You ever just get so mad at your hair?


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys. This is really just a vent. I had to tell someone, and I thought.. who best to tell but my LHCF family.

Sigh. Anyway, I took my braids out last night so that I could do my braids over again. I finally finished them about 45 minutes ago and I sooo upset. I'm upset because for some reason, when I took my braids out, my hair became matted. I didn't have the braids in too long b/c I just put them in about 3 weeks ago. I combed my hair out, but for some reason when I washed it, my hair became so matted in some areas. I actually had to take a small comb to take out some of the snaggles! I was so frustrated b/c I know that some of my hair came out. This only happened once before, but it wasn't as bad. I was so diasappointed and discouraged because it seemed as if my hair was working against me. I was trying to retain length and ended up losing some. Sigh.

Anyway, I have my braids back in. I don't think it will be like that the next time (at least I hope not), but I had to tell someone. On a good note, it did appear that I had a lot of new growth. In all honesty, I think my hair tangled at the areas where my new growth began. I have about 3 or 4 inches of new growth and I have not had a relaxer in over 6 months. I dunno. I tell you one thing, I did learn a lot about my hair last night. I realized that you REALLY have to moisturize your new growth. My hat goes off to all you natural ladies who have no kind of chemicals in their hair. How do you guys do it?

Sorry everyone. I'm done. I was just so frustrated and upset. Thanks for "listening." Lol.
Girl, I sympathize. Yesterday I washed my hair and conditioned with NTM daily conditioner which worked for me in the past. My hair was sto tangled I thought that I would grab scissors to cut it off.:mad: I spend so much time and money on my hair for that to happen. :confused: I have not used heat for months, no relaxers for 3 months, used henna once and plan to use again. I am so tempted cut my hair, which is past my shoulders to just under my ears in a bob. :eek: I hate this. It should not be so much work to get good hair.:confused:
Girl who you tellin'? I wanted to take the scissors to my head as well. I had to actually stop myself and think long and hard before I did it.
I'm feeling better today though. I hope you are too. Let's just chalk this up to a minor setback and try to go back to healthy hair growing.