for 2 weeks--conditioner only. I do not recommend daily conditioner washes. 1-3/week. After 2 weeks, you may use a moisturizing shampoo if you are feeling that you really need shampoo after 2 weeks of no 'poo, BUT dilute your moisturizing shampoo with water. Hopefully, by this time--you have seen some improvement in your hair. If not, read on------->
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Solution B:

The moisturizing regimen is not working for you. Breaking hair needs moisture. If it's breaking, it's just saying that it's dry and too brittle to hold together. But sometimes your hair will not hold on to the moisture you're giving it. Hair can hold moisture better if it has a good supply of protein. So at this point, I would have you to clarify, follow with a moisturizing shampoo and then apply your protein conditioner. For your moisturizing shampoo, I strongly recommend one of these: Deep Brilliance Hydration, Keracare Hydrating Detangling, or Design Essentials Moisture Retention. Why these 3? These shampoos contain an ingredient called carboxylic acid. From a chemistry standpoint, a carboxylic acid group is able to readily bind to amino acids. What does that mean for your hair? That means that the carboxylic acid is going to help your hair to better bind the protein. (because proteins are made of amino acids). I hope it makes sense, but even if it doesn't--just trust a sista on this one. I'm going to strongly recommend one of the following for your protein treatment that will follow your moisturizing shampoo:

*Joico K-Pak (don't use generic, it's not nearly as good)
*Motions Moisture Silk Protein OR CPR
*Ultra Sheen Duo Tex
*Dudley Cream Protein
*Regis Protein Boost

Of course there are many others, but I've only recommended what I have tried. Whichever you choose, follow it with a (quality) moisturizing conditioner of course. Continue your regimen as your normally would. NO HEAT. Moisturize 2X daily. No shampoo for 2 weeks. First shampoo after the 2 weeks, dilute moisturizing 'poo with water.

By the way, at the 3rd week you may find that you need to use non-diluted shampoo or even clarifying shampoo again. This is fine for both A & B.

Solution C:
The great thing about Solution C is that you can try it before A or B and it just might work and you'll never even have to try A or B (unless you'd just like to). You can try C after trying A and before trying B. Or you can use C as your last resort. If you do try C first, I still recommend that you do A or B, because it takes a little time with using C before real and lasting improvements can be seen. So, what is C? --------------------->

ETA: I forgot something very important on solution B. I'll insert it in italicized letters.

ETA: Edit 1/4/09--The Design Essentials Shampoo formula has changed, it no longer contains the important ingredient recommended above.

ETA: 7/30/09--It looks as though the Deep Brilliance shampoo has been repackaged, but is still available. I haven't seen the ingredients, but they are still calling it "moisture binding" which makes me infer that it still contains the carboxylic acid.

ETA: 2/28/11--I am so glad that this thread is still helpful. As far as updates, I would probably say that your daily moisturizer should be one that doesn't contain silicones. If it does, it's going to make it hard to avoid shampooing more often and a truly moisturizing shampoo won't get silicones off your hair. If you feel like you can't avoid silicones in your daily moisturizer, try to stay away from dimethicone, cyclopentasiloxane, and trimethicone in particular. The other silicones aren't wonderful, but they are not as evil as the three I listed above.

I would also probably change my stance on moisturizing twice a day unless your hair is just tow down from the flo' down. My hair was suffering pretty badly when I had to "rescue" it using the techniques in this thread and I DID moisturize twice daily.
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By the way, I am cutting this post up because I still live in the "dark ages" and have dial-up internet service. I often find myself getting knocked off the net by incoming calls. I'd be really annoyed if I were typing this long post and got knocked off before I could finish it.

Anyway, on to C--

Do you SEE the product I have in my signature. It's called Mizani Rose H20 Night Time Treatment. (in case someone is reading this in the future and the product is no longer in my siggy) I do not work for Mizani or anything like that, but I know that I have at least 3 threads about this product. This is my rescue product. This product is $18 well spent. I think I'm on my 3rd jar. I usually only pull it out in times of emergency, but sometimes I use it as preventative care. I don't even know what it is in the ingredients of this product that makes it stop breakage dead in its tracks, but it does it and does it well. I believe it may be ceramides or something like that. It smells good too. :) You're supposed to apply the product at night every 2nd or 3rd night. You should comb or brush (gently) through to ensure that it gets around to all the lovely strands. Then put your scarf or whatever on. When you wake up and comb through your hair after the VERY FIRST use, you will probably notice less hairs in your comb. But continue using the product for at least 2-3 weeks to create lasting results. I say this because your hair still needs time to get strong again--like you need to get strong after you've been sick. It takes time. The Mizani product is not a permanent fix until your hair gets strong again and it can help your hair to get strong again. Using it once or twice on hair that's really still kind of weak won't quite get you the results you desire. So continue using it and it will kind of act like a band-aid on your hair (keeping it from breaking) as it builds it back up and as the other parts of your regimen help build it up. I hope that makes sense.

Again, I recommend only using shampoo once a week (moisturizing shampoo) while trying this solution. Conditioner washes are fine, but not everyday. 2-3x/week just like before.

You can thank me later. I hope this helps. I know how frustrated I was after my last "bad visit" to the stylist. A combination of these things is what helped me to get my waist length (yay!--I can't believe I just typed that) :) hair back on track! Love ya :kiss:
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Supergirl said:
By the way, I am cutting this post up because I still live in the "dark ages" and have dial-up internet service. I often find myself getting knocked off the net by incoming calls. I'd be really annoyed if I were typing this long post and got knocked off before I could finish it.

Great post! I havent been having much problem with breakage but I am going to email this to my sister.

To avoid getting knocked off make sure your modem dials *70 before dialing your connection number. Calls should get a busy signal then, unless you are one of those that need to get knocked off because you need to get your calls. There are also programs you can download or subscribe to that gives you a pop up of who's calling, and you can choose to answer or stay on line w/o interrupting your connection. Call wave used to be the main one. I think Bellsouth and verizon have a product too.

The other suggestion is just to type it in notepad or word and then cut and paste. That way you have it all typed out and dont risk someone replying before you have all 3 parts up. :)
Thanks SG. You and adrienne were my first hair inspirations. I see that you added 2 new pics. I was thrilled. Congratulations on getting to waist lenght. I am going to apply these tips and also change my diet.
The other suggestion is just to type it in notepad or word and then cut and paste. That way you have it all typed out and dont risk someone replying before you have all 3 parts up.

That's a good suggestion. :up: (I feel dumb for not thinking of that!)
SG, does this mean if my regular moisturizer isnt working as well as it used to (even after clarifying), then I most likely need to do a protein treatment? Can this sudden change be caused by something else?
Thank you, this is just what I needed right now to get back on track. I've been slacking MAJOR thanks to all this stress.

This gave me the motivation I needed. :grin:
Lkaysgirl said:
SG, does this mean if my regular moisturizer isnt working as well as it used to (even after clarifying), then I most likely need to do a protein treatment? Can this sudden change be caused by something else?

If the product seems to not moisturize as long as it used to then you probably need protein. Example: Let's say you can use that product and your hair will feel moisturized for 2 days, but now you use it and your hair feels moisturized at first but it doesn't feel moisturized the next day then your hair doesn't seem to be holding on to the moisture and a protein treatment will help it to bind and hold the moisture.
Sorry to jump off track. But how do you know if your hair is moisturized?? I'm new to this, so I don't know what moisturized hair should "feel" like.
Ms_Twana said:
Sorry to jump off track. But how do you know if your hair is moisturized?? I'm new to this, so I don't know what moisturized hair should "feel" like.

Moisturized hair will feel soft, silky or satiny, supple and should have a good amount of elasticity. It should feel smooth on the under side even if the hair is air dried. Sometimes even the top side of the hair feels smooth, but it can still be moisturized without the top side feeling smooth.
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Supergirl said:
If the product seems to not moisturize as long as it used to then you probably need protein. Example: Let's say you can use that product and your hair will feel moisturized for 2 days, but now you use it and your hair feels moisturized at first but it doesn't feel moisturized the next day then your hair doesn't seem to be holding on to the moisture and a protein treatment will help it to bind and hold the moisture.

Thanks so much SG:) .
This is exactly what seems to be happening.
So do you think one of the protein treatments you recommended will be enough? Will aphogee (the smelly hardening one) be too much?
Interesting thread SG!

If you don't mind, can you post the ingredients of the night time treatment? Pwetty pwease.:grin: I gotta know whats in it first :lol:
Supergirl said:
Possible solutions

Solution A: Start with a clarifying shampoo. I mean a real clarifying shampoo, not a shampoo that you use as your clarifying shampoo. Actual clarifying shampoos have ingredients in them that will specifically remove build up from your hair. Your other shampoo may just be a stripping shampoo, but you could still have that build up. I usually don't know that I need to clarify until I'm trying to rinse a conditioner from my hair that usually detangles very well, but it won't detangle. OR--sometimes I know before that if I'm experiencing breakage.

After your clarifying session (lather 2X if you deem it necessary) rinse well and follow with a moisturizing shampoo.

Oh, sorry! one more question girl :lol: . . . why do you suggest 2 shampoos here?
Supergirl said:
Moisturized hair will feel soft, silky or satiny, supple and should have a good amount of elasticity. It should feel smooth on the under side even if the hair is air dried. Sometimes even the top side of the hair feels smooth, but it can still be moisturized without the top side feeling smooth.

Oh, okay. Thanks Supergirl. You definitely picked the right name!!!!!
Sistaslick said:
Interesting thread SG!

If you don't mind, can you post the ingredients of the night time treatment? Pwetty pwease.:grin: I gotta know whats in it first :lol:

Well, I'm telling you--it's nothing mind blowing. In fact, it contains ALL of the "evils" (cones, mineral oil, petrolatum) but it WORKS:

Ingredients: FIL code 42071, water, mineral oil, cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, petrolatm, peg-100 stearate, glyceryl stearate, paraffin, dimethicone, ceteareth-20, dicetyl phosphate, ceteth-10 phosphate, parfum/fragrance, methylparaben, dimethylpabamidopropyl laurdimonium tosylate, panthenol, propylparaben, triethanolamine, laureth-23, buryrospermum parkii/shea butter, shamomilla recutita/matricaria extract, butylphenyl methylpropional, chorhexidine dihydrochloride, amyl cinnamal, benzyl benzoate, limonene, coumarin, 2-oleamido-1,3-octadecanediol, tocopherol, linalool, retinyl palmitate, helianthus annuus/sunflower seed oil
Sistaslick said:
Oh, sorry! one more question girl :lol: . . . why do you suggest 2 shampoos here?

No, I'm not suggesting it. It's that individual's call--that's why I say "if you deem it necessary." (they may feel they have more than an average amount of build up)
Lkaysgirl said:
Thanks so much SG:) .
This is exactly what seems to be happening.
So do you think one of the protein treatments you recommended will be enough? Will aphogee (the smelly hardening one) be too much?

Aphogee--I've never used their treatment for damaged hair. Based on the responses to it from LHCF members, it works for some and not for others. I wish I were more familiar with it so that I could have the experience with it to recommend it (or not). Sorry I can't be of more help with this one.
Supergirl, you are so right about moisturizing TWICE a day. Just recently, this has saved my hair from breakage instanly! Also, staying away from heat and avoiding excessive combing.
This is outstanding info, Supergirl! :clap:

I'm certain that it's going to help a lot of people. :yep:

Synthia said:
Fabulous info.

But please tell me why you don't recommend daily condition washes??

The idea is to build the moisture content of your hair. I feel that wetting the hair each day rinses away the moisture (from your 2X/daily moisturizing). I know it won't rinse away all of it, but we want to try to keep as much of it as possible. Also, condition washes daily will get regular build up onto the hair faster and you will need to use shampoo sooner than 2 weeks. And lastly, most of the conditioners that are used for daily conditioner washes are not what I would consider "quality" conditioners. They're indeed okay for conditioner washes for someone who is not having any hair issues. But since this advice is geared toward one experiencing breakage, I wouldn't recommend those conditioners for someone whose hair is breaking.
Supergirl said:
But since this advice is geared toward one experiencing breakage, I wouldn't recommend those conditioners for someone whose hair is breaking.

would you recommend MNT deep moisturizing condish for cowash? that's the one i typically use.