"You cut your hair? OMG! What's wrong?"


Well-Known Member
So recently I have stopped wearing weaves and I am love love LOVING my hair! I am relaxed (only recently - was natural under the weaves) and I got a pretty cute cut. It is probably about neck length, grazing shoulder length already. This hair is growing back so fast and years ago I couldn't even get past ear length. Man oh man, have I learned a lot here but I digress. I feel much more confident and "proud" of myself wearing my real hair. Everyday isn't a picnic but I love it. Now at work I am getting compliments left and right - from all of the white people! They all think I look so cute and they love touching my hair and tell me how soft and shiny and healthy looking it is. One woman even said "It is so pretty. I wish I had hair like yours" They could be buttering me up but no one gave me a second look when I had the weave.

Today, one of the 3 black men that work in my office gives me a sad look and says "what's the matter?" I tell him nothing and he goes "Are you sure? You aren't going through anything? Why did you cut your hair?" Umm because I wanted to. And firstly dude, I have been wearing weaves all this time. Don't act like this is a revelation. That kind of ticked me off. It brought me back to years ago when I got a really short hair cut and my mom accused me of having a nervous breakdown. :lol: Most people (black people) that don't really know about hair assume that you are "going through something" when you cut your hair or decide you don't want to wear your real hair no matter how short it is - as long as it looks good.

Has this happened to anyone else before. I mean, he thinks that I am upset or having a hard time or depressed or whatever else. It kind of ticked me off but I was more amused than anything else. Especially since I haven't smiled so much in the 4 years I've worked here. And that is simply because I love my hair and the way I look everyday. :drunk: I sneak into the bathroom just to look in the mirror and touch my hair. (I know I have to stop that though lol)
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So recently I have stopped wearing weaves and I am love love LOVING my hair! I am relaxed (only recently - was natural under the weaves) and I got a pretty cute cut. It is probably about neck length, grazing shoulder length already. This hair is growing back so fast and years ago I couldn't even get past ear length. Man oh man, have I learned a lot here but I digress. I feel much more confident and "proud" of myself wearing my real hair. Everyday isn't a picnic but I love it. Now at work I am getting compliments left and right - from all of the white people! They all think I look so cute and they love touching my hair and tell me how soft and shiny and healthy looking it is. One woman even said "It is so pretty. I wish I had hair like yours" They could be buttering me up but no one gave me a second look when I had the weave.

Today, one of the 3 black men that work in my office gives me a sad look and says "what's the matter?" I tell him nothing and he goes "Are you sure? You aren't going through anything? Why did you cut your hair?" Umm because I wanted to. And firstly dude, I have been wearing weaves all this time. Don't act like this is a revelation. That kind of ticked me off. It brought me back to years ago when I got a really short hair cut and my mom accused me of having a nervous breakdown. :lol: Most people (black people) that don't really know about hair assume that you are "going through something" when you cut your hair or decide you don't want to wear your real hair no matter how short it is - as long as it looks good.

Has this happened to anyone else before. I mean, he thinks that I am upset or having a hard time or depressed or whatever else. It kind of ticked me off but I was more amused than anything else. Especially since I haven't smiled so much in the 4 years I've worked here. And that is simply because I love my hair and the way I look everyday. :drunk: I sneak into the bathroom just to look in the mirror and touch my hair. (I know I have to stop that though lol)

After all is said and done, the bolded is all that matters.:yep: It is impossible to please everyone, so just please yourself.
After all is said and done, the bolded is all that matters.:yep: It is impossible to please everyone, so just please yourself.

I agree. Ignore silly comments.

If you like it, that's all the matters at the end of the day.

I don't get why cutting your hair=being depressed. I have seen many people wack off their hair off and I assume that it's because they want a new look, not because they're depressed.

People can be weird sometimes. In the workplace, I either give people a compliment or mind my own business. It sounds like your male coworker should do the same..
KammyGirl said:
So recently I have stopped wearing weaves and I am love love LOVING my hair! I am relaxed (only recently - was natural under the weaves) and I got a pretty cute cut. It is probably about neck length, grazing shoulder length already. This hair is growing back so fast and years ago I couldn't even get past ear length. Man oh man, have I learned a lot here but I digress. I feel much more confident and "proud" of myself wearing my real hair. Everyday isn't a picnic but I love it. Now at work I am getting compliments left and right - from all of the white people! They all think I look so cute and they love touching my hair and tell me how soft and shiny and healthy looking it is. One woman even said "It is so pretty. I wish I had hair like yours" They could be buttering me up but no one gave me a second look when I had the weave.

Today, one of the 3 black men that work in my office gives me a sad look and says "what's the matter?" I tell him nothing and he goes "Are you sure? You aren't going through anything? Why did you cut your hair?" Umm because I wanted to. And firstly dude, I have been wearing weaves all this time. Don't act like this is a revelation. That kind of ticked me off. It brought me back to years ago when I got a really short hair cut and my mom accused me of having a nervous breakdown. :lol: Most people (black people) that don't really know about hair assume that you are "going through something" when you cut your hair or decide you don't want to wear your real hair no matter how short it is - as long as it looks good.

Has this happened to anyone else before. I mean, he thinks that I am upset or having a hard time or depressed or whatever else. It kind of ticked me off but I was more amused than anything else. Especially since I haven't smiled so much in the 4 years I've worked here. And that is simply because I love my hair and the way I look everyday. :drunk: I sneak into the bathroom just to look in the mirror and touch my hair. (I know I have to stop that though lol)

Sounds like he was trying to get with you & figure out your dating status. Men say dumb things when they dont know what to say. Sounds like he was trying to get close to you in his own weird way.
Yes- I cut my waist length locs after 10 yrs back in june. It caused quite a bit of an up roar. When I told my cousin I wanted her to cut my hair off her response was:" Nope, no way, I don't want any part if it, not happening". I was like seriously? You don't have a say. She tried to convince me to cut it to bsl, but I wasn't interested in that. She finally came around and cut my hair.

One of my friends thought I was going through " menopause". Really?

I had other people "outraged" because I cut my hair. I asked one of my gf why am I getting so much flack and she told me it's because black women don't cut their hair if it's as long as my hair was. I told her I guess they're going to have to revoke my black pass.
Sounds like he was trying to get with you & figure out your dating status. Men say dumb things when they dont know what to say. Sounds like he was trying to get close to you in his own weird way.

Especially after "Waiting to Exhale," some men like to assume that drastic hair style changes are reflective of a traumatic event in our personal life. Apparently, our hair is for the visual and tactile pleasure of men; it is also a sign our sexual availability. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: