you can grow long hair!!!!!!!


ladies,i read differnt post and sometimes i want to cry because i know how important hair is to us woman.i want you to know that you can grow long long ,i dont know....but you can grow it to your maxium hair wasnt always this length as an a child yes,but not an adult.i remeber,my hair growing so fast,but every time it was straigtened out seem like it was the same length.guess what?it was .it was breaking as it was growing.i got tired of crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!it satyed at a lil past arm pit for years!!!!!!!!!and super dry.i mean so dry and hard i had piles of hair comming out eveytime!!!!!!!!!!!!it was so hard to,by the time i turned 25 i got tired of it!!!!!!!!!!!i started lurking hair info on the internet.i ....then cathyhowse.......then black hair then long hair care forums...................what i did was started looking at people whose hair was like mine or similar.......not using their brand products but a product with similar ingreadients....didnt have much money.i had my hair cut to collar bone length..........................yes color bone length!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that was in 2003 now im on my way to hip legth hair all because i started with healthy hair now,products that work for me,i keep the ends from breaking!!!!!!!so ladies,please dont get discouraged!!!!!!!!!were all in this together.any one want to share there story,feel free to add to this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good luck ladies and great job for taking the first step towards healthy hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes::violin:
Thanks for this thread!:grin: I completely agree with you. After co-washing my hair the other day I realize that I may have to trim my ends a bit.:sad: Because my ends are tangling and still have some of the relaxed ends from a few years ago. I just started co-washing and I'm not sure if I will continue. Not sure what effects it will have on MY hair. We shall see. But I am confident that I CAN grow my hair long. Although I do suffer doubts when I see breakage and read some of the posts here. It seems we still suffer from the old myths that seem to plague the lives of black people. :nono:

I like this post!!! I also believe if you focus on having healthy hair... the length will come.

My story: I had healthy BSL to MBL hair up until I was 16. I would have moments and would just start hacking my hair from time to time but I always managed to hold onto my length. I finally let one of my friends cut my hair because she told me I had split ends. She was like a wanna be stylist telling all of us a haircut would make your hair grow faster. And we listened because she was a shampoo girl @ a great salon. Lol @ me and my other friends listening to her crazy *** :lachen: Anyway it was cut in a style and I really had no clue it was cut so short until I got home and my mom almost killed me. I came home with neck length hair :nono: It was cute for a week, but then I hated it. My mom told me that she guided me this far and now it was up to me to maintain my hair :ohwell: I went thru tons of problems for the next couple of years... from letting my big sis relax my hair from scalp to ends, horrible stylists, and a rack of other mess until I found my last stylist.
My last stylist was really good at styling hair, but she never did listen to me when it came to trimming my hair. And it really irked me because I was stuck at a few inches above APL for almost three damn years. I rediscovered this board in Nov., became a DIYer and the rest is history :yep:
YES!! Thanks for the inspiration! I've made BSL plenty of times before but had to cut it and start again because I wasn't paying close attention. I was lead astray with my PJism or lack of care. THis time around I am focused on the HEALTH of my hair not lenght and I'm having so much more fun this time around instead of being paranoid all the time. If you focus, have faith and are patient you will have the hair of your dreams!
Very encouraging! Great post. I'm so glad i discovered the hair boards i just wish i coud have years ago.
I'm going to make healthy hair my priority. And after I cut out my relaxed ends I will just dust and let is grow.:yep: I think the stringy straight limp ends are tangling with my natural and breaking off my hair. Any advice please.:ohwell:
Thanks for this!! I used to have really lovely long-ish hair when I was growing up, and then it all went wrong somewhere along the line :perplexed. I then naively used a permanent dye on my hair at the beginning of Jan. last year and boy do I regret it! Dryness, breakage, and everything else you dread came with it. Cut it to this really short bob and started again.

Been cutting the brown off as my black grows out ... the brown bit is not as halthy as the black but ... i'll get there. I'm in a recovery phase at the moment and really need the inspiration! :cheers:
we all have to incourage each other.a lot of stylist knows how to style hair,but not many know how to trat hair....i mean....also the infomation out here about our hair is not all 100 percent true.we can grow our hair!!!!!!!!!!!the media has been making money off of us,so that we can believe we cant grow long hair...thats why they make wigs...etc....nothing is wrong with wigs...i have one..its short with main thing is there not giving us suffient infomation so that we can better take care of our hair....the girl on this bord proves to us we can grow our hair!!!!!!!we just have to find different ways of keeping it from drying out and breaking......i want us all to come together,short and long....and no hair at all.................we come together to find a comon solution.we dont need to buy all these products...we dont need to keep giving them our money....lets change our health,and eating habbits....find naturalk products that work.......take vitamins for the body......our foods lack all the nutrients we need these days..................:rolleyes:
Great post OP! I was just thinking yesterday about how hopeless I felt when I came to my hair. How embarrassed I used to be when I went to school with it all tore up and never knowing what to do. I still have a long way to go but Im FAR from what I was.:spinning:
YES!! Thanks for the inspiration! I've made BSL plenty of times before but had to cut it and start again because I wasn't paying close attention. I was lead astray with my PJism or lack of care. THis time around I am focused on the HEALTH of my hair not lenght and I'm having so much more fun this time around instead of being paranoid all the time. If you focus, have faith and are patient you will have the hair of your dreams!

Definitely my perspective. The paranoia was doing me in..terrified to comb my hair for fear of losing a millimeter of it, refusing to reward was a tangled web of hair which had never knotted before but recently started. I've come to my senses now and comb my hair gently once in a while, sticking to tried and true products/methods. I realize I'm not in a race so I'm not constantly checking for length'll come. I know I can grow my hair long but what is the use when it breaks, knots, tangles...healthy hair will not do any of that craziness.
You know, I've been going to the same stylist for at least 13 years. My hair grew while going to her, but it never got past shoulder length. Then after a while, it got really thin and the nape area would NEVER grow. So in April 2007, I got my very first sew in. My hair really grew. I still went to her weekly and she would shampoo it and style the weave. When I had it taken out and got a relaxer, it really had grown. She and I decided my hair just needed a rest. Well as soon as she relaxed it, it was thin again. I got another weave and left it in until I found the forum a month or so later. I took it out and started taking care of my hair. There was such an improvement and growth. I guess my hair was finally saying thanks. Anyway, here I am 7 months later and my hair is super healthy and thick. Just what I wanted. My stylist was and still is great, but everyone's hair is not the same and I think by taking my hair into my own hands, I proved that theory to be correct.
You know, I've been going to the same stylist for at least 13 years. My hair grew while going to her, but it never got past shoulder length. Then after a while, it got really thin and the nape area would NEVER grow. So in April 2007, I got my very first sew in. My hair really grew. I still went to her weekly and she would shampoo it and style the weave. When I had it taken out and got a relaxer, it really had grown. She and I decided my hair just needed a rest. Well as soon as she relaxed it, it was thin again. I got another weave and left it in until I found the forum a month or so later. I took it out and started taking care of my hair. There was such an improvement and growth. I guess my hair was finally saying thanks. Anyway, here I am 7 months later and my hair is super healthy and thick. Just what I wanted. My stylist was and still is great, but everyone's hair is not the same and I think by taking my hair into my own hands, I proved that theory to be correct.
i believe they know how to style hair...but a lot to me have very little knowleged on taking care of it.:rolleyes:
knowledge is power....i came across i think its an ebook...anyway it deals with hair have to read it....a bunch of pages and contents.....i look in my favorites on my computer and post the web site name and link on here...oh and yes,,,,its free ladies so make sure you book mark that site page.:rolleyes:
i posted the sites ladies....and for those who wasnt on the thread....i posted the link in my segniture.power to the woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes::violin:
YES!! Thanks for the inspiration! I've made BSL plenty of times before but had to cut it and start again because I wasn't paying close attention. I was lead astray with my PJism or lack of care. THis time around I am focused on the HEALTH of my hair not lenght and I'm having so much more fun this time around instead of being paranoid all the time. If you focus, have faith and are patient you will have the hair of your dreams!

I agree with you. When I first joined LHCF, I was so anxious about my hair getting long. I was always messing with my hair, checking the length. Once I started just focusing on the health of my hair. The length came. You hit it on the nail. Don't buy into everything and don't jump on every wagon. Stick with products that you know works and you'll do fine. I'm still using the same regimen I used when I first joined. I love your last sentence. You WILL have the hair of yours dreams, if you focus, have faith, and is patient.:yep:
i believe they know how to style hair...but a lot to me have very little knowleged on taking care of it.:rolleyes:

I agree, some stylist focus on just styling the hair and some focus on the health of hair. Prior to joining LHCF, I had found an excellent stylist. She specialized in natural hair but she did touch-ups and everything. When I left her shop, my hair did not smell of irons and what not. I stopped going to her because I wanted to take care of my own hair. I'm a DIYer now but she's an excellent stylist.
For now on Im really gonna Focus on Health!NOT THE LENGTH!
i know its possible for anyone to grow there hair long but i rather do it the healthy way:yep:
Im really Ready To make a Change:grin:
thanks for posting that link meemee. I'm a hair fanatic so I love reading about hair:grin:

I don't doubt I can grow my hair. I just think due to the texture of my hair (coarse and 4z) it's a struggle sometimes. It's always dry. It's frustrating because all I would like is APL.:ohwell: I never wanted really long hair.

I agree, length will come when health is achieved.